You posted that Humans are herbivores then you posted the flawed articles.
It was misleading and very typical of people that argue out of a place of emotion instead of logic.
The study that the first article is based on has been shown to be bullshit.
They neglected to factor in things like weight, age, smoking, drinking...
Those are all very important when comparing mortality.
Since you are unable or unwilling to understand:
If you want to show that meat eaters die younger than vegetarians you should try to make things equal.
If you compare a vegetarian to a man eats meat and smokes, drinks, is older, is obese etc.
Then you should compare that man to a vegetarian that smokes, drinks, is older, is obese etc.
Going by the best mortality studies available, eating meat in moderation does not cause one to die sooner.
You would do much better to pimp the environmental impact meat production has on the Earth, or the ethical stance.
You haven't offered much in the way of showing that meat is bad for people.