NOT GUILTY ...zimmermen


Well-Known Member
Jesus Fucking Christ.

He didnt chase, he can walk around freely in his neighbourhood if he wants tho, watch people too.
i'd be inclined to say thatt martin should be able to walk around freely in his neighborhood too, without being profiled and followed by some creepy stranger who could be a sexual pervert.

he didn't watch, he followed. big difference.


Well-Known Member
i'd be inclined to say thatt martin should be able to walk around freely in his neighborhood too, without being profiled and followed by some creepy stranger who could be a sexual pervert.

he didn't watch, he followed. big difference.
I'd agree he should be able to walk freely too, but he shouldn't have attacked Zimmtard.

Tragic accident causes by two people misjudging a situation.


Active Member
its ok to follow someone, then get into a fight with them, and if they kick your ass, what could you do, you had do pull out your gun. and its time to shoot someone,


Well-Known Member
I'd agree he should be able to walk freely too, but he shouldn't have attacked Zimmtard.

Tragic accident causes by two people misjudging a situation.
how can you attack someone when the only thing he could have been doing is defending himself?

like i said, suppose someone follows you through your own neighborhood in the dark without identifying themselves, and then gets out of their car to follow you after you try to get away.

are you expecting some flowers from this creepy stranger? or are you getting ready to defend yourself?


Well-Known Member
how can you attack someone when the only thing he could have been doing is defending himself?

like i said, suppose someone follows you through your own neighborhood in the dark without identifying themselves, and then gets out of their car to follow you after you try to get away.

are you expecting some flowers from this creepy stranger? or are you getting ready to defend yourself?
He attacked Zimmerman, that's not defense.

Read a book.


Well-Known Member
that's not defense.

i believe when a creepy stranger follows you through your own neighborhood in the dark and gets out of his car to follow you some more after you run, your only choice at that point is to either A) show the creepy stranger exactly where you live or B) defend yourself.

to say thta martin had no right to defend himself is just stupid talk and you know it.


Well-Known Member
Buck, you have undertaken an impossible task....your point is crystal clear. We have a pathology on our hands, a complete dedication to self deception and an inability control the instinct to shovel shit. You won, but good luck convincing this guy.


Well-Known Member

i believe when a creepy stranger follows you through your own neighborhood in the dark and gets out of his car to follow you some more after you run, your only choice at that point is to either A) show the creepy stranger exactly where you live or B) defend yourself.

to say thta martin had no right to defend himself is just stupid talk and you know it.
Defend himself from a person JUST looking at him in a public place?




Well-Known Member
Buck, you have undertaken an impossible task....your point is crystal clear. We have a pathology on our hands, a complete dedication to self deception and an inability control the instinct to shovel shit. You won, but good luck convincing this guy.
no one wins anything on the internet, they just get the last laugh.

Defend himself from a person JUST looking at him in a public place?


just looking at him, eh?


you just got done saying he followed him a few posts back.

stop being stupid, if you can.


Well-Known Member
no one wins anything on the internet, they just get the last laugh.

just looking at him, eh?


you just got done saying he followed him a few posts back.

stop being stupid, if you can.
Stop being so literal, he didnt directly follow Martin but did leave his vehicle to try see where Martin went.

Is semantic whoring all you'be got left on this topic?

desert dude

Well-Known Member
if he thrw the first punch, and i was zimmerman getting wooped, then i guess i would shot him to, i didnt folow to case
Trayvon threw the first punch, and the last punch and all the punches in between. Zimmerman never landed a single punch. Trayvon's only injuries were a 9mm diameter hole in his chest and scraped knuckles.

desert dude

Well-Known Member
When has he ever had anything BUT semantic whoring?
I think it is hilarious in a pathetic way how Buck is still arguing that TM was a poor, innocent child and was murdered. The case is settled. TM assaulted Zimmerman necessitating self defense by Zimmerman. TM died because of his own bad acts. To quote the famous insurance commercial, it's so obvious even a caveman understands it. Alas our hominid cousins, UB, Cheesy and the crazy cat-lady (can't remember her handle) who thinks Greece, NY is not in the US can't quite grasp it.


Well-Known Member
I think it is hilarious in a pathetic way how Buck is still arguing that TM was a poor, innocent child and was murdered. The case is settled. TM assaulted Zimmerman necessitating self defense by Zimmerman. TM died because of his own bad acts.
just like emmet till did! it was all due to his own "bad acts", acts such as walking home and defending himself from a possible sexual pervert who was menacingly following him for no reason.

we all know a jury can NEVER get it wrong! just ask OJ.


New Member
here is how burden of proof works: you made a claim, it is now your job to prove it. it is not my job to refute it.

so go ahead and tell me who testified that martin threw the first punch.

let's hear it, desert racist!
Buck, it was the state's burden to PROVE that Martin DID NOT throw the first punch...they failed...

Zimm should be touted as a HERO for properly defending himself from a THUG GANG MEMBER WANNABE aboned by his low-life father who now calls him "Baby Tray" while hoping Trayvon turns out to the the cash cow he's been hoping for...