22 a day


Well-Known Member
sorry I don't read galic.....I'm American in America......I could give a shit about your irish soldiers........you should do the same with US Soldiers.......None of your business....

past times

Well-Known Member
There is probably a bigger social question then what country we live in. And I really doubt many people know the suicide rate among soldiers in Iraq, Viet Nam, Ireland, Canada, or any country until there is a big report about it (Whether it is their own country or not). To say people should only worry about their country is a bit naïve also. We are a global world now. Thank the internet for and transportation for that. People who see death, or even take life....Or loose loved ones in a horrific, bloody manner, are probably going to be more prone to self termination. Think that is just human psychology. So it makes sense that more military are committing suicide. That said, I have a buddy who is in the air force and loving it. He does not see war, or anything like that. So maybe there is a slight overgeneralization against military as a whole (Rather then veterans of combat).


Well-Known Member
There is probably a bigger social question then what country we live in. And I really doubt many people know the suicide rate among soldiers in Iraq, Viet Nam, Ireland, Canada, or any country until there is a big report about it (Whether it is their own country or not). To say people should only worry about their country is a bit naïve also. We are a global world now. Thank the internet for and transportation for that. People who see death, or even take life....Or loose loved ones in a horrific, bloody manner, are probably going to be more prone to self termination. Think that is just human psychology. So it makes sense that more military are committing suicide. That said, I have a buddy who is in the air force and loving it. He does not see war, or anything like that. So maybe there is a slight overgeneralization against military as a whole (Rather then veterans of combat).
Then I will say that defending the free world has been a tough & dirty business for those fighting it.....American soldiers!.......and it's taking it's toll on it's veterans.....the 'global world' owes a debt of gratitude to every US Veteran.....instead they sit on their ass & throw stones over the fence at us........


Well-Known Member
Suicide is mainly unsolvable problems that won't go away, at least to the person who is suffering.

How do you remove the experience of killing innocent people just because they told you it was the enemy?

How do you reconcile losing your brothers in arms to a stupid IED, who do you blame? Blame everyone.

The guilt eats you alive.

past times

Well-Known Member
Then I will say that defending the free world has been a tough & dirty business for those fighting it.....American soldiers!.......and it's taking it's toll on it's veterans.....the 'global world' owes a debt of gratitude to ever US Veteran.....instead they sit on their ass & throw stones over the fence at us........
I agree with that. Wish there didn't have to be war, but that is not possible either.


Well-Known Member
Then I will say that defending the free world has been a tough & dirty business for those fighting it.....American soldiers!.......and it's taking it's toll on it's veterans.....the 'global world' owes a debt of gratitude to every US Veteran.....instead they sit on their ass & throw stones over the fence at us........
Lol, your country never defended us, you twat.

And I'm pretty sure Gallic is some ancient form of French...


Well-Known Member
I think you still wouldn't care.
Someone voluntarily joined the US War Machine, and now I'm supposed to feel sorry for them when they feel guilt for their misdoings?

Should I also feel bad for the pilots of drones? They might feel guilt one day, them poor bastards.


Well-Known Member
Someone voluntarily joined the US War Machine, and now I'm supposed to feel sorry for them when they feel guilt for their misdoings?

Should I also feel bad for the pilots of drones? They might feel guilt one day, them poor bastards.
You know they clearly have a leaderboard like Battlelog...they don't give a flying fuck (pun definately intended).


Well-Known Member
From link in op:

It’s important to note that the suicide rate overall in the United States has been rising, and veterans actually make up fewer suicide cases proportionately than they did 25 years ago. While the suicide rate in the U.S. has risen 31 percent since 1999, the rate among veterans has risen 22 percent in the same period. So according to calculations offered in a New York Times report, the percentage of the nation’s suicides that involve veterans is now 21 percent, down from 25 percent in 1999.



Well-Known Member
From link in op:

It’s important to note that the suicide rate overall in the United States has been rising, and veterans actually make up fewer suicide cases proportionately than they did 25 years ago. While the suicide rate in the U.S. has risen 31 percent since 1999, the rate among veterans has risen 22 percent in the same period. So according to calculations offered in a New York Times report, the percentage of the nation’s suicides that involve veterans is now 21 percent, down from 25 percent in 1999.

So you're all fucked in the head...?

Its the pills man, antidepressants and the like... their increased usage coincides too much with the general rise in suicide rates.


Well-Known Member
Nothing new here. Vets always suffer more than combat, and as always, it takes a generation to acknowledge it. We had agent orange that the military and industry claimed had no effect, we have depleted uranium that is now said to kill no one except the intended targets, we have always had battle fatigue, shell shock and the like, and many soldiers were called cowards over it, or... slapped in the face for it. When we actually take reality for what it is, when we see that repeated tours of duty take a toll, when we start believing those same folk who we trusted in the first place to protect us, then maybe (if we ever get a break from one war or another), vets will really be taken care of properly. I saw a commercial for "the wounded warriors" charity. WHAT THE FUCK is that? kind of like cake drives for schools? There should never need to be charities for vets, ever.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
I'd feel a lot worse about that number if they were drafted. But, they all volunteered.

Why should I feel bad about someone who volunteered to go over and do what they did.

What do you suppose they thought they would be doing when they volunteered to go to war?
The indoctrination begins early, via the Prussian school system which the USA imposes on "the children". Blind obedience is taught as a virtue, even if the thing a person is taught to be obedient to is a pack of lies. Many young men and women buy the lie, some wake up, some crawl deeper into the lie.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Hola abandon how's your country, mexico, doing with the soldier murder rate?........leave America alone it's none of your business any longer......

The USA occupies most of the world militarily directly or indirectly....maybe you should consider who ought to mind it's own business.


Well-Known Member
Someone voluntarily joined the US War Machine, and now I'm supposed to feel sorry for them when they feel guilt for their misdoings?

Should I also feel bad for the pilots of drones? They might feel guilt one day, them poor bastards.
The fact that you wrote this so well, thank your teachers. The fact you wrote this in English, thank a veteran..........


Well-Known Member
The USA occupies most of the world militarily directly or indirectly....maybe you should consider who ought to mind it's own business.
The fact you wrote this so well, thank your teachers. The fact that you wrote this in English, thank a Veteran.........Kapish?