Droopy in bloom? Help.


Well-Known Member
Hey what's up guys maybe someone can help me with my problem I have been having the last 10 or so days now. It's only on one strain in particular. Amnisa haze! So I have 2 3 beautiful amnisa haze clones and they are in there 2 week of flowering I think and 2 of the amnisas that are in pots suddenly jus started wilting drooping. Can them going into flower have anything to do with it please someone I don't wanna loose these girls they seem to be droopin more and more.


Well-Known Member
You might be watering too much. Also, make sure you're still circulating air in during your 'lights off' time. I dunno, without more info, that's where I'd start.


Well-Known Member
And I water like every other day idk if that's to much but that's how much I was watering and once it started flowering it started drooping!

Royal Blue

Active Member
If the fan leaves are drooping but firm to touch maby curling a little
it means they have been over watered
if the leaves are wilting, changing color
and seem lifeless you under watered.

here is a link.
just a side note normally as color goes an under watered plant wont look that bad
it actually looks like the over watered one more pics suck.

looked at pic from your previous post there definitely under watered and not getting enough N
give them a good drench should perk up over night and start getting back to a normal color
if they stay a little yellow give them N


Well-Known Member
If the fan leaves are drooping but firm to touch maby curling a little
it means they have been over watered
if the leaves are wilting, changing color
and seem lifeless you under watered.

here is a link.
just a side note normally as color goes an under watered plant wont look that bad
it actually looks like the over watered one more pics suck.

looked at pic from your previous post there definitly underwatered and not getting enough N
oh really you thin I need to water more? I water every 2 days you think I should water every day? And the n deficiency might be because I jus sstarted flower bit the numbers have a decent amount of nitrogen for the bloom (3-26-22) think I should switch off from my veg(17-8-17)

Royal Blue

Active Member
If your watering every other day you might not be giving them enough
at once make sure the whole root system gets wet then wait to dry
until next watering.

oh and last post i wasn't talking about not enough n from lack of nutes in soil
i was talking from under watering read it again I'm using an on screen keyboard
so I'm typing slow.


Well-Known Member
If your watering every other day you might not be giving them enough
at once make sure the whole root system gets wet then wait to dry
until next watering.
We'll let's jus say I have them in 13 gallon pots and I water them with about 4 gallons of water/food each plant idk if that would be enought but it seems enough to me?

Royal Blue

Active Member
i never measure when i water
so i cant help with numbers but my suggestion
would be to give a good soaking until you see water
draining out of the pots then wait 1-2 days if its not
showing signs of recovery its probably a nute problem
i start to lay of n 2 weeks into flower.


Well-Known Member
i never measure when i water
so i cant help with numbers but my suggestion
would be to give a good soaking until you see water
draining out of the pots then wait 1-2 days if its not
showing signs of recovery its probably a nute problem
i start to lay of n 2 weeks into flower.
You lay off feeding with nutrients 2 weeks in? You jus give them water after that?

Royal Blue

Active Member
no not nutes n is short for nitogen and
i only use water on my plants all nutes
are mixed into soil but when i do because i like
to experiment i lay of it 2wks into flower.

Royal Blue

Active Member
lets just say if my plants looked like that
but were not drooping i would give it a shot of n
but since they are I'm going to assume i have
been under watering.


Well-Known Member
I can try an water them more the next few days and see if I notice a difference should I jus use h2o every day and see if that helps? And then after a week stop an let them dry an see if that helps at all?

Royal Blue

Active Member
no give them a thorough watering all at once
until water reaches the bottom of the pot wait
1-2 days if it shows no signs of recovery or fades more
then it a n def so give them a shot of that
the problem is when you water you shouldn't have to water again
for AT LEAST 5-7 days you might be giving it enough water throughout
the week the question you have to ask is..is it reaching the bottom
or am i just soaking the top over and over again.


Well-Known Member
Ok I do wait till water drains from the bottom Every time. I drench them all cuz there in pots but there over the ground so there growing in the ground too;)

Royal Blue

Active Member
well if you feel there not under watered then give them a little n
that should solve the yellowing if not could be ph issue hell you could be
over watering with a nute issue idk.
i would let one dry out and another i would drench the soil.
the first couple grows i would say you learn most when it comes to general cultivation
remember no one knows your plant better than you because you take care of them
so take online advice with a grain of salt and learn from your own exp
not just others and you my friend will then officially be on the ganja journey.:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
good thing to note that all plants look droopy in the morning some more than others...they seem to go to sleep and then pop back to normal when its time to wake up...


Well-Known Member
well if you feel there not under watered then give them a little n
that should solve the yellowing if not could be ph issue hell you could be
over watering with a nute issue idk.
i would let one dry out and another i would drench the soil.
the first couple grows i would say you learn most when it comes to general cultivation
remember no one knows your plant better than you because you take care of them
so take online advice with a grain of salt and learn from your own exp
not just others and you my friend will then officially be on the ganja journey.:mrgreen:
Great advice thanks man I really appreciate it!