first indoor cfl grow from aother random noob ;) all advice appreciated


ok guys/gals just wanna start off by saying im new to RUI so looking forward to learning from some "OG's" and perfecting my growing skill haha. I also plan to keep this thread as a sort o log of my progress with pictures and updates. so Im gonna tell you a little bit about my plans then ask some nooby questions and hope for the best so my story starts with I was growing some bagseed outdoors the past few years just to get a feel for the ladies and practice my green thumb. well regretfully sm douche bag stole my plants so I figured now was agood as time as any to grab some real genetics and take my game indoors. as this will be my first indoor it will be a CFL setup and if it turns out good id like to switch over to LED setup in the future wth a tent. but anyway enough of that. from what I read I know basically what I need as far as ventilation and things of that sort.bongsmilie


to start ill be growing in a closet ( pics to come ) now im not sure whether or not I should build a box inside said closet or just setup a rig to hang my lights from..? also ive seen people using 43 watt cfls well when I was looking at lights today I found some 50 watt cfls n als some 65 watt bulbs. I read somewhere that cfls start getting hot at like 80 watts and some discrepancies on what is to much" for a cfl grow... so I guess my question is... is it to much to run 2x65 (= to 300 watt fluorescent each) watt cfls directly above my babies (2") and some 23 (= to 100watt fluorescent each) watts around the sides for the undergrowth? this will be a limited expense grow as well cause I recently broke my leg and lost my job. so im trying to keep it as cheap as possible while still ending up with some good product and learning curve in the indoor growing game. NOTE; im making separate posts so these aren't all in huge block text and hard to read cause I cant seem to figure out how to space my paragraphs as simply hitting ENTER is not doing it like it does on any other forum so if someone could fill me in on what im doing wrong ill start with bigger posts and getting more info to y'all thanks in advance


genetics: (scored these from a fellow grower/friend all from attitude seeds) Feminized: mr nice seeds critical mass, mr nice seeds afghan haze, dinafem seeds blue widow, dinafem seeds blue hash, dinafem seeds power kush, regular seeds:(non feminized) dna genetics chocolope now I wil NOT be growing all these at once. im thinking with the space/lighting I have ill only be doing two plants a time and would like to run two different strains so id like yalls opinions on which two I should try first. theses seedlings will be started in Dixie cups then moved to 2 gallon pots then into their final home in regular ol' 5 gallon painters buckets. as money is an issue ill be using regular miracle grow potting soil from walwart and ph'd tap water with a little molasses mixed in once or twice a week as this setup has always treated me well in the outdoors when on a budget. as stated in the future ill be stepping my game up to better lighting/soil/real nutes but for now its this low budget setup or no grow at all and I enjoy watching these beautiful baby girls grow into sexy ladies to much to not grow at all. im very well aware my yields wont be the best they could be but with the clones I take I can keep the genetics going for when I get on my feet and even for next years outdoor grow


Welcome to the CFL world you will be amazed what they can produce I keep my light as close as I can without burning them 2-3 inches away If you want you can check my grow here I'm still kind of a newb myself but thanks to R.I.U. I think I'm getting the hang off it
thanks for the welcome bro! just took a look at your baby and shes a beautiful girl. hope mine turn into that. out of curiosity what lights are you running? have anymore pics of your actual setup? unfortantly I don't have the money for FFOF or nutes at this time but I think they should still turn out ok and im super stoked to have some real genetics and not bagseed this time. feel like a kid in a candy shop haha


my lighting plan--- im going to take a 2x8 board and run 5x23 watt cfl flood lights about 2 feet above my babies with 2x65 watt regular spiral cfls 2 inches above the girls with 4 to 8 18watt spiral cfls hanging low on the sides fo the lower growth. in my current setup height or size will not be a factor as long as they don't sprout to 7 feet or anything crazy haha. I plan to lst the girls as I want as much light penetration as I can get so I can come out with a good yield NOW THAT PLAN IS WITHOUT A BOX. I yall think it would b better to use a box then ill rethink that plan and plan accordingly. as I said im 150% noob when it come to growing indoors. im used to germinating and getting the girls started and planting them outside and checking on them once or twice a week weather depending. im REALLY looking forward to watching the daily growth of my favorite plant on earth lol:weed:


Dont have any real good pic's of my setup the lights

thank you for that link I actually checked out that exact set lol. unfortunately im on a serious bufget and happened to have a ton of cfl buls the electric company sends out here to cut back on energy costs haha. so ill be using what they sent plus a few ones I can afford to pickup. as im on such a budget I will not be able to run different spectrums for veg/flower so they 2700k bulbs I have plus the 65W 2700K I plan to pickup will be it for me atm lol. ive read that the 2700k are a flower bulb but will stil work nicely for veg. by the time I start the flower im gonna try to pick up some 6500k to get a better spectrum for my babies


Well-Known Member
my lighting plan--- im going to take a 2x8 board and run 5x23 watt cfl flood lights about 2 feet above my babies with 2x65 watt regular spiral cfls 2 inches above the girls with 4 to 8 18watt spiral cfls hanging low on the sides fo the lower growth. in my current setup height or size will not be a factor as long as they don't sprout to 7 feet or anything crazy haha. I plan to lst the girls as I want as much light penetration as I can get so I can come out with a good yield NOW THAT PLAN IS WITHOUT A BOX. I yall think it would b better to use a box then ill rethink that plan and plan accordingly. as I said im 150% noob when it come to growing indoors. im used to germinating and getting the girls started and planting them outside and checking on them once or twice a week weather depending. im REALLY looking forward to watching the daily growth of my favorite plant on earth lol:weed:

i am only telling this to help u can do anything u want

but please got and get yourself a tent and a 1000 watt hid system with a cool tube and active air fan with speed controll .....with flexible ducting .........insulted is better if heat transfernes to the air is a issue ac or what ever can not take

since u are new it seem alot but once u have used it 3 times u will want to buy me a drink .........a 4x4x6.5 secert jardin 120 is great a 1000w system and that fan run it passive intake ...........inside get a paint can/coffee can has to have weight......put a peice of wood on the side and wrap some duct tape around so it stands strait up and get a clip on 6 in oscolating fan for air movement int the tent

buy some auto seeds and soil bag/smart bags...............with foxfarm ocean forest soil ........and general organics go box (u only need to use the rooting and the seedweed and calmg....when it flowers the biobudand maybe some squid ) but the soil is great stuff and a 3 gallon pot or 5 gallon is enought for the whole life of a auto

i have done cfl .........something like u but much more lights and lumens .................then a t5 ...........have a hid 600watt now but i need more so going to the 1000 wattt..............i tell u to save u the time and money if u are going all out balls to the wall get that set up above it works great for soil or hyrdo .................i am doing all this for good karma


Active Member
I'll be watching with interest. I'm currently on my first grow ever and I'm using CFLs in a pantry. One thing I can tell you from what I've learned so far, you can keep them very close, but I had a few people tell me CFLs are great because you can't burn a plant with em...well I'm here to tell you that if you're dumb like me and let the ladies grow right into the CFL and leave it, you will get some burnt leaves..


Well-Known Member

i am only telling this to help u can do anything u want

but please got and get yourself a tent and a 1000 watt hid system with a cool tube and active air fan with speed controll

sinnce u are new it seem alot but once u have used it 3 times u will want to by me adrink .........a 4x4x6.5 secert jardin 120 is great a 1000w system and that fan run it passive intake ...........inside get a paint can/coffee can has to have weight......put a peice of wood on the side and wrap some duct tape around so it stands strait up and get a clip on 6 in oscolating fan for air movement int the tent

buy some auto seeds and soil bag/smart bags...............with foxfarm ocean forest soil ........and general organics go box (u only need to use the rooting and the seedweed and calmg....when it flowers the biobudand maybe some squid ) but the soil is great stuff and a 3 gallon pot or 5 gallon is enought for the whole life of a auto

i have done cfl .........something like u but much more lights and lumens .................then a t5 ...........have a hid 600watt now but i need more so going to the 1000 wattt..............i tell u to save u the time and money if u are going all out balls to the wall get that set up above it works great for soil or hyrdo .................i am doing all this for good karma
I am sure he wished he had a 1000w HPS/MH So would I but when your on a tight budget cfl's will work fine


Well-Known Member
I am sure he wished he had a 1000w HPS/MH So would I but when your on a tight budget cfl's will work fine
the whole thing will be about the plants grow up he will have issuse with getting the light to cover the area deeper..............if he wants a good yeild somewhere after the 3 leaf is yellowing desides to move outside and upgrade...........might not have that outside

i done the cost and the own exps this is the best bang for the buck i was tring to save that other 700 bucks will spends on diy stuff

hence why i wrote it .............sorry the links took a sec to track down and put in



i am only telling this to help u can do anything u want

but please got and get yourself a tent and a 1000 watt hid system with a cool tube and active air fan with speed controll .....with flexible ducting .........insulted is better if heat transfernes to the air is a issue ac or what ever can not take

since u are new it seem alot but once u have used it 3 times u will want to buy me a drink .........a 4x4x6.5 secert jardin 120 is great a 1000w system and that fan run it passive intake ...........inside get a paint can/coffee can has to have weight......put a peice of wood on the side and wrap some duct tape around so it stands strait up and get a clip on 6 in oscolating fan for air movement int the tent

buy some auto seeds and soil bag/smart bags...............with foxfarm ocean forest soil ........and general organics go box (u only need to use the rooting and the seedweed and calmg....when it flowers the biobudand maybe some squid ) but the soil is great stuff and a 3 gallon pot or 5 gallon is enought for the whole life of a auto

i have done cfl .........something like u but much more lights and lumens .................then a t5 ...........have a hid 600watt now but i need more so going to the 1000 wattt..............i tell u to save u the time and money if u are going all out balls to the wall get that set up above it works great for soil or hyrdo .................i am doing all this for good karma
bro I would LOVE to do exactly as you say lol and it is basically my future plans except I wanna go the LED route instead of HID cause id prefer not deal with the power consumption and heat of an HID setup. but as of right now im literally counting pennies just to throw together this small cfl grow. do thank you for the solid advice you've given its just not achievable for me at this time unfortunately


The 2700k are used mostly for flower and 6500k for veg I mix both during flowering
yea I know id be better of with the 6500k or even 5000k for my veg but gotta work with what is on hand which are the 2700k for now. by flower ill have picked up one two 6500k (yes I know this is backward LOL but at least during flower ill have a broader spectrum of light for my babies