Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Sector 5 Moderator
I went white water river rafting today. Actually it wasn't white; it was more like a Yoo Hoo chocolate drink.


Well-Known Member
I had some time to kill at work today, and I was watching "Weediqute" on Vice. They were basically tagging along with Arjan on one of his Strain Hunter expeditions to Columbia. At one point in the documentary they point out the polarity surrounding Arjan on the Internet, and how the forums like to talk mad shit about him, and all that drama that goes along with that subject. The Documentary showed some images of different forums, and one of them was from RIU! More specifically it was a post from good old Cryptkeeper, talking some shit! I actually think I remember seeing that thread a while back, but don't remember the name. Funny shit, very random!

Steve French

Well-Known Member
Oh, he's there. Hiding away in the shadows, biding his time. Waiting for the right moment to come out from the gutta and have his vengeance on a cruel world that stole not just his mod powers, but his e-mistress, leaving him with nothing but cold emptiness and a passing mention in some shitty vice doc...


Well-Known Member
Oh, he's there. Hiding away in the shadows, biding his time. Waiting for the right moment to come out from the gutta and have his vengeance on a cruel world that stole not just his mod powers, but his e-mistress, leaving him with nothing but cold emptiness and a passing mention in some shitty vice doc...
I think I just died a little inside, nope I Farted :))))