should i Prune ?


Well-Known Member
I just my plant in the ground 3 days ago when should i prune it.? it seems to be getting bushy most leaves except the bottom ones are yellow i have been applying neem oil before too many spidermites got to her. its looking a nice dark green she is a sativa i believe because of the long leaves but should i prune and let more airflow enter so it can grow larger? before i put her in the ground I trimmed a few of the leaves not to many though i did not want to shock her. im running on a budget with the soil but i believe i got a good mix anyways i really need an experienced outdoor growers advice it would be greatly appreciated. thanks here are some pics


Mr. Outdoors

Well-Known Member
Just my opinion... When I do outdoors, I do not prune off any leaves, unless the are completely yellow or dead. There is no better light than the sun. It will give your girls all the light they can use. Take a look at some of the girls in the outdoor forum.

Keif Cheif

There is no need to prune the leaves or branches off of the plant, there is plenty of light penetration from the sun. I would prune, however, in the next couple weeks (before they start full on flowering). I would only prune the low leaves and branches that are not getting much light, because once the plant goes through its "stretching" phase, there will be a lot of undergrowth with little to no light.


Well-Known Member
most leaves at the bottom are this yellowish orange color ive taken almost all of them off. the pistils seem to be dry and brunt off is that a problem? can the sun be too much its already i think she has a nice color she needs a stockier stem heres an closer pic of the leaves thanks guys


Po boy

Well-Known Member
leaves are the engines of the plant. leave them on. has it started flowering yet? GL

Mr. Outdoors

Well-Known Member
There is no need for you to trim anything off of that plant. With the amount of leaves you have on that one I would give it a light shaking every once in a while to help the dead leaves fall off.


Well-Known Member
i like that thanks its official fellas im sticking with it. i dont think its flowering yet but the hours may be forcing it. since i put her outdoors i lost track of the times its getting sunlight 6-7A.Mish to 7-8P.Mish

Mr. Outdoors

Well-Known Member
There is no need to prune the leaves or branches off of the plant, there is plenty of light penetration from the sun. I would prune, however, in the next couple weeks (before they start full on flowering). I would only prune the low leaves and branches that are not getting much light, because once the plant goes through its "stretching" phase, there will be a lot of undergrowth with little to no light.
Guess I am not understanding Keif. You say there is no need to prune, then the next sentence you say you would prune.????????? Where on that plant do you see anything that will not get sufficient light?


Well-Known Member
well the only leaves i do take off are the ones that look discolored. i have yet to cut any dark green fan leaves i think i'll just ride it out and let her grow without a trim.