NOT GUILTY ...zimmermen


Well-Known Member
I'm not gay. What the hell are you talking about?
i'm talking about how you said gays just want "special rights" and repeated the michelle bachmann andor red1966 claim that gays already have equal rights because they can go marry someone of the opposite sex, just like straight people can.

that's some pretty hateul stuff to say about a group of people who just want their freedom.

double the irony points given your new handle, munchbox.


Well-Known Member
I just want my freedom. Who is going to give it to me? If gay people are worried about rights, then maybe they should focus on politicians stealing power from their liberty. In order to take..., somethings gotta give.


Well-Known Member
I just want my freedom. Who is going to give it to me? If gay people are worried about rights, then maybe they should focus on politicians stealing power from their liberty. In order to take..., somethings gotta give.
equal rights for gay people is not a zero sum game.

gays being able to marry and enjoy equal rights against discrimination does not take any rights away from you.


Well-Known Member
You didn't understand what I posted. Read it again. I'm not talking about gay people. I'm talking about all of us Americans. You are so busy putting people into groups judging by sexual orientation, race, and sometimes gender... That you are oblivious to the real issues affecting you and the rest of America.


Well-Known Member
You didn't understand what I posted. Read it again. I'm not talking about gay people. I'm talking about all of us Americans. You are so busy putting people into groups judging by sexual orientation, race, and sometimes gender... That you are oblivious to the real issues affecting you and the rest of America.
i'm gonna go ahead and preempt you because i know why you came back.

freedomworks is paying sock puppets like you to spam the web at $0.07 a post to tell young people not to enroll in health care, no matter how good an idea it may be or how good a deal they will get.


because that is the only thing left that can stop the PPACA from working.

sorry if i spoiled your little sock puppet game for everyone.


Well-Known Member
Why are you always the first to come by and say hello Buck? Do you really think anybody wants to hear this crap? You sound like an idiot


Well-Known Member
Why are you always the first to come by and say hello Buck? Do you really think anybody wants to hear this crap? You sound like an idiot
you just got done being wrong about obama growing government in another thread (he has shrunk it), but somehow i sound like an idiot, and not you?

sounds like i nailed your little game, too.

i await your thread urging people to burn their health care cards (which don't even exist).


Well-Known Member
Nobody is asking the real questions.

Why is it the right of the government to choose who can and cannot get married?

Why is it the right of the government to bestow tax and other benefits on one class of people while denying the same benefits to another class of people?

When did the government decide it had the right to pick and choose?

The answer is that government created the marriage license to prevent black and white people from getting married.

It is the government that is causing the problems that it is purportedly trying to fix.

It is pretty fucking simple really, get the government the hell out of it and then nobody has to have this argument.

But you all let them take everyone's rights away and then squabble about the government giving them back... LOL!!!


Well-Known Member
It is pretty fucking simple really, get the government the hell out of it and then nobody has to have this argument.
actually, getting government out of marriage altogether would be pretty fucking complicated at this point.

the simple solution is to just let gay people get married.

I didn't think I'd see you back until Hillary got ellected.
christie's slimming down and positioning himself as the sane alternative to the racists of the GOP like rend paw;.

yes, i am purposely misspelling his name.


Well-Known Member
Whats your problem buck? Is this what you do all day? Talk shit to people...
speaking of talking shit, let's remind everyone of some of the totally nice things you have said....

Gays just want to have more rights than straight people do.
COLD! that was a good one 5th grader. You got me good:clap:
EVERYBODY can get married. Nobodies constitutional rights are being violated.
If you have a question look it up. Lazy socialist
Don't get your panties in a twist. I said don't believe me! I could care less simpleton
You're just a lazy socialist trying to find reasons why people on unemplyment and welfare should not have to work for what they get. Its not an immigration issue even though you would love for it to be one. YOU FAIL
And as I said, sucking dick does not make somebody a centrist.
Yes you ARE ignorant. I don't know how you managed to bait and switch the topic to health care, but you are obviously clueless. I'm NOT a republican! You talk to me like I am one anyway. becasue yes, you are ignorant.
how about I google "redivider" you piece of shit. I bet the word socialist comes up
What the fuck bitch . You want to attack me on personal level you better have some shit to back it up. Keep coming at me sideways on some stupid shit you fake ass moderator
all of this only goes back two and a half pages of your old account, socko.


Well-Known Member
  • “Risks of Regular Use and Binges:
    • Mania
    • Violent Ideations, Antisocial Behavior and Paranoia
    • Habituation and Psychological Addiction
    • Tolerance and Physical Addiction
    • Psychosis
    • Liver, Kidney and Pancreas Damage“

Really, is that so. I'm so glad you feel that way.
View attachment 2760467
Here is the evidence right here, this is uncommon for a 17yo and common with regular use of Acetaminophen one of the active ingredients in robitussin.
^ You are so predictable. :lol:
View attachment 2760471
Um, I just woke up and have to ask..WTF is this?


Well-Known Member
I guess it's time for pictures of people crying over the verdict then...

Deal with it, libtard bitches.
