I was talking about the Ebay Store I used to get my microscope. Multifunction222 or something. But yeah they shipped it on the 26th and I didn't get it until the 2nd. it was supposed to be here the 29th. I talked to the company and it wasn't even their error. it was OSM Worldwide shipping. who was supposed to pass my package to Usps on the 30th but held it until the 1st.
I'm Sorry about the focus problems. really is getting to me right now because the only reason I don't have my digi cam anymore is because my last apartment was broken into and robbed. they stole a lot of money($400+) after smashing my 18 month old daughter's piggy bank(all the bills were the OLD prints. pre-1990), my digi cam, bong and a few other things. I'm slowly replacing what was taken but just don't have the funds for another $400 camera right now.