Why are conspiracy theorists so dumb?

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Well-Known Member
I have like twenty likes in one day and always try to help out when i can . You just hate the fact people like me are free to be on the internet and if your liberal nazi ass had your way only liberal intellectual wanna bes could cirkle jerk all day on boards. Got a wife or a husband or a life ?


New Member
Ok now im a wanna be rapper who is going to be banned... For what can either one of you get a brain cell together and tell me why my stay will be short ? And if i get banned for not even using racial slurs then you nazi sheep will have proved my point about sheep having to silence people because you cant out talk them maybe just outspell them maybe..


Well-Known Member
Ok now im a wanna be rapper who is going to be banned... For what can either one of you get a brain cell together and tell me why my stay will be short ? And if i get banned for not even using racial slurs then you nazi sheep will have proved my point about sheep having to silence people because you cant out talk them maybe just outspell them maybe..
You are clearly under the age of 18, and you obviously did not read the Terms of Service.


New Member
We are wasting post that are off topic... Rather than waste bandwith like bucks good at ill just bow out of your attempts of getting me to say something that i COULD be banned for ... As for see 4 you just looked stupid hopping on trying to post shit talking postto strangers about grammar because you think your opinion is more valid than someone elses... And follow it up with bad grammar !? Then deflect away and ignore the insanity in what you did. See ya look stupid try again tomorrow . Keep wasting post the only thing under 18 is the boy you date . Mung peace im outa here - billy madison


Well-Known Member
We are wasting post that are off topic... Rather than waste bandwith like bucks good at ill just bow out of your attempts of getting me to say something that i COULD be banned for ... As for see 4 you just looked stupid hopping on trying to post shit talking postto strangers about grammar because you think your opinion is more valid than someone elses... And follow it up with bad grammar !? Then deflect away and ignore the insanity in what you did. See ya look stupid try again tomorrow . Keep wasting post
Umad brah? You seem mad.

If I look stupid what does that make you? Out and out retarded?



Well-Known Member
I like that conspiracy whether true, false, big, small, negative or positive automatically makes you dumb. I see simplistic blanket statements calling people who entertain ideas as "types" as overt ignorance. Most rational minds have to see slices of this happy accident reality bullshit here and there.


New Member
No im not mad at all. I guess im retarded . Good to know you feel autistic people are a joke . Sheep are always good for a laugh.


Well-Known Member
I like that conspiracy whether true, false, big, small, negative or positive automatically makes you dumb. I see simplistic blanket statements calling people who entertain ideas as "types" as overt ignorance. Most rational minds have to see slices of this happy accident reality bullshit here and there.
Though I slightly agree. I would say a conspiracy theory is only that when it has been debunked but continues to be argued. Prior, it is only a theory.


New Member
I like that conspiracy whether true, false, big, small, negative or positive automatically makes you dumb. I see simplistic blanket statements calling people who entertain ideas as "types" as overt ignorance. Most rational minds have to see slices of this happy accident reality bullshit here and there.
I know these nerds fry a brain cell trying to figure out why people dont trust big buisness and government. Its pretty cool.


Well-Known Member
No im not mad at all. I guess im retarded . Good to know you feel autistic people are a joke . Sheep are always good for a laugh.
Autism is not necessarily mental retardation. They are not one in the same. Careful, your retardation is shining brightly.


Well-Known Member
I know these nerds fry a brain cell trying to figure out why people dont trust big buisness and government. Its pretty cool.
So you correlate intelligent "nerdy" individuals as those who trust the government and big business. Therefore the inverse must be true. Those who don't are stupid.

Your words. Not mine.


New Member
Wow your blowing my mind ... Your self appointed intelligence is inspiring. Well so your general retardation and suffering a mental illness is funny so long as its not autism... Way to wriggle out of taking ownership. Yeah you trust the government and big buisness got your smart ass back huh ? i bet you go to church twice on sunday.


New Member
Thank you ! ! ! I dont think these people grow or smoke i think they just record msnbc . Pointing out bad grammar followed by bad grammar then ignoring it ... Priceless . Peace im outa here - billy m


Well-Known Member
Wow your blowing my mind ... Your self appointed intelligence is inspiring. Well so your general retardation and suffering a mental illness is funny so long as its not autism... Way to wriggle out of taking ownership. Yeah you trust the government and big buisness got your smart ass back huh ? i bet you go to church twice on sunday.
Wow. You are really bad at this. Well, I offer you hope, once you get to 11th grade, your English courses will offer debate. And may I suggest you sit in during a debate team practice? Or better yet, pick up a book, and not one of those nude magazines you hide under your bed, I mean a real book, with substance. Maybe, just maybe, you can come up with some creative thought, that maybe, just maybe, come across as intelligent.
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