The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
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do what u want for 220 for 2hr lolol
i would pop a viagra and ride her till the last second of that 2 hours, some proper kinky shit aswel, yaknow some of the shit id do to her would be illegal in some countries.

that price is a fckin bargain aswel, my mate got a blowy behind a bin by a street skank, charged him 50 quid for it, theres a certain place in the town that the prozzies hang around, hear some nasty shit goin on down there, apparently if u dont pay what she says you dont get out with 2 legs


Well-Known Member
i dont think i cld go with a prozzy id be thinking bout all the cocks she prob had up her earlyer...wld put me off lol


Well-Known Member
we got an escort lives nxt door but 1 and her daughter......she thinks no one knows but she makes it 2 obv.....


Well-Known Member
i dont think i cld go with a prozzy id be thinking bout all the cocks she prob had up her earlyer...wld put me off lol
id be orite with a johhny, no way shed get near me if i didnt hav me hat on tho, im fuckin para bout pregnancy and std's like proper para, used 2 condoms ontop of each other once lmfao

infact av never even went in bare back before, had loadsa bj's bare tho, but now i think of it never been in without my hat, hhmm i find a girl on the pill and proof of no std and bang her solid, prolly squirt in 2 pumps tho like back on me first shag, lmfao bearly got in and id already jizzed


Well-Known Member
hahaha earleier mam said i dont want to smoke weed anymore, i dont even enjoy it, so i said well if you stop taxing me 50% of all the weed i bring in then maybe that'l help, she had nothing to say and went to bed in a mood, no doubt she will be hoovering tomorrow early just for me that new bastard hoover she got is a loud fucker and almost 3kw, runs it like 20 mins a day and blames my lights for using all leccy, ahhh fekc off.


Well-Known Member
Morning shit breaths ,robbers,arselickers and general cunts how are we all..... potted up 4 rooted climes this morning and gave a ladies a good feed first week on the pk wjooooo they gonna get big now

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
losing the fuckin plot. flitting between full on rage to ultra upbeat. think i'm gonna go see the quack n see if i can get better head pills than i can get off silk road HA it's doubtful...

just going to keep myself busy. lol them pics up there are giving me a few ideas :razz:


Well-Known Member
Sounds like you need to smoke more don Lol or get ton the quacks Cuz tjatbshit can't be good mate can't ubfocusnall your energy on something else???


Well-Known Member
good morning, today the alcohol too much to do, business is pikin up and need to be focused...hope you are all good, mite just lurk for a while


Well-Known Member
Heres an idea don when u start feeling all raged up n that just stock some headphones in and some nice chilled music whatever u into???? Bob Marley good for stress n shit if in ever feel all pissed off nnshit I put me headphones on and chillnfir an hour or so sorts me out ;)

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
lol lemon dash hahah am just gonna gym it all week & get my holiday gear dried n sold and fuck off, week in tunisia coming up. it's 30c there now at 9am. i'm gonna be a fuckin lobster by time i get back.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
Heres an idea don when u start feeling all raged up n that just stock some headphones in and some nice chilled music whatever u into???? Bob Marley good for stress n shit if in ever feel all pissed off nnshit I put me headphones on and chillnfir an hour or so sorts me out ;)
i got sparring mits i just pop down the gym n kick fuck out of the heavy bag for an hour lol half hour i'm fucked by then. doesn't really work tho


Well-Known Member
the stress of your situation ontop of the amount of md you take wont help, lay off it all for a bit and sorry to hear that no i didnt no i only lurk now and then in your thread.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
Yeah I'm leaving md for a long time. Bit you know just as I do ill only beast the beak lol tho I can't be affording that habit. Especially with the grow coming to a halt.

Resorting to brewing my own beer ffs.

You know what tho I've got it a fuck load better than a lot so I'm just gonna focus on energy into good things. But the dark sides a calling I could put all my local sniff/e pushers under in month. Been a while since I punted like that but it comes back quick eh.