Should I flower indoors


Well-Known Member
Okay I am new at this. I have one plant outdoors on the deck. Currently setting up for indoors. Should I bring her inside to flower or let nature take its course. Here's mom and here's the cabin I have started for inside growing.


Cabinet growing gets really hot. Plants don't like to flower when it's hot. So, if you can keep it cool and provide enough light it will work.

Dr. Skunk Bud

Active Member
You may bring bugs inside also since its been outside. I also think the cabinet looks pretty small that plant could double maybe even triple in size. That will leave you no room in that box for fans and lights etc.

Indoor Sun King

Well-Known Member
the problem is that it hasn't started to flower you have any pre-flowers?

even if you are in Southern Ontario, you only have 2 months of decent sunlight October the intensity of the sun has diminished

So you need to get it into flower mode ASAP to determine if you have a winner or sense flogging a dead horse (or a male in this case)

I bring my plant into a dark room from 9pm to 7am...which was enough to trigger her gender.

If you are thinking of finishing the plant under indoors, you might as well start sooner than latter, but be careful you don't have spider mites hitch-hiking a ride.

I agree with the other comments, that frame is just too small for this will need to keep them small from the start in that box

pic is my indoor/sunshine grow



Well-Known Member
View attachment 2763811The cabin is bigger than the plant. It's 4x4x4 approximately. My intention was to leave her outside but veg/flower the clones inside as we head into fall. I was assuming she's a she as I got her as a purchased clone. But like Indoor Sun said no sense flogging a dead horse and get her into flower to determine her gender!! if I sound daft sorry but how does bringing her in a dark room get her to trigger gender. Wouldn't night time darkness do the same thing?? PLUS I am anxious. I stare at it....smell it and guard it with my life!! Like you said about the box I am so paranoid about heat. I would hate to come home from work and find my dogs injured due to fire or worse. I do have a windowless crawl space. It's huge tho and I have made a tent there as well. You can stand almost upright.


Well-Known Member
12 hour photo period (12 hours light on - 12 hours lights off) will do the trick and show gender in a few days.

Indoor Sun King

Well-Known Member
I can't see your attachment...invalid link.

Right now you are likely getting around 15 hours sunlight so it's in no rush to by bringing it into the dark room you can trick it into thinking fall is coming sooner, thus it will show gender.

The ideal would be 12 hours sun, and 12 darkness....but it can be more or less to match your personal life schedule.

If you just leave it as is, it will likely be a few more weeks before it starts to will be female if it was a clone (unless cloned from a male).

If you do finish indoors, start introducing your plant to the artificial light a little bit at a time and build up....sometimes they don't like the transition


Well-Known Member
So for the duration bring into complete darkness for 12 and put her out in the sun for 12. And finish her up this way. I have a little one too. I cannot believe she will triple in size when/if she flowers. She better flower dammit.

Indoor Sun King

Well-Known Member
yup, if you can give it 12/12 per day then it will start to flower in a few's likely to get much taller and will fatten up

I use an alarm clock to remind me to wake her up and when to put her to bed.....way too easy to forget and it's best to be consistent with the schedule


Well-Known Member
Yes this clone is from the the other large plant. The mother is also a clone. Assuming she's a she as I paid $30 for it. I know it means nothing but a friend also has 2 that she's growing in her deck. They were Kush and Brain.

Indoor Sun King

Well-Known Member
damn 30 bucks wasn't cheap, but lets hope they pay-off with fat buds....maybe buy some fem-seeds and start earlier next year.


Well-Known Member
Ok. No wasn't cheap. Started at $15. Took weeks to follow through as the person we were dealing is totally unreliable. Then he wanted one for nothing. And it went on and on. Hence a late start. That is why I want to keep something going continuously. With any luck. My brother is in B.C. He may be able to help and get some seeds. What should I spray her down with.


Well-Known Member
Oh and a girlfriend got one last year grew it outside and she smoked for the winter. Still has some. It's good stuff and I don't think she knows much. Well I know she doesn't. Worked tho.