Thank you for your words of wisdom, Doer. I have learned a valuable lesson. As you put it, I will no longer be jerked around by the Photons. From now on, instead of responding to the haters, I will simply state my feelings and leave it at that.
I feel you are wrong, and that you have been wronged. The country you live in is not as great as you think it is, and you have no experience of other countries so you don't actually know from experience.
There are many facts that make the USA a bad place to live, such as corruption in the government that allows for large corporations to feed the population with poison. You probably don't believe that because it sounds shocking, and by your beliefs, nothing can be bad about usa, therefore everything which I say that sounds shocking to you (about your country) you believe to be lies. And that is your problem, which you need to deal with, otherwise you will always be the same and never improve.
Just ask your self this simple question (an answer would be nice, too) Why do you think it is that I create these posts about the USA?