The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Sent yorki. Any 1 got a link to a cheap 600w son-t??? Cheapest I can find is like 35 including delivery and need to order today ideally, Nd ice change flip day bk to Friday lol.


Well-Known Member
Well devastation took place earlier do in me new set up check this out this is why they called rhino Cuz they smash the fuck out of everything lmao


Well-Known Member
lolyer if u drop them....bloke in shop had new filter come in roughly same price as rhino but twice as good sed from australia....using one him self...ill have to find the name out......
Well devastation took place earlier do in me new set up check this out this is why they called rhino Cuz they smash the fuck out of everything lmao


Well-Known Member
rite im gonna ask about this hash making.......leafs....shall i freeze them or not?.....popcorn nugs shall i let them dryout ....or not?....


Well-Known Member
IMG_20130807_163259_763.jpgIMG_20130807_163410_831.jpg got Mr miogi on it didn't I ashes almost back to normal favorite one aswell ;(((((

This is what the SMASHER 6" RHINO does to your favorite plant when your a clumsy twat and think u can do it all on your own


Well-Known Member
Go on big lad I'm sure well see the final product and sample ;)))) Nah off 2 plants u won't get a great deal but you'll fefo get some thing YouTube and search Frenchy colloni that's how much water to I've you want ;))) good luck man and good fun I love making hash.....then smashing gash


Well-Known Member
IMG_20130807_180005_812.jpgthis was the very bottom branch And just couldn't be arsed to tie it up after in already did half the fuckin plant so oooops.the snips came out thought fuck it u ain't worth saving


Well-Known Member
lolyer if u drop them....bloke in shop had new filter come in roughly same price as rhino but twice as good sed from australia....using one him self...ill have to find the name out......
Its the carbon inside what comes from Australia I think virgin carbon is the best hahahaha makes sense Lol.all rhinos carbon is Australian