Can anyone recommend a good timer for HPA?


New Member
Hi all, long time stalker, first time poster! I am at a crossroads with my HPA setup I have my grow chamber setup and am wondering what some good timers and solenoids you other HPA people's are running? I'm in Australia so please try to recommend 12v or 240v... Also please no 1 minute min timers. Need 3-5sec minimum. And cost is a big factor as always.

Thanks in advance


Well-Known Member
personally right now im using this Apollo controls 14 timer. its a surge protector with 8 plugs rated to up to 1800 watts with a timer built in. saves a lot of wire troubles if ya ask me. 24.99 at local hydro stre


New Member
Thanks oxanaca! Just what I was after! Atomizer, hopefully my HPA system doesn't turn into a flood and drain! 😀

Any sugeststions or recommendations for solenoids?

Thanks again


Well-Known Member
3-5 seconds is a long misting time for hpa. Having the option of a second or less would be better...unless your setup is pump driven. I guess it has an accumulator otherwise you wouldnt need the solenoid ;)
If cash is tight you could get a good quality 240v cycle timer (adjustment: 0.5s-10s on / 30s-45mins off) and a solenoid for around $83 AUD including the shipping.
You will need a stopwatch and a few attempts to set the pause duration accurately. A 300 degree sweep, rotary control covering 30s-45mins pause range is bound to be finicky to set but its not a great problem if you dont change the pause setting too often :)


Well-Known Member
Thanks oxanaca! Just what I was after! Atomizer, hopefully my HPA system doesn't turn into a flood and drain! 

Any sugeststions or recommendations for solenoids?

Thanks again
ehco tech solenoids work pretty good you can find them on ebay

heres an example, i like their stainless solenids better than their plastic, much better quality. and you can replace the electronics if they fail.


New Member
Thanks Oxanaca again mate!
But that soleniod is rated at 120VAC.... will it still work with that timer? (Being 240V)

or will stuff burn up! ? :)


Well-Known Member
thats a pretty cheap timer says it goes down to 0.01 seconds. is it reliable though? nothing like spending months working on something to have everything dry up to nothing to save a few bucks

Jimmy Luffnan

Well-Known Member
From what I have seen, .1 second equates to .25 - .3 of a second delay on 12v attached to an echotec solenoid.
I think a .2 second 'real time' delay is pretty standard...
If you have money, always buy better.... but the one Ive seen has been pimping for about 8 months, easy to wire and control once worked out ;)

Cheers Jimmy.


Well-Known Member
FYI never use the timer to drive anything more than a relay. They are not made for any type of load driven from the timer itself this will insure a long trouble free life of the timer.


Well-Known Member
FYI never use the timer to drive anything more than a relay. They are not made for any type of load driven from the timer itself this will insure a long trouble free life of the timer.
If you derated the relay output spec by 60% to account for the inductive loading, it could still drive quite a few solenoids.


I just make my own timers, we live in an age where it has never been easier to create you own things like this. Arduino/MSP430/PicKit whatever your poison plus an process solenoid and you have yourself one seriously tunable timer that is pretty easy to build. Add in a relay unit and run your lights (if you have a lot of lights turn on a contactor with a relay :)
Best timer I have come across is made by multiponics. its way better then a cap timer. I bought mine for 330 bucks and I love it. They are made with high quality components and are handmade.