Too Late to Top & FIM GSC?


New Member
Hello all!

I have GSC growing outdoors, they've been going for 7 weeks, and I have resisted FIMing or Toping because I wanted to let them veg naturally. I've now noticed that a few of them are quite tall and skinny and I'm wondering if it's too late to top or FIM for more colas. They are between 2-3ft tall.

I've attached a picture of my concerns!





Well-Known Member
Not too late until flowering, once flowering leave it alone.
Yep, need a close up of the top of the plants, to tell for sure Round now they may be showing signs of flowering. And as mentioned, if flowering, don't add to the stress by fimming or topping. Pretty much don't fuk with plants when flowering :blsmoke:

Looks like it's gonna be a good grow, no matter what ^5 I believe I see lots of bud sites and the 2nd plant looks like it will have 2 colas as is :bigjoint:

R2T :peace:


New Member
Ok great, most of plants are indeed flowering so I will leave those alone. "Flowering" is the moment they start shooting out white/yellow hairs or once there is a nice collection of them?