OFFICIAL: Auto-flower Solo cup contest - Sign up here!

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smoke and coke

Well-Known Member
my red dwarf popped thru the soil yesterday but the white dwarf has yet to show up. i am not worried about the white dwarf except it hurts a little bit when i bean is doesn't survive.


Well-Known Member
No, I haven't grown it out before. It was a freebie from breeders boutique. I have smoked a bunch and really enjoyed the smoke so I'm going to give it a run. I've seen some from the same place over on the 600 and they looked good. I can pop up a pic if nobody minds from time to time if that will help you make up your mind. I am a noob at indoors though.
I hear that. But yeah, just was wondering if you had ran it, and like it. Me myself, I just thought that they "stretch" way to much, and they produce a lot of "trim" or leaf, compared to bud production. The smoke was "ok". But there is others I've ran recently I liked a lot more. Hope yours turns out better then the 1 I ran. Yeah, all mine had came from the same breeder..

Chronic Masterbator

Well-Known Member
I hope I win something. This BC auto has been the most vigorous I've ever got. As far as autos are concerned. Bet this one would of blew up in the ground.


sorry for the late posts. ive been VERY busy. I have some pics of my babies....that veg smell is so promising. Same strain but it seems like 2 different phenos. 1 is more sativa like while the other is more indica.

The last pic of the top of this plant is with flash but its very close to the true color. Ive fed nutes thinking it had a deficiency but i ended up with a slight burn so i believe thats the natural color of the plant. also it smells like lemons and pancake syrup.

This is the more indica pheno in my opinion. The last pic is without flash and its true to color, Dark green. Got the same nute feeding as the other but ended up with a slight burn on the lower leaves. usual smell plants give off in veg

I havent decided which im going to use but im thinking the indica dom plant. Also its been about a month or more and no sign of sex but these are supposed to be autos, should i force flower or let them go?

Chronic Masterbator

Well-Known Member
Most auto's are vigorous.. :)
I once bought a six pack of vertigo. Sad I only had two gain a lil over a zip. The other where meh... Some decent bowls. I wasn't happy. These where grown in full sun on a patio. Any how Yer results with that ak auto is good. Might spend dough on that one.


Well-Known Member
I'm sure once this contest is over we'll ALL be looking for each other's auto strains to try..... HAHA :)


Well-Known Member
sorry for the late posts. ive been VERY busy. I have some pics of my babies....that veg smell is so promising. Same strain but it seems like 2 different phenos. 1 is more sativa like while the other is more indica.

The last pic of the top of this plant is with flash but its very close to the true color. Ive fed nutes thinking it had a deficiency but i ended up with a slight burn so i believe thats the natural color of the plant. also it smells like lemons and pancake syrup.
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This is the more indica pheno in my opinion. The last pic is without flash and its true to color, Dark green. Got the same nute feeding as the other but ended up with a slight burn on the lower leaves. usual smell plants give off in veg
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I havent decided which im going to use but im thinking the indica dom plant. Also its been about a month or more and no sign of sex but these are supposed to be autos, should i force flower or let them go?
if its a auto and just running behind you really cant force flower it will flower when its ready
if its a ruderalis auto

figured id add a update to this post :)
2013-08-07 21.35.12.jpg its like playing wheres waldo in my box right now things are getting packed >.<
2013-08-07 21.35.40.jpgtheres those little rascals 3 afghan kush ryders 3 very different pheno's looks like i might have a sativa indica and ruderalis pheno ;)
what are the odds lol

figured id throw some porn out
just for the hell of it
2013-08-07 21.34.35.jpg2013-08-07 21.33.50.jpg2013-08-07 21.33.33.jpg
first 2 are from a lst'd and supercropped plant little buds thats what i get for not topping :(
3rd pic is from a topped and super cropped plant buds have alot more mass but less trich's
looks a few weeks behind
both afghan kush ryders
1 gal soil/soiless
same age more or less


Well-Known Member
I feel like experimenting with EXTREMELY EARLY TRAINING.. :)

I'm going to ring them around the center stalk over and over... We'll see what happens.......

Note: I now have NO IDEA which of the 3 I will chose and I am supposed to next week. I may have to change the nutes over a little early to see if I can get some preflowers to pop. 2 of my larger Spyder's were male. and 1 female


Well-Known Member
I feel like experimenting with EXTREMELY EARLY TRAINING.. :)

I'm going to ring them around the center stalk over and over... We'll see what happens.......

Note: I now have NO IDEA which of the 3 I will chose and I am supposed to next week. I may have to change the nutes over a little early to see if I can get some preflowers to pop. 2 of my larger Spyder's were male. and 1 female
get them sexed then worry about choosing no need to stress the small stuff keep your nutes how you want them
they will show when there ready


Well-Known Member
Yeah the other 3 took a little longer than I thought they would but got me 2 males for pollen and a female to breed with :) I must say these are some stinky ass males too.... lol


Well-Known Member
Looks like a bit of N is in order.
I think the sun is peaking over the top of the pot and hitting the top. But that's just my opinion :) :) You're right no matter what, you're a judge ;)

Edit: the bottom leaves ARE yellow lol so Mr. Judge Sir, you are the winner. :)
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