Big news coming

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
Eric Holder's plane just landed in San Francisco where he's meeting with the American Bar Association. He will be giving a big speech Monday at 10:30 am from the Moscone Center. Expect MAJOR policy changes in the war on drugs and marijuana specifically.

I'm not positive but I believe marijuana will be rescheduled to a level 3 drug. I'm very confident that at the least Holder will announce the end to federal government medical marijuana prosecutions.
Eric Holder May Release Sweeping Drug Sentencing Proposal, Admits Current Practices Are Discriminatory

The Huffington Post | By Robin Wilkey Posted: 08/08/2013 4:32 pm EDT | Updated: 08/09/2013 5:02 pm EDT

Attorney General Eric Holder is rumored to be proposing major reforms to drug sentencing in the coming weeks, and if a Wednesday interview with NPR is any indication, the changes could signal a pivot from the aggressive policies embraced by the Justice Department.
"I think there are too many people in jail for too long, and for not necessarily good reasons," Holder said in the interview, turning from the department's highly criticized crackdown on drug law enforcement. As NPR noted, almost half of the people in federal prison are serving time for drug charges.
"The war on drugs is now 30, 40 years old," he continued. "There have been a lot of unintended consequences. There's been a decimation of certain communities, in particular communities of color."
Holder hinted in the interview that the changes could include better prioritization of federal law enforcement and shortened sentences for minor drug offenses. According to NPR, Holder could announce his proposal as early as next week in a speech to the American Bar Association in San Francisco.
While Holder and the Obama administration have drawn criticism for publicly embracing a laissez-faire approach to marijuana laws but cracking down anyway, some observers believe this proposal for reform could be genuine.
"The country is in a bipartisan moment [in regard to drug policy] that makes major criminal justice reform possible," Bill Piper, Director of National Affairs of the Drug Policy Alliance, told The Huffington Post. "You see it with bipartisan bills in Congress and bipartisan calls for sentencing reform. There's an opportunity that the administration realizes it can take advantage of, and I hope that they do."
Indeed, bills like the Smarter Sentencing Act, which would lower mandatory minimums in sentencing, and the Justice Safety Valve Act, which would grant judges more leniency in imposing lesser sentences, were both introduced by bipartisan authors.
Piper also hopes the time might be right to address federal recommendations for marijuana law enforcement.
"They've been mentioning new recommendations on marijuana for the past year," said Piper. "They've been slow on it for certain, but that is undoubtedly connected to drug policy. This would be a good time to address both."


if they reschedule cannabis, i will eat my shoe and post a video of it for all to watch.

and i hope i get to do it! (but i doubt it)
If he reschedules it or announces an end to federal crackdowns the price i going to drop through the floor.

I'd bank on one of those two things happening.


Every time Eric Holder or Obama come to the bay area a mob of medical marijuana people show up to protest them. He's not going to give a speech on medical marijuana if he's there to deliver bad news. If he was going to do that, he'd do it from Washington, not in front of a bunch of protesters. He's not that stupid.

Also: Sanjay Gupta is personal friends with Obama. Obama tried to make him Surgeon General. I don't think Sanjay's big apology special where he's advocating rescheduling on Sunday and then an Eric Holder speech about medical marijuana on Monday are a coincidence. That seems very planned to me.

The votes have been counted, Obama got his campaign funding. He has no more motivation to continue the raids. New raids on dispensaries basically stopped immediately after the election. Now he doesn't have to run for office anymore and doesn't have to worry about things like campaign financing from the pharmaceutical industry.

The polling data is changing rapidly against the current national policy. Obama pays a lot of attention to polls. When gay marriage starting gaining popularity in the polls, Obama switched his position. The medical marijuana polling is similar to gay marriage nationally.

Basically, he's got every reason to knock off the raids and no more reasons to continue them. His personal friend (Sanjay Gupta) and his attorney general are publicly talking about medical marijuana in back to back days. Not a coincidence. It's happening and IMO, it'll happen quickly. This does not require a congressional vote so he can do this without accountability or asking anyone's permission.
IMO over 50% chance this happens.

i'm sad that you left politics but don't blame you. that forum is aggravating as much as it can be fun.

and as much as your post to mithrandir is convincing that something is gonna happen, and as much as i respect the fact that you are basically always right, i can't say my confidence level is at 50% for rescheduling.

if that happens though, you will be validated once again.
I have noticed a huge swing in the mainstream news about MMJ as well. I'm well medicated at the moment but Dan is making a hell of a lot of sense here. :clap:
I'd bank on one of those two things happening.


Every time Eric Holder or Obama come to the bay area a mob of medical marijuana people show up to protest them. He's not going to give a speech on medical marijuana if he's there to deliver bad news. If he was going to do that, he'd do it from Washington, not in front of a bunch of protesters. He's not that stupid.

Also: Sanjay Gupta is personal friends with Obama. Obama tried to make him Surgeon General. I don't think Sanjay's big apology special where he's advocating rescheduling on Sunday and then an Eric Holder speech about medical marijuana on Monday are a coincidence. That seems very planned to me.

The votes have been counted, Obama got his campaign funding. He has no more motivation to continue the raids. New raids on dispensaries basically stopped immediately after the election. Now he doesn't have to run for office anymore and doesn't have to worry about things like campaign financing from the pharmaceutical industry.

The polling data is changing rapidly against the current national policy. Obama pays a lot of attention to polls. When gay marriage starting gaining popularity in the polls, Obama switched his position. The medical marijuana polling is similar to gay marriage nationally.

Basically, he's got every reason to knock off the raids and no more reasons to continue them. His personal friend (Sanjay Gupta) and his attorney general are publicly talking about medical marijuana in back to back days. Not a coincidence. It's happening and IMO, it'll happen quickly. This does not require a congressional vote so he can do this without accountability or asking anyone's permission.

All Good Points!!
And as far as I know, Holder can basically reschedule it if he wants to. I think it's easier for him to do it than the DEA. (Correct me if I ma wrong. I am fuzzy on this process)
i'm sad that you left politics but don't blame you. that forum is aggravating as much as it can be fun.

Too circular and unreasonable. Ain't nobody got time for that.

and as much as your post to mithrandir is convincing that something is gonna happen, and as much as i respect the fact that you are basically always right, i can't say my confidence level is at 50% for rescheduling.

if that happens though, you will be validated once again.

Well we will find out soon enough.
If he reschedules or says that new official policy is to not interfere with states that have legalized it, it will be the end of the residential grower industry, at least in So Cal.
Why do you say that ? I see no reason ? Because I will be renting a warehouse and land and going big ?
(IMO, of course. :) I don't have inside info or anything. This is me just thinking about it while smoking. I may be completely off base.)

I think that if it is rescheduled, or the laws or policy changed in such a way that it ensures that people and businesses engaged in the industry (growers, sellers, etc) will not face prosecution, that it opens the door to larger, more professional outdoor and indoor grows. In addition to dropping the price due to the removal of risk, these larger more professional companies can produce the product more efficiently. Even indoors. Buying supplies in bulk, and lower commercial power costs alone will make it impractical to try and be a legal residential professional grower.

Just my opinion of course. I would love to hear what you all think, and why. :)
I will always have " My" own click of patients/customers. I do it for my self mostly anyways . Big grows and clinics have over head and I can always beat their prices. Will it be enough to pay the electric bill , only time will tell. I can tell you though big indoor commercial grows will be paying a premium on electricity depending on their high usage. 25 to 50 % more tax.
Great post.

But what I have read is that the justice department has had lawyers working on proposals regarding prison reform for months, and monday at the American Bar association meeting is where he is going to give us a peek at these reforms.

Your guess is as good as anyones, but i would be very surprised if he rescheduled mj monday. I believe he will speak about taking federal funding away from prisons and putting it into treatment centers. Instead of locking people up for simple drug possession they need to be put in treatment facilities etc.

Also he may speak on lowering the mandatory minimums that federal drug crimes currently have. And leave it more up to a federal judges discretion. Which would in turn save a lot of harmless mj growers from long prison sentences.

Can't wait to open up my laptop monday afternoon.