I'd bank on one of those two things happening.
Every time Eric Holder or Obama come to the bay area a mob of medical marijuana people show up to protest them. He's not going to give a speech on medical marijuana if he's there to deliver bad news. If he was going to do that, he'd do it from Washington, not in front of a bunch of protesters. He's not that stupid.
Also: Sanjay Gupta is personal friends with Obama. Obama tried to make him Surgeon General. I don't think Sanjay's big apology special where he's advocating rescheduling on Sunday and then an Eric Holder speech about medical marijuana on Monday are a coincidence. That seems very planned to me.
The votes have been counted, Obama got his campaign funding. He has no more motivation to continue the raids. New raids on dispensaries basically stopped immediately after the election. Now he doesn't have to run for office anymore and doesn't have to worry about things like campaign financing from the pharmaceutical industry.
The polling data is changing rapidly against the current national policy. Obama pays a lot of attention to polls. When gay marriage starting gaining popularity in the polls, Obama switched his position. The medical marijuana polling is similar to gay marriage nationally.
Basically, he's got every reason to knock off the raids and no more reasons to continue them. His personal friend (Sanjay Gupta) and his attorney general are publicly talking about medical marijuana in back to back days. Not a coincidence. It's happening and IMO, it'll happen quickly. This does not require a congressional vote so he can do this without accountability or asking anyone's permission.