I believe it's not impossible. However you really don't need to feed a tea everyday. When you apply a tea, you apply the microbes that you have fed and cultivated off of the fish emulsion/ whatever it is you put in there. Now these microbes go down and do there work in the soil. It's only when they die, when the plant can finally take up the nutrients from the organism.. fungi, bacteria, nematode, or protozoa. Then the plant takes it up and there are still millions to trillions of other microbes in the soil at all times, while this is all going on. I would only use a tea maybe every 2 weeks depending on how the plants look, and on top of that i would water EVERYDAY..Now you mite say you're gonna over water your plants. In 100% organic soil, my studies suggest over watering doesn't happen. It will only happen when the water saturation reaches 100%, therefore no oxygen can penetrate into the medium. So this is a fool proof way to grow. Instead of constantly making a tea ( which I have done.) Constantly have water with molasses and a bubbler in it. So you can keep the microbes that NEED water for life alive. This is the only way the microbes are going to treat you with respect. You will mess up your whole garden doing a synthetic/ organic grow. There is no such thing.. All Or nothing brother...Organics is easy, don't make it hard on yourself.