I know WAY more than you THINK you know.
Come on... I got to read that shit at home way too often already, reminds me of a dutch guy who wanted to do organics on hydro: "I haven't even told 1/100th yet of what I know"

Seriously no need for a pissing contest. Unless it includes bud shots of course.
I don't know why this went from flushing to soil vs hydro... but ah well:
Flushing on organics? What does one think to flush out of what then? Just don't overfeed it especially in the last couple of weeks. That's why those with pre-mixed soil give only water, and those who feed with watering (liquid organic nutes for example) should continue to feed but just less.
As for the soil vs hydro taste: both can result in quality tasting bud. Saying mj from hydro is nasty is silly, it's well-known that hydro tastes cleaner. Organics growers turn that around and say organic-grown is richer in taste. Depends on what one 'wants' to believe I guess. In my 22 year smoking mj experience it doesn't mean one tastes 'better' than the other. "Great" taste comes from nutes, strain, drying and
curing, not the medium. (think about it... soil grow leads to more rich tasting terpenes?)
"Taste" is often a matter of "taste" but strawberries don't taste better than bananas, just different
The cup IS total bullshit. $400 for a judge pass and who's buddies buy those... those with the biggest souvenier-seeds shops in NL. I feel silly having bought a cup winner to grow previous round. Tastes fucking good though