The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Alreet again lads ddinner time joint for me Lol Yeh I've samples the black widow nice tight hard nugs not a bad flavour is give it a 7/10 not bad .can't wait for the fairy to land again ooooohhhhhhhhhh

Think I'm gonna fuck work off had enough off this Lol in wanna be at home with the ladies ya get me


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't give it ten outta ten, gets ye stoned but didn't think ther was much smell or flavour off it....still made 400 of an o and got 5g to mesel
comparing to cheese, nah but yeah it waos a good smoke, got me stoned and away with the fairies anyway.

i only got a little nug, but my super grinder turned it into dust, got2 joints outa it, never got through the second...


Well-Known Member
comparing to cheese, nah but yeah it waos a good smoke, got me stoned and away with the fairies anyway.
The choco stuff stunk like fuk tho, I opened an empty bag yesterday that I had kept a little bit in and it still stunk of goodness even tho it was empty


Well-Known Member
Was over the new flat decorating yesterday an it turns out the bellend in the flat below is blatantly growing without filters (or carbon in em needs replacing) so is stinking up the whole block, bit dubious now whether its better to go down n have a word with the twat ( give him the heads up that he is being a penis not go down there n kick off at him) or just leave it n hope when the boys in blue turn up with their shiny red key they actually get the right door n sort it n not get the flat above him (mine) mistakenly because as we all know the Police arent the sharpest tools in the box these days.

What ya reckon lads? If you were growing would you want some stranger turning up at ya door n telling ya ur being a twat n stinking place out??


Well-Known Member
Was over the new flat decorating yesterday an it turns out the bellend in the flat below is blatantly growing without filters (or carbon in em needs replacing) so is stinking up the whole block, bit dubious now whether its better to go down n have a word with the twat ( give him the heads up that he is being a penis not go down there n kick off at him) or just leave it n hope when the boys in blue turn up with their shiny red key they actually get the right door n sort it n not get the flat above him (mine) mistakenly because as we all know the Police arent the sharpest tools in the box these days.

What ya reckon lads? If you were growing would you want some stranger turning up at ya door n telling ya ur being a twat n stinking place out??
post a printout of a carbon filter on ebay under his door.


Well-Known Member
fuk me smaples? why was i not informed.. jeez, i guess begging does work after all!!lmao

gunna take sum liver cuts later, got airing cupboard cleared out and power cord going to it for the cfl, bah!


Well-Known Member
free seed weed, wouldny buy or run it again summin much bttr commin
I ain't slatin it at all indi, very compact dense buds was nice about it and also gave me a nice little turn around in couple I days, just I like something with a nice stink off it


Well-Known Member
I ain't slatin it at all indi, very compact dense buds was nice about it and also gave me a nice little turn around in couple I days, just I like something with a nice stink off it
me too MG but I hope u made a bit o coin off it, weed fer punters not growers but quite a nice stone, I thought the taste and smell were negligible an my weed usually hums a bit cos of all the shit I grow it in