Not entirely. The mandatory minimum for getting caught with over 99 plants just went away.worthless.
But did not think much more would have happened.
On a side note he stopped off at Oaksterdam and got a 1/8th for the road.
Now for the spin!Not entirely. The mandatory minimum for getting caught with over 99 plants just went away.
Yeah, it was a very interesting speech. In theory it's a huge policy change. Problem being that he doesn't want to actually change any laws, simply not enforce some of them at his discretion. Meaning he can still go after who ever the hell he wants and when the next president comes to office they can go right back to business as usual.Now for the spin!
We are going to start seeing alot more " the commission of a felony" charges "which in itself is a felony".
Cartels? I doubt it. While dispensaries might bring in a lot of money from our perspective, that's not a significant amount of money from a drug cartel's perspective. IDK, I could be wrong. But I'm unaware of that happening anywhere. Also it's not really their style. It's easier, less risky, and lower overhead for them to do massive scale guerrilla grows than to run a dispensary.I would not be surprised at all if a large number of dispensaries are funded and backed by cartels and gangs.
I don't know who you are, Dan Kone. But I can tell that you are very much paying attention to what is going on out there. Moreso than most people. You are One Dank dude. Seriously though, thanks for good info.The federal government raids have nothing to do with cartels, gangs, or crime reduction. It's all about trying to slow down the momentum of legalization on behalf of the pharmaceutical industry, prisons, and law enforcement.
Tuesday is a day that marijuana supporters have been looking forward to forever: The second-ranking official in the Justice Department will answer questions from theSenate Judiciary Committee about U.S. marijuana policy, just days after the feds said they would have a hands-off policy toward the two states - Washington and Colorado - where recreational pot recently became legal.For many, it's mind-blowing to have a discussion about the U.S. policy on marijuana - before the Senate, no less - after the previous political generation's single-minded admonition of "Just Say No" when it came to pot.
California marijuana advocates say this attitudinal sea change - coupled with supportive polls - clears the way for a 2016 ballot measure to legalize cannabis for adult use. Insiders say the Justice Department's new Aug. 29 memo offers some clarity for campaign funders and organizers who worried that the federal government was going to crack down on states where voters legalized cannabis.
Much of the infighting in California has dissipated among the activists who backed Proposition 19, the failed 2010 ballot measure that would have legalized weed for recreational use among adults who are at least 21 years old. In recent months the adversaries, who were bickering about whether or when to launch another initiative, have been meeting regularly, quietly organizing and monitoring Washington and Colorado to see what they could learn.
The 2016 election cycle is a presidential year, when more young voters typically turn out, and would offer a better hope for legalizing marijuana, they say.
"The hope is that California will be ready to end its prohibition and be ready to tax and legalize cannabis for adults," said Will Matthews, a spokesman for the Northern California branch of the ACLU, which has been at the forefront of the state's movement to legalize marijuana.
Still wary
But medical marijuana advocates, in California and 19 other states and the District of Columbia where it is legal, remain wary. They want clarity out of Tuesday's hearing- such as when and why federal authorities may try to close medical marijuana dispensaries in California, where voters approved medical cannabis in 1996.
For much of the past two years, despite several promises by President Obama not to disrupt the flow of the drug to the ill, federal prosecutors have cracked down on dispensaries, closing dozens of them across the state, including some that local governments have lauded as models.
The Aug. 29 DOJ memo, authored by Deputy Attorney General James Cole, who will be Tuesday's star witness, is a bit vague on how it will treat medicinal marijuana operations.
Cole's memo said federal authorities weren't going to be as focused on "states and local governments that have enacted laws legalizing marijuana in some form" and have "strong and effective regulatory and enforcement systems."
How big a step?
"It was a step forward," said Steve DeAngelo, executive director of the Harborside Health Center, the nation's largest medical cannabis dispensary, with outlets in Oakland and San Jose. "But I don't know how much of a step forward it is."
It all depends, say DeAngelo and others, on whether the Justice Department thinks California has a "strong and effective" medical cannabis system. The memo didn't mention California or medicinal marijuana specifically. State lawmakers are grappling with how to better regulate California's medicinal outposts.
At the same time, some of the state's model dispensaries have been receiving mixed messages.
Despite being lauded earlier this year by the Alameda County Board of Supervisors with a Commendation of Service, Harborside has been feeling federal heat on several fronts. Harborside brings Oakland $1.1 million a year in tax revenues.
In July, U.S. Attorney Melinda Haag in San Francisco filed a federal court complaint alleging that dispensary, which does $22 million a year in business, violates federal law prohibiting marijuana distribution.
At the time, Haag said, "The larger the operation, the greater the likelihood that there will be abuse of the state's medical marijuana law, and marijuana in the hands of individuals who do not have a demonstrated medical need."
Cole's memo, however, states that prosecutors "should not consider size or commercial nature alone" in determining whether a dispensary violates federal guidelines on marijuana.
"All of us applaud these comments. Hooray! It's about time," said James Gray, a retiredOrange County Superior Court judge who now speaks on behalf of Law Enforcement Against Prohibition (LEAP), a drug reform organization.
"But there is very little significance to it," Gray added, because federal prosecutors "don't have to follow it if they don't want to."
Haag's office declined to comment on the Justice Department memo.
California marijuana advocates doubt that their U.S. senator on the Senate Judiciary Committee, Democrat Dianne Feinstein, will grill the DOJ official for clarity on the issue. They wish she would, because they know Feinstein has enormous bipartisan influence in the Senate.
Feinstein's opposition
But she is no friend to marijuana advocates. She opposed Prop. 19 in 2010 and Proposition 215, which legalized medicinal marijuana.
"She has an 'F' rating, from me personally," said Dale Gieringer, who leads the California chapter of the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws.
Feinstein's opposition to Prop. 19 was key to its demise, as she called it "a jumbled legal nightmare that will make our highways, our workplaces and our communities less safe."
In written responses to questions from The Chronicle, Feinstein said she will be focused on illegal grow operations, particularly in Fresno County, at Tuesday's hearing.
"I will seek confirmation that DOJ's new guidance will not stop DEA or the Justice Department from investigating rogue medical marijuana dispensaries and illicit crop production in California," Feinstein said.
While she opposed Prop. 215, Feinstein said she supports "the right of individuals to use medical marijuana."
But as chairwoman of the Senate Caucus on International Narcotics Control, she does not support "unregulated marijuana dispensaries or the legalization of marijuana."
If Feinstein were to change that position, De Angelo said, "we would see a much more rapid change in people's attitudes" toward marijuana.
Clarifying U.S. marijuana policy
Marijuana advocates have waited for years for a Senate hearing with Department of Justice officials. They have many questions, but wonder if the senators on the committee will ask them. Here are few issues they hope will be clarified:
1. Will the Department of Justice and the Drug Enforcement Agency stop pressuring banks and financial institutions to deny services to cannabis businesses that are operating legally under state law?
2. Will the DOJ direct the DEA to stop sending threatening forfeiture letters to landlords of cannabis businesses that operate legally under state law?
3. Is the Obama administration reviewing the classification of marijuana as a so-called "Schedule I drug," which is defined as having no currently accepted medical use and a high potential for abuse?
4. Will the administration allow security companies to do business with marijuana providers free of intervention?
5. Is the Obama administration considering an executive order or providing any other sort of assurance that, unlike its track record with medical marijuana, it's going to do what it says this time and leave alone marijuana businesses that are legal in states?
Joe Garofoli is a San Francisco Chronicle staff writer. E-mail: jgarofoli@sfchronicle.comTwitter: @joegarofoli
[h=1]California Assembly Votes to Legalize Hemp[/h] News
September 11, 2013
by TheJointBlog
California’s full Assembly has approved Senate Bill 566, a measure to legalize industrial hemp, which has already been approved by the Senate. The proposal now heads back to the Senate for concurrence, before going to the governor for final consideration.
“Industrial hemp, which is already found in hundreds of consumer products manufactured in our state, is a perfect crop for California”, says Senator Mark Leno, the prime sponsor of the proposal, “It has great potential to revitalize family farms, create new jobs and stimulate the economy.”
The measure, which is co-authored by Republican Assemblymember Allan Monsoor, would legalize the cultivation of hemp under state law, though it taking effect is contingent on a change in federal law.
“Hemp grown right here in California would stimulate massive growth in the food, body care, textiles, building and other crucial sectors that suffer from having to import less efficient materials in lieu of this lucrative industrial crop,” says David Bronner, President of Dr. Bronner’s Magic Soaps, which has donated tens of thousands of dollars to efforts across the country to legalize cannabis.
According to recent congressional research, the U.S. imports roughly half a billion dollars in hemp from other countries, yet retains the illegality of its cultivation. The same congressional research found that the hemp market consists of over 25,000 various products.
- TheJointBlog