

Well-Known Member
Would Organics work with auto flowering strains? Would subcool a super soil be too much for them? Any tips or advice would be great
Would Organics work with auto flowering strains? Would subcool a super soil be too much for them? Any tips or advice would be great
Organic soil or nutes?
They're both working fine with my grow. I guess the only thing to be concerned about is the organic soil having any nutrients from the start.

The Wise Man

Well-Known Member
using heavy nute soils from the word go can be a bit much for most Autos. Organic grows are fine for Autos but i tend to start them off in cooler soil before ramping it up after week 3-4


Active Member
Would Organics work with auto flowering strains? Would subcool a super soil be too much for them? Any tips or advice would be great
My next grow will be autos in Supersoil.I have it cooking at the moment.If you dnt put too much nute material
in SS and it is cooked properly(long enough)you should be ok.IMO.
I posted my recipe in here last week under title,autos in supersoil,i was gonna cut it 50/50 with base soil to grow
and if i get any defs i will top dress with SS.
If its too hot for autos cut 50/50,i will try again with less SS.Bit of trial and error but if you dont experiment you will never find out.
Dont copy other ppls SS recipe to the letter.Do your own,it will be more satisfying when you get it right.
This method should work great once you perfect your recipe.
Ive spent a lot of time reading up on it,theres some good info in that thread of subcools.Hence a Sticky.
Length of time cooking is important though,dont under cook your SS.30 days at least they reckon.
Mine will have cooked about 50 days by the time im ready to use it.
Good luck with it beginner.

technical dan

Active Member
yep it works and I a lot of the nutes mixed into the soil from the beginning like robro^. I dont let it sit more than a week most times, but thats bc I usually do have it planned quite that far ahead and my space is somewhat limited. Autos dont or use as much N as photos so if you have a mix that works for photos you may want to add less N containing materials.