TGA By Others

IMAG0117.jpgIMAG0125.jpgIMAG0133.jpgIMAG0142.jpgIMAG0144.jpgIMAG0145.jpgIMAG0147.jpgEast Coast spreading the TGA Love.First three photos show my baby poo/fruit loops pheno of Vortex. This was a clone used as mother to countless donated cuts. Soil is my ever evolving super soil mix. Fed compost tea three times since it when in wine barrell june 1st. Second shot overhead of all the tops.Last four photos show our Plushberry seed plant. Born in Feb, and again used as a mother for countless donated cuts. Was buried in it's seven gallon smart pot with bottom cut off. Starting flower sets show some nice purple.She is seven feet wide and nine feet tall..oh yea weed nerds..wish me luck....


Well-Known Member
my two most mature aces. Could take'm now... Hoping to see some ambers first though i checked both tonight didn't see'em...

This is the one i just posted a few days back
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i cut off the smallest branch to see how it weighs out at day 56. That's a 12" plate. Real nice sugar trim. This one has a spicey-hashy scent very little bcs or lemon (if any) in the scent.
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i love the bud form on this one - it's pretty close too should be one of the bigger yielding phenos
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diggitydank dank!!!!


Well-Known Member
Getting close!
That leaf bud keeps on swelling :) don't think i'll get a g though :)

On a solemn note, I found the first ace that won't make the cut to the next round... this one was the biggest yielding pheno (donkey colas, will be interesting to see what i yield from her once she's dry), had the least sugar trim, was the tallest, nice bcs coloring in the end but not much bcs smell. She had several different stresses that could've caused her to nanner out... high heat in the grow room the last week (mid 80s due to outside temps being 100+ the last 2-3 weeks), got staked late (possible root disturbance), topdressed late, drought stress (wilted leaves), closest buds to the light, etc... but all the plants had similar stresses and this was the only one that nannered, so it will not get re-run again, even if she did put out some pretty buds


Well-Known Member
Youv grown this strain before? You sure? :eyesmoke:
Nah, just SB didn't see the ?p before I posted. Either way... That is a very "spacebomby" looking plant, which very well could be it's mom/dad giving it that. I by no means concern myself with plant genealogy..
It's not uncommon to find pollen sacs, later in a plants life cycle. It's more common with sativas then indicas. But the real question is do you have seeds? Is the pollen viable?


Active Member
hopefully none of those nanners threw pollen a couple look open make sure you keep your eyes open one nanner could pollenate your whole crop I'd even think about lightly spraying everything with water


Well-Known Member
Those nanners are new hopefully they shouldn't have thrown pollen.. but who knows... didn't get any seeds last time i got nanners on an ace in the last week.


Well-Known Member
Dr. Who "Time Lord"
Biggest plant in my room. My 2nd favorite plant in the room right now.
Day 36

Dr Who "The Master"
This one is my favorite
Day 35 cha ching!

Frenchy Cannoli

Well-Known Member
What with all the white stuff on that plant, you could clean your plant before you take a pic.
Will you put container around "The Mistress" (don't be a sexist here) because she will be dripping resin soon.


Well-Known Member
What with all the white stuff on that plant, you could clean your plant before you take a pic.
Will you put container around "The Mistress" (don't be a sexist here) because she will be dripping resin soon.
I'm surprised there has been no Rose, Donna Noble, Amy Pond, Martha or River.
As far as female plants go, I love a good looking Ginge.

He could do a Captain Jack if they throw nanners :x


Well-Known Member
View attachment 2779287View attachment 2779288View attachment 2779289View attachment 2779291View attachment 2779292View attachment 277929320130816_182948.jpg....ive been wrong on her flowering dates in earlier not sure of exact day but according to pics n dates...20130721_173206.jpgthis pic is 7/21 n shes not flowering....View attachment 2779298this is 7/30 so id say abt a week flowering here....and pics above are today so she cant b much over 3weeks...shes doin beter than I expected and better than any of the parents at this stage