Open Show & Tell , Outdoors 2013

Garden Boss

Well-Known Member
them nugz look yummy! I could use some right now its down to slim pickins, what is up with people and not flushing properly and curing right, ahhhhh picked some meds up from a buddy in my town and blahhhh rough on the throat, tasted like shit, flush flush flush cure cure cure, luckily a lady I knew gave me a sweet package I explained the run-in of the blah bud and she understood and gave me tasty, the biggest step of them all and a lot of people fail
Yep, all that time growing and people quick rush to smoke/sell. I love the smoke and flavor of good cure and flush, even if it isn't super dank. I am giving my girls a 2 week flush :)


Active Member
Hey everyone, so last night some gusts of wind swept through my place and when i went to check on my plants this morning there was some netting that was collapsed on one of my plants. The plant is fine but some of my buds got a little smashed and banged up. The pistils are no longer pinkish white and are now a brownish amber. I guess my main concern is that the buds will die and introduce mold and other nasty stuff. Am i just being paranoid or should i do something? Will my buds continue to develop? Sorry if i'm sounding like a paranoid newb. This is my first time growing so every little hiccup I encounter freaks me out.
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Well-Known Member
they should continue to bud out for you. My first grow I had hella worms and my buds looked like that from picking for worms. But they got me high as f**k.

Garden Boss

Well-Known Member
DSCN2645.jpgGot all my babys to root. I am working on a mama room with my good buddy. NO MORE $10 CLONES!!!! I can't stress enough how many times I get the scragler bullshit babies (including the year). Nothing but elite rooted alpha clones :)


Well-Known Member
Good idea for the indoor thread.
I'll sub to that.

I know this picture isn't great but if anyone might have an idea what insect this is I'd love to know.CAM00401.jpgSome leaves at the top of the plant are being eaten where the leaf fingers meet the stem.


Active Member
These are my "Luv Buzz" from BC seeds. The fence is 6 1/2 feet just to give some reference.

Hope all you guys and ladies are havin a great summer!

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Well-Known Member
Hey er'body, I'm in nor cal. You friendly folk should PM me and be like "SUP YOU JOZIKINS, LEZ HANG OUT, LOLOLOL!1"


Well-Known Member
These are my "Luv Buzz" from BC seeds. The fence is 6 1/2 feet just to give some reference.

Hope all you guys and ladies are havin a great summer!

They look great bro, but the first two a little droopy, like my Kush after a heavy rain.
You have rain recently?