Anybody doing any Breeding this summer?

Its all good :hump: I have some Sativa Queen pollen in the fridge now labeled 2/11 and I plan on a test run with my lady cane in about 2 or 3 more weeks I will let you know. I don't hold much hope for it, but I sure would like it to give me a few beans, hope hope pray pray.
I crossed g13 male with Chem dog ,grapefruit kush and jungle wreck I have one month of veg will post pick on grow thread soon :-)
I just put a Blue Dream sprayed with silver thiosulfate into flower to make Blue Dream S1s. I should be seeing balls in about 10 days.
I just put a Blue Dream sprayed with silver thiosulfate into flower to make Blue Dream S1s. I should be seeing balls in about 10 days.

MrEDuck have you done this before? And does doing so create any predisposition towards being a hermie? Ive thus far been wary and steered cleared of buying (or producing) feminized/S1 seeds.
I haven't but I have friends who have and I've read up on the theory extensively. Femmed seeds produced with silver aren't any more likely to herm. The uptake of silver prevents the binding of ethylene which prevents the formation of female flowers so the plant defaults to making male flowers. It's not like rhodelization or another method where you use some form of stress to make the plant make pollen and make the offspring more likely to herm if exposed to a certain stressor. Well maybe it does but there's only one reason you would ever expose your girls to silver anyway.
Ty for the info, ill probably read more into it today. Also if you have positive or negative experiences after growing out your S1 seeds, i (and im sure others) would love to read about it in the future.
Hi guys, on this subject I am in awe 1. because I am a hoarder for genetics from my local reservations and guerilla growers of the eastern us(yes we grow bomb ass dank here too people!), I also have had successful grows of dna,bodhi, ggg, breeders boutique, and riots blackberry spacewreck, all of which I let a certain phenol go to seed with and am eager to learn maybe get under the wing of an experienced breeder and learn from them? Oh yeah I share also! Check this out.....I am going to an OLDSCHOOL hemp field from the canoe and paddle days that im gonna source some beans and pollen from in another couple weeks. Im very interested in learning to breed properly so im part of the solution in making our medicines more unique and potent, instead of bland and played out.specials 003_cleaned.jpgspecials 002_cleaned.jpg
MrEDuck have you done this before? And does doing so create any predisposition towards being a hermie? Ive thus far been wary and steered cleared of buying (or producing) feminized/S1 seeds.

I have not done this before, however it is my understanding that the genes are already in place, and there should be no more odds of Herm than normal: imagine a person who has their legs blown off in a war, and later has a baby, that baby has the genes of the whole person, and the legs being taken off (silver thiosulfate) is an after effect that is not genetically in the plants reproduction system.

This is my understanding, please correct me if I'm wrong.

This being said, I still don't like fem. seeds. I like natural ones.
Anybody doing any Breeding this summer?
I didn't read the thread, or even what ya breeding... the title reminded me of the time I sent my not that bright X wife to the auto parts store, it was crowded when she [while wearing daisy duke's with her long legs -5'10' tall] blurted out: "Got any studs here"
I have not done this before, however it is my understanding that the genes are already in place, and there should be no more odds of Herm than normal: imagine a person who has their legs blown off in a war, and later has a baby, that baby has the genes of the whole person, and the legs being taken off (silver thiosulfate) is an after effect that is not genetically in the plants reproduction system. This is my understanding, please correct me if I'm wrong.This being said, I still don't like fem. seeds. I like natural ones.
That's my understanding and I've grown plenty of femmed seeds. For me using natural males means I would have to test grow their offspring to test them making selecting a good male a pain in the ass that would require more space than I'm likely to have for a good long while. I'm also quite good at assessing the quality of female marijuana plants.
last year i grew out and breed 1 sweet seeds sweet tai and 1 seedsman power Africa, as well as four bagseeds that came from some kush grew the four seeds got 3 males and 1 girl, choose the last male two flower for breeding as for the sister the one female smelled and tasted like coffee so far four girls to unknowns im hoping for a male bad to continue these crosses because they are looking beautiful.

question what would you rather breed a faster flowering female or one that would go longer coming from the same seed stock what are any of you guys personal observation from out comes.
I usually go for the fastest flowering male, although I have no proof that it will translate to quicker ripening offspring. As far as the females I pick the one that looks/smells like the trait I would want... if that makes sense
I usually go for the fastest flowering male, although I have no proof that it will translate to quicker ripening offspring. As far as the females I pick the one that looks/smells like the trait I would want... if that makes sense
Question Crazy - I don't know how many females you have to choose from or how much space you have but. What is more important to you on a small scale breeding program or pollen chuckin program the plant structure and smell or the end product? For me I want the end product, how are you going to know you like the smoke until you have smoked it?
What I have found the best way to get what I want and not waste a run is to clone all the females, I take my clone when I am ready to flip them to flower. I have already collected my pollen and stored it in the fridge. Ok when I know which female has the smoke I am looking for or the best of what is available I breed the clone. I sure helps to take the guessing out of it, even if the plant isn't what I am looking for, that can be corrected hopefully down the line. Just a thought, when I was able to run 30 plants at a time I would just bred them all and keep the seeds from the best plants. LMAO still have lots of seeds from plants that I wouldn't bother to grow again.
im using this whole season to make seeds. smaller plants being fully pollinated while the bigger ones just a few branches. also did some more reversing with colloidal silver. heres some stuff i been working on:


fire og kush reversed. used this to cross into kosher kush and some sativas. also s1'd the fire og kush.


crossed this mexican bagseed that turned out to be a frosty lemony indica to a corleone kush(sfv og x bubba kush)


the corleone kush male


some harvested beans
Nice. Ive been waiting to come across a nice stinky male to start making some more crosses. So far th is summer ive been getting nothing but girls.
my first attempt n I jus used all the free gear I receive when ordering ...grew out a nice smelling n fast kens og kush..with all those lousy free gear they give you :-) n harvested them all have at least 1ooo beans..crazy
lAny pics of those beans? I have 5-6 crosses this year but only got about 200 seeds out of it all. Had a few thousand seeds last year on one plant alone