TGA By Others

Know One

Well-Known Member
Thanks for that Reef,
I was curious about that pheno of SD.
I think I'll let these go another week to fatten up and mature just a bit more.
Definitely going with Jesus OG for next round.


New Member
Ya I went there and all I could find were listings of dispensaries that carry TGA, and I tried a few of their sites and couldn't find an actual place to order. I ended up ordering from Attitude seeds. I saw a few other posts from some people that had success through them. If you know where on the website I can order them let me know. I would much rather order from a US company next time.


Well-Known Member
Keeper BCS pheno I think (if I can get her to reveg) -- day 61. no nanners, jack-ish purple buds... early samples were super fantastique... hope the final ones are even better. She *REEKS* of the BCS smell if you get anywhere near her. This BCS pheno also has a little bit of a fermenting BCS smell almost like a wine cooler or something


Harvested fan leaf bud :)


Well-Known Member
Plushberry115.jpg 7 weeks in, strated the flush today, probably let her go 2 more weeks assuming she doesnt show singes of fading. after having grown and harvested several dozen strains in the last 7 years, I can say that the best smelling, looking, and fun to grow medicine I have had has been by TGA. Only had full runs of Jack the ripper and now Plushberry, but these plants are amazing. Iv got chernobyl and Cheese Quake in veg right now, cant wait to let them rip! Thanks Sub, your the man!


Well-Known Member
The video is mostly for my lighting projects, but there is plenty of TGA to see. TGA starts @1:49 and on.

Jilly day 54

LEFT: Conspiracy Kush
RIGHT: Professor Chaos
[video=youtube;6_h_57QxqSw][/video] Watch on YouTube To see It in HD. im running TGA's Qush, Jack Skellington, Professor Chaos. Non TGA Is motorcity Whip and Sonic seeds sonicboom. More New Tga strains coming Soon.


Well-Known Member
Space Jill x Chernobyl

Last days and harvest,

Its a grreat cross with a limey flavor, good potency, and makes a lot of lime hash.

A lot in the works, I got Space Bomb, Cheese Quake, and the Flav test run in the bud room with some Timewreck about to follow them up.

One of the Flav's literally smells exactly like Double Bubble gum, its incredible.. I cant wait for her to finish :)

Peace out for now Weed Nerds!


This Hidden Creature

Well-Known Member

I've been growing querkle for many sessions, here's a pic of 2 clones from the 2 querkle mother plants.
Day 47 from 12/12 switch.
The harvest will start between day 70 and 77. the perfect spot with those two mothers.

The one to the right was slightly overfed [too much N as the leaves can suggest]

And another clone of querkle:

I also got Agent Orange and Ace of spades is on its way to my home.

I love the taste and smell of this querkle, the effect is a fresh and bright companion.
This strain is a pure marvel for me.




Well-Known Member
Hi All...

Well Hempfest has come and gone and I scored myself some TGA gear! Now I have a dilemma though for I only have room to grow one of three TGA strains due to WA RCW's regulations can only have 15 plants unless I can show need for more. Don't have time to deal with that, I have space for one and I will be placing into PHOGS growing right next to my Blue Cheese that is currently part of my perpetual medical grow. I am looking forward to this side by side grow so I can get a real look at how much better the genetics are with the TGA gear and to see how well it does in PHOGS.

Please only those who have grown Chernobyl, Jack the Ripper or Vortex, chime in on this link and share your thoughts... If you could only grow one which one?

Be curious no more, Blue Cheese in PHOGS 35 days 12/12 21-28 to go this should give an idea what I will be growing the selected TGA strain next too. Modified Super Soil with self watering under heavy led (more on light setup going to add to current PHOGS).
