Hermaphrodite feminized seed breeders and or their most hermy fem strains


Well-Known Member
yeah theres a lot of them dudes here buy a few fem seed singles and suddenly they know everything about the lines they grew even though they only had a few cfl's in there closet. I never got a herm from a fem but I didn't grow a big selection of them either there's just to many good regular strains to dig through theres really no point in sifting through hermie genetics plus I find a real winner I couldn't even breed with it sure I could but no way would I be responsible for breeding fem genetics into a line of cannabis. I ever breed any weed I'm gonna be sure to leave great genetics for my grandchildren to work not like most of the breeders in the industry who only want money so they come out with 5+ crosses a year just cause they will sell.
I don't buy singles, and I never said I know everything. I said I never had a fem hermie. Sorry you are having such a hard time with that, but because you're nobody to me, just like I'm nobody to you, I don't give a fuck what you think. And as far as what I do to avoid hermies? Nothing. My grows are basic, I don't ph, use tap water and a few nutes, grow temps are usually in the high 90's, basically everything they say not to do.


Well-Known Member
My fruity chronic juice is 4 years old...its a great stable strain..only hermie issue I had was blackwater from cali connection...fire ass weed,but still hermied.and no it wasn't from conditions in my growroom.
Was it a fem from CAlliConn or a reg seed that hermed on you? I hear a lot of hate for them and swearve, but you cant deny they hav ea good marketing campage and have done a good job of marketing "cool" in this industry.


Well-Known Member
I don't buy singles, and I never said I know everything. I said I never had a fem hermie. Sorry you are having such a hard time with that, but because you're nobody to me, just like I'm nobody to you, I don't give a fuck what you think. And as far as what I do to avoid hermies? Nothing. My grows are basic, I don't ph, use tap water and a few nutes, grow temps are usually in the high 90's, basically everything they say not to do.
I never said anything about you personally just that a good chunk of people do that here I really don't know anything about you or your experience though. I don't have herm problems either not even with any fems I've done. But the dude asked you how many you've grown out and I just pointed out what a lot of people do as they will order 6 strains fem singles get some freebies suddenly they are experienced growers and know exactly how each strain will grow. now if you did grow out 100+ fems and not one hermed cool but if you've only grown 20-30 then you obviously have not tried very many fems like me I have grown out hundreds of regs though I never said fems where herm prone. but then again why do we hear dutch passion fems will herm for no reason? I know there regs aint too bad although racerboy said there regs are herm prone not ime though and I can't say I ever seen someone with a herm reg DP strain.


Well-Known Member
I think Cali Connects best days are behind them now- they have been exposed for what they truly are.
what happened with them? I know swerve is kinda a dick and one hell of an online tough guy that weighs about 120 lbs in real life I'd lmao someone actually went to an event and beat his ass like he's told people to do. but what have they been exposed for? Chucking pollen? I could have told you that a long time ago.


Well-Known Member
because someone had hand written the date on the original breeder pack.
I don't think that's how old the pack of seeds are. I purchased a pack of TGA AOS when they were first released a year or two ago and they had 2001 hand written on them. Same with some Bodhi packs that I purchased last fall and spring...


Well-Known Member
Hell HA, their packs of seeds are old. The Fruity Chronic Juice that I got in the 420 order is from 2001!
That's not the date. All seed packs from Attitude have a four digit code on them. Unless they have a time machine, because my packs are 6013, 9002, 8002, 7001.


Well-Known Member
I had to make an account here just to get into this one, I have been through a few beans in the past few years, heres my 2 pennies. first purchase was
CC pre 98 bubba x unkown strain- out of 5 or 6 pack 1 popped and I still have her to this day, lil nuggs but awesome flower.
CC tahoe og- got one bean to go, showed all female flowers, then flipped and bam 2-3 weeks in lil male pods, since i had more beans i took off several bottom branchs that had the male parts grew out the remaining, way to sweet and soft for my taste of true og.
CC buddha tahoe og- same as above had one go into flower, except these male parts were behind the female parts, in between branch and nugg so therefore didnt want to keep it.
CC larry og-had two of these ladies make it to flower, beautiful bag appeal, kind of a rusty smell to me mellow smoke, again not that og kush im looking for.
Dr Greenthumb og kush- I had high hopes for this one, still do popped the remaining seeds today, but it also grew female flowers nice structure until day 11 of flower. usually Ill see herm parts down low, not this one they were up high. giving it to a friend to finish outside just to see what the nugg is like, and get some more free seeds. better chances with numbers lol
CC chem 91- got 30 freebies of these guys, took me about 18 to find a female, haha badluck I guess but all were males but this one shorter bushier lady. shes outdoor atm so I cant tell you about the final product, but structure is shorter then most with crazy branching. had a few hermies in there aswell, lil green footballs haha

Just my 2 pennies but ive noticed little male bananas inside female flowers on some of my stable strains sometimes, always seem to be a stagnant flower never producing any seeds. Also have tried to collect these parts to cross with no success. But when a strain shows you little balls yank it!!! I have some og raskal, rare dankness, gdp, dna, and tga gear coming up next. With all my research about og kush seems the chemdog hermed to produce this strain, so Ive come to accept the fact and keep my eye on finding little green footballs amongst the branchs.


Well-Known Member
Just my little pennies, but I've been growing for about 5 years now and I've stressed one feminized plant a couple years ago due to moving which caused light stress and caused it to herm. A friend of mine has been growing for over 10 and has only seen hermies one early on during his start at growing which was due to hear stress. Now as fas as genetics go there are a lot of instability with some seed company's including major ones, just not as much. But as long as you know what your doing and know how to keep your temps at the right level, keeping the lights of when they need them to be, basically keeping the stress down on your plant, then I feel you shouldn't have any herm issues. I think people get a herm plant and automatically thinks its genetics, but any amount of stress can cause a plant to herm, just have to quickly adjust to your plants nature and how they take to nutrients, lights, and so on. Just my little pennies. PEACE


Well-Known Member
I posted this at the hight of the summer when those of us without AC endure the hardest indoor grow months of the season. Heat stress is a great way to get a plant to herm and sadly it doesnt take much for some strains.

Blazin Purps

Well-Known Member
I posted this at the hight of the summer when those of us without AC endure the hardest indoor grow months of the season. Heat stress is a great way to get a plant to herm and sadly it doesnt takte much for some strains.
I lost my AC for two days in the summer in AZ and my whole garden went hermie on me (except Pineapple Express) all of them grew straight balls as the AC went out 2 days after 12/12. (possibly cause were no preflowers/flowers for nanners to form?) I re ran them all and no hermies this run except Boss Hogg again that I got rid of at about 4 weeks for nanners which was sad cause it produced amazing buds and had a massive yield as advertised.


Well-Known Member
I have been through a few dozen different fem seeds in the last year and have found some really great genetics, but have also found a fare amount of hermies. These hermies are not so do to grow room conditions, as mothers that the seeds produced were shared with several (3) other growers whom also had the same hermy problems with specific cuts.

What I would like to do in this post is discuss breeders and specific feminized seeds that tend to have a high percentage of hermaphrodites in their population as to inform fellow growers on risks with growing particular strains or using gear from breeders that consistently produce hermy fem seeds.

I understand that feminized seeds, by their nature can lean toward being hermaphroditic do to the process in producing them, but I have found it clear that some breeders are better at making fem seeds with out hermy problems than others.

Bellow is a list of breeders and strains that I have worked with in the last year, as well as my/my fellow growers, perceived propensity for the strain to herm out.

Dr. Greenthumb
Endless Sky, high (from a pack of 10 fem seedsin 2 different gardens/growers, 6/10 produced male pollen and selfed or seeded plants near them. this catastrophe is what lead me to write this post. Its DRGT flagship strain, and produces a great end product, but no one should be buying these seeds feminized, just get the regs if you are interested in this strain)

Absolute cobblers. I have grown this strain two times, from seeds, years apart with zero problems and have friends that have grown it too. Have read review after review after review and grow journals and no one, not anyone has ever reported a hermie in this strain, except you and you're saying 6 out of 10 were male or hermie? Cobblers. You never even grew it did you? These seeds come in packs of 10 with an extra so theres 11 in a pack. Oh! You didn't know that because you've never been within a country mile of that strain.Your nothing but a lying shill for HSO and Sag

no clue

Well-Known Member
This past spring I was expirimenting with temps and managed to hermie a critical jack, a PE and a WOS skunk x kush by letting the room get too cold. I will not let my plants get below about 62 again!!


Well-Known Member
Most of my grows since 2008 have been fem seeds. Lately I have adopted topping and LST to train my plants to stay short and bushy. Seems like 3 weeks into 12/12 I have to pick a few ball sacks off them. But after that absolutely no nanners or seeded end product. I believe it is all due to my handling them the way I do. only way for me to really tell I guess is to do some cloning and let them grow naturally. But so far I end up with great bud from these strains. Last harvest was 2 Pineapple Express. before that was an RP Sour Kush that will rip your scalp off. Currently have 2 Sannies Extrema going which Im trying to be super careful with bcause I hear they can herm easily. But as I have said, just for personal smoke, I pick off the nuts and finish out the grows with no problems.


Well-Known Member
I grow fems exclusively and have had no problems except riserva pravada OG Kush hermed on me.

Stick with a reputable breeder and you shouldnt have to worry. SERIOUS AND SANNIE both have awesome genetics and no herm fems exxept a few nannersat thw very end which dont pollinate anything....

People saying fwm beans are garbage are talking out they ass...


Well-Known Member
I have been through a few dozen different fem seeds in the last year and have found some really great genetics, but have also found a fare amount of hermies. These hermies are not so do to grow room conditions, as mothers that the seeds produced were shared with several (3) other growers whom also had the same hermy problems with specific cuts.

What I would like to do in this post is discuss breeders and specific feminized seeds that tend to have a high percentage of hermaphrodites in their population as to inform fellow growers on risks with growing particular strains or using gear from breeders that consistently produce hermy fem seeds.

I understand that feminized seeds, by their nature can lean toward being hermaphroditic do to the process in producing them, but I have found it clear that some breeders are better at making fem seeds with out hermy problems than others.

Bellow is a list of breeders and strains that I have worked with in the last year, as well as my/my fellow growers, perceived propensity for the strain to herm out.

Dr. Greenthumb
Endless Sky, high (from a pack of 10 fem seedsin 2 different gardens/growers, 6/10 produced male pollen and selfed or seeded plants near them. this catastrophe is what lead me to write this post. Its DRGT flagship strain, and produces a great end product, but no one should be buying these seeds feminized, just get the regs if you are interested in this strain)

Absolute cobblers. I have grown this strain two times, from seeds, years apart with zero problems and have friends that have grown it too. Have read review after review after review and grow journals and no one, not anyone has ever reported a hermie in this strain, except you and you're saying 6 out of 10 were male or hermie? Cobblers. You never even grew it did you? These seeds come in packs of 10 with an extra so theres 11 in a pack. Oh! You didn't know that because you've never been within a country mile of that strain.Your nothing but a lying shill for HSO and Sag
Dr. GT?


Well-Known Member
Dutch Passion: Durban Poison

1 was a straight male, no female preflowers, just male, no hairs, just balls.
The other 2 were also not very good, no density what so ever, no smell and no taste(not even grass/hay).

Other than that 1 straight male, I've not had any hermies that weren't caused by my own inexperience. I only started growing in October last year, so I think I have plenty of time to find some.