LetsGetCritical's 2nd Grow Mainline Experiment


Well-Known Member
yes ive seen every episode. todd is a bit silly but his uncle and the crew are the most badass characters the show has produced, remember the jail hits, that was todds uncle wasn't it. edit: uncle Jack, had to google it


jesuuuuus, that was confusing to me lol. i had to google Breaking Bad Beneke to remember it was Ted, there names are so damn similar no wonder why i was going mental...now all i can think of is him slipping and knocking himself out hahaha that was so funny xD.


Well-Known Member
I watched most of it. the intro completely turns the show around. really making it seem SITCOMish... I'll go finish in a few. got a few things I'm running around doing while looking at everything I missed :)