There's a big difference between pedophiles who groom children for abuse through manipulation and fear etc and men who snatch children off the street and what this lady people? we take child abuse seriously and dont invent bullshit scenarios to excuse someone just because they're a woman
the vast majority of child abusers were abused as children. yes there should be more done to help them
but ultimately if they do not seek out help and if they proceed to pass their abuse down the line to the next generation then its time for the judicial system to punish them
It is possible her behaviour was a precursor for a more serious offense but she should not be punished just because of what she might do in the future.
The severity and disparity of the sentence is ridiculous, currently being held in an Irish prison awaiting an extradition hearing is according to the FBI the largest distributor of child porn ever, he has made millions from the abuse and torture of children and set up numerous websites on the dark web for sharing such vile images but if he is extradited and convicted of the charges against him in the US the maximum sentence he could receive is 30 years, does that seem like a fair sentence for this scumbag?