National Guard


Well-Known Member
I've been thinking about joining, mainly to help pay off my student loans and to further my career opportunities. I haven't made up my mind yet, but any advise would be great.


Well-Known Member
I've been thinking about joining, mainly to help pay off my student loans and to further my career opportunities. I haven't made up my mind yet, but any advise would be great.
When I joined, you had the option of having the military pay off only $10k in student loans or taking the GI Bill. Since the post 911 GI bill has been instituted since then, I am not sure how this has changed. Do you know how much they pay?


Well-Known Member
When I joined, you had the option of having the military pay off only $10k in student loans or taking the GI Bill. Since the post 911 GI bill has been instituted since then, I am not sure how this has changed. Do you know how much they pay?
It says they pay up to 50,000 with certain MOSs with a six- or eight-year enlistment commitment. If I did go in I would enter as an E-3


Well-Known Member
when you're not intelligent or talented enough to make it on your own, fall back on the largest socialist organization in the world, all while getting abortions and voting for mitt romney.

no contradictions there.


Well-Known Member
when you're not intelligent or talented enough to make it on your own, fall back on the largest socialist organization in the world, all while getting abortions and voting for mitt romney.

no contradictions there.
I really want to correct your definition of socialist.


Well-Known Member
I for the life of me cannot understand why anyone would take the opportunity to have their student loans paid for, have first pick of lucrative positions and salary increases. :roll:

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
I for the life of me cannot understand why anyone would take the opportunity to have their student loans paid for, have first pick of lucrative positions and salary increases. :roll:
Your pay would come from funds that are involuntarily extracted. Stolen money.

You would be part of an organization that does things that are immoral and uses terms like "collateral damage" to describe murder.

You'd have to wear a silly costume and address people as "sir", when your every impulse is to tell them to go fuck themselves.

You'd hate youirself in the morning.


Well-Known Member
Your pay would come from funds that are involuntarily extracted. Stolen money.

You would be part of an organization that does things that are immoral and uses terms like "collateral damage" to describe murder.

You'd have to wear a silly costume and address people as "sir", when your every impulse is to tell them to go fuck themselves.

You'd hate youirself in the morning.


Well-Known Member
I for the life of me cannot understand why anyone would take the opportunity to have their student loans paid for, have first pick of lucrative positions and salary increases. :roll:
sounds like you have your mind made up already, just like you did with that thread about your asian's reproductive situation.

might as well have titled this thread "so i'm joining the national guard".


Well-Known Member
Your pay would come from funds that are involuntarily extracted. Stolen money.

You would be part of an organization that does things that are immoral and uses terms like "collateral damage" to describe murder.

You'd have to wear a silly costume and address people as "sir", when your every impulse is to tell them to go fuck themselves.

You'd hate youirself in the morning.
I haven't made up my mind if I'm actually going to join or not, its still up in the air for me. But just for fun I'm going to respond to each statement. :wink:

What do you mean by stolen money? Tax dollars? If so, I've paid into taxes and I could be getting my money back. :lol:
Every organization is corrupt to a certain extent.
I don't mind wearing a uniform, nor do I have a problem with authority.
I can live with any decision I make by knowing I have an agenda to make life better for myself and my family in the long run. :wink:

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
I haven't made up my mind if I'm actually going to join or not, its still up in the air for me. But just for fun I'm going to respond to each statement. :wink:

What do you mean by stolen money? Tax dollars? If so, I've paid into taxes and I could be getting my money back. :lol:
Every organization is corrupt to a certain extent.
I don't mind wearing a uniform, nor do I have a problem with authority.
I can live with any decision I make by knowing I have an agenda to make life better for myself and my family in the long run. :wink:

Isn't money taken without the consent of the owner of the money theft?

Every organization is corrupt? Maybe. Why join one that advances corruption to the level of killing innocent people and then renaming the murder as "collateral damage" ? If your family were killed that way would you view them as "collateral damage"?

You should be free to wear a uniform if that's your preference, keep in mind though no uniform can grant you extra rights or make murder, "not murder". Do you have a problem with arbitrary authority or do you think "might makes right" ?

If you can live with ANY decision that makes life better for your family, why join the military? Why not just go rob people directly and enjoy the increase in pay and the extra time off?


Well-Known Member
Isn't money taken without the consent of the owner of the money theft?

Every organization is corrupt? Maybe. Why join one that advances corruption to the level of killing innocent people and then renaming the murder as "collateral damage" ? If your family were killed that way would you view them as "collateral damage"?

You should be free to wear a uniform if that's your preference. Do you have a problem with arbitrary authority or do you think "might makes right" ?

If you can live with ANY decision that makes life better for your family, why join the military? Why not just go rob people directly and enjoy the increase in pay and the extra time off?
Yes, it is theft. When you get paid, do you care where the funds came from or do you just take it like everyone else and pay your bills?

Well, I get drunk from time to time and a lot of drunk drivers kill a lot of innocent people. Does that also mean that I have contributed to vehicular homicide because I drank a bottle of jack?

I actually grew up saying sir and ma'am and most people have higher ups that they have to deal with.

Because I'd have to risk going to prison each time that I did it and the latter provides me a steady cash flow with federal government into the 6 digit range and no jail time.

We could seriously do this all day. :lol:


Well-Known Member
I've been thinking about joining, mainly to help pay off my student loans and to further my career opportunities. I haven't made up my mind yet, but any advise would be great.
If they still pay for your school tuition and supplies along with per diem
By all means join. My roomate in college had been going to school for 9 years and got to fly helicopters every other week plus his weekend a month and 2 weeks a year service.


Well-Known Member
If they still pay for your school tuition and supplies along with per diem
By all means join. My roomate in college had been going to school for 9 years and got to fly helicopters every other week plus his weekend a month and 2 weeks a year service.
That would be pretty awesome.. Flying a helicopter, hell yea...I would choose the IT department, but being a heli pilot would fun.

desert dude

Well-Known Member
I've been thinking about joining, mainly to help pay off my student loans and to further my career opportunities. I haven't made up my mind yet, but any advise would be great.
It ain't like the old days when the guard did one weekend a month and nothing else. Most guard units get activated and deploy to exotic locales such as Iraq, Afghanistan (Syria next) for a year at a time. If you are ok with that, then go for it.


Well-Known Member
I know of two people right now that are in the guard and they are doing the one weekend a month. I know I could be deployed at any time if I decided to do it, that is one reason why I haven't made my mind up yet.

desert dude

Well-Known Member
I know of two people right now that are in the guard and they are doing the one weekend a month. I know I could be deployed at any time if I decided to do it, that is one reason why I haven't made my mind up yet.
I did not make my point clearly. In the old days, when I was in the Army, you had to be politically connected to get into the Reserves, or the Guard. An average Joe could not get in. It was reserved for people like Dan Quayle, or George W Bush. All they did was train for one weekend a month and a couple of weeks in the summer. It was a way of dodging the draft. That is not true any more. If you join the guard, and if there is a war going on somewhere, you will deploy. If you are willing to do that, then join.


Well-Known Member
I did not make my point clearly. In the old days, when I was in the Army, you had to be politically connected to get into the Reserves, or the Guard. An average Joe could not get in. It was reserved for people like Dan Quayle, or George W Bush. All they did was train for one weekend a month and a couple of weeks in the summer. It was a way of dodging the draft. That is not true any more. If you join the guard, and if there is a war going on somewhere, you will deploy. If you are willing to do that, then join.
Yea, maybe I should wait till we have a different president. :lol: But yea, I understand what you're saying, which is the main reason I haven't made my mind up yet. I'm stuck at, "do I really want to go to war over Obama and his ignorance?" Not really. :lol:

I honestly only wanted to do it for the benefits and I personally would enjoy the training provided. I already meet the fitness and age requirements I actually score 276 out of 300 on the fitness portion.

desert dude

Well-Known Member
Yea, maybe I should wait till we have a different president. :lol: But yea, I understand what you're saying, which is the main reason I haven't made my mind up yet. I'm stuck at, "do I really want to go to war over Obama and his ignorance?" Not really. :lol:

I honestly only wanted to do it for the benefits and I personally would enjoy the training provided. I already meet the fitness and age requirements I actually score 276 out of 300 on the fitness portion.
Yeah, the risk is that you will get deployed and be in a war zone for 12 to 18 months. So, do you roll the dice and hope you don't get deployed? I agree with you about the benefits and the training.