The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Heloha , the dog, dippy, & querkal are sown.hopefully a couple of exo will be joining em shortly. It's a waiting game now , YAWWWWWN


Well-Known Member
think he puts some of his in the fridge once he makes it and it stays like a sandy texture rather than press it....i wanted to try that
that s the one, I don't press it, I keep it at near fridge temp until completely dry ....few weeks then smoke/ vape it, if selling on this fine sandy powder morphs into choc brown waxy grainy bubble, fresh frozen trim and the 70 um bag, yield is shit which is good for quality....u want low yields not high ones theres only so much gold in that shake......Barolo after a 3 week break is a good buzz but the hash splits yer face


Well-Known Member
If you dry the 70um at low temp over weeks (only worth doin if u have tolerance issues and cant get high cos any old meth wiv this stuff is gonna get u wrecked) then u get this weird stuff which changes shape, form, colour and texture in diff temps...only one don't turn from brown wax back to blonde sand, bit like u cant unscramble eggs, so keep the temps low if ya can......


Well-Known Member
whats happening fuckos, have to get ma bit in and say Dominos wins over the hut every time but then im biased cos i work in dominos lol


Well-Known Member
i remember a few days back a few of u were looking for cake recipes for cannabutter well thought id share one i've just tried myself and its fucking amazing sweet as fuck.

what u need is-

100g unsalted cannabutter
200g castor sugar
2 eggs
350g self raising flour
225g pitted dates
1 teaspoon bicarbonate of soda

place dates in a bowl of hot boiled water and leave to sit for 10 mins then chop roughly

cream the butter and sugar 2gether, slowly beat in the eggs, add chopped dates, flour, and bicarb soda, mix together using a little left over water from the dates until u get a nice consistency,
pour into a baking tin lined with greaseproof paper and put in oven for 45 mins-1 hour check by putting a knife in middle of cake if it comes out clean its ready.

to make the sauce u need-

100g unsalted cannabutter
200g soft brown sugar
300ml double cream

melt butter in a pot and stir in sugar bring to the boil and stir continually until the sugar has fully dissolved into the butter, then pour in the cream slowly and mix well allow to simmer for 3-4 mins the allow to cool,

serve this with vanilla ice cream while the cake and sauce are warm

i gaurantee u this is a fucking amazing cake anyone who makes it right will love it.