Need help! Spots on leafs 30%


Well-Known Member
Need some help mates!
Got these plants flowering 35 days, they had a hard time in the beginning (check my journal). Either way I have these little spots that look like nute burn but are in the middle of the leafs, nit the edges as nute burn usually is:confused:. I've seen this before and can not figure out where:evil:. I'm leaning toward letting it go since I'm within 3 weeks of finishing up.

Here is a pic.

Thanks guys,



Well-Known Member
First thing I always do is grab my 420 scope and look under the leaves for spider mites.
Thanks Golden, did that, found Thribes, that was a week ago and not on the plant with the leaf issue. I treated with Spinosad and sticky traps. Seems to have worked my sticky trabs only cought 2 of the little flitzers:mrgreen:

Keep it coming guys!



Well-Known Member
whats your feeding schedule/amount/brand?

those are some really dark leaves...looks like excess nitrogen, you're three weeks from finishing...if it is over-nutrition this seems like a good time to just flush and use only water from here on out.


Active Member
can you tell us more about the spots?
Are they translucent?
Are they restricted by the veins or grow past without any trouble?
Is there a yellow ring around the spot of necrosis (death)?

Try to post a couple more pictures, your first one aint so clear


Well-Known Member
whats your feeding schedule/amount/brand?

those are some really dark leaves...looks like excess nitrogen, you're three weeks from finishing...if it is over-nutrition this seems like a good time to just flush and use only water from here on out.
You know TMB, I noticed the greenness of these leafs as well, but I think that is to a large degree of the strain 'Black Domina', the Afghani is a lot lighter and so is the OG. Nevertheless, I'm thinking along your lines here. This is the first time I'm using co2, I'm wondering if that may impact the strenght of the nutes, ie. absorption rate etc. Right now I'm peaking ppm's, I'm using AN Sensi AB at about 1200ppm at .7 conversion and some blooming addetives that bring it to about 1500ppm. I do not see any new spots (I think), the old once appear to increase size slightly.

Peace mate,


Well-Known Member
can you tell us more about the spots?
Are they translucent?
Are they restricted by the veins or grow past without any trouble?
Is there a yellow ring around the spot of necrosis (death)?

Try to post a couple more pictures, your first one aint so clear
I think this describes them best: It looks exactly like nute burn except that it is not starting at the edges but in between the veins. I'll try to get some more pics tonight:-?


Active Member
Well im new to growing pot so i dont really know what nutrient burn looks like, But I have been studying biology with an interest in botony for some years now so I think I should be able to help. I ask the questions because those questions can narrow it dosn a lot.


Well-Known Member
Well im new to growing pot so i dont really know what nutrient burn looks like, But I have been studying biology with an interest in botony for some years now so I think I should be able to help. I ask the questions because those questions can narrow it dosn a lot.
Here are some better pics;) I think the problem started back in week 1 of flower. Back then i had no res chiller and my res temps were around 80 degrees with major ph dropping issues. Once I added the ciller and my res became stable, very stable in fact. For over a week allready, no ph up/down, perfect at about 5.5. New growth does not seem to be affected, but it's hard to tell with all the trics now:mrgreen:

Thanks mate,

