Need advice on a vaporizer


Well-Known Member
Got some bread allocated for a vaporizer, yes damnit all im stubborn and didn't jump on the damned vapo bandwagon when it came to town im stubborn like that and totally regretting that now! Buddy has a volcano that he payed close to 450.00 for I was awestruck at the prices. Can anyone with serious vaporizer experience recommend a vapo for a first time 20 year smoker of cannabis only. I will spend serious bread if its worth it obviously cause its all about trying to limit the damage im doing during combustion to the ole aveoli! Thanks in advance to anyone with help!:leaf:


Well-Known Member
I've had several. Depends on if you want stealth portability of industrial reliability. I use the SSV plugged in the wall. Leave it on all day. Hit giant clouds at will.

My portable vape is the PAX. Temperamental, but can kick out the clouds.


Well-Known Member
Im very interested in the vapo process so I went and watched a couple vids showing folks enjoying them. So the vape only gets hot enough to extract the thc/cbn's? Mainly im thinking I will need a all around dependable vape that I can fall in love with. Hey Rrog when you have a reg pipe now whats it feel like? It seems I can expect to see lung improvement via vape so im most likely all in now. Saw a volcano man oh man are those pricy!


Active Member
No regrets with the Arizer Extreme Q, not portable but I do most of my baking at home....


Active Member
Let me add, less than half the price of a volcano and since I started vaping I no longer have that smokers cough...


Well-Known Member
If I lost my SSV this morning, I'd buy another one this afternoon. Vaping clears out the lungs. I like it. I still combust on occasion.


Well-Known Member
Volcano shits all over any other vape. If you're coming off using a bong though it's probably not going to do much. Take a break for a week or two and then try it. :)


Well-Known Member
I have had a hot box for around 10 years now - no complants hear

I also cut in a power regulation circut which makes the temp. adjustable



  • As a matter of fact I picked one up just a week ago. I got the classic version with the solid valve for $500 ($535 with tax included) at my LHS. Quite a bargain if you ask me. Now for my review.
    I have personally owned and thoroughly used the Magic Flight Launch Box, Arizer Extreme-Q, and T-Vape.
    Considering the only one we can actually compare it to is the Extreme-Q, I shall give you my two cents on that.
    I love my Extreme-Q. I remember the first day I got it, it actually got me so high, I had to cancel plans I had made. LOL. While the extreme has the capability for balloons, I honestly do not recommend it. While I used them on various occasions, I never felt I got the best hit from them so I would always revert to the whip. Now combining the whip with the remote control will lead to some very nice hits. Another detail about the extreme that I think sometimes is overlooked are the amounts of parts. For an everyday toker like myself, cleaning can become a hassle. I love all my pieces; Glass or not, and always strive for cleanliness but with the extreme it was crazy. No matter whether you are using the whip or balloon, there was always something dirty.
    Now on to the Volcano...
    I have had it for a week and I love it. I got it so I would be able to put down my glass for a bit (Gravlabs!!) and let my lungs recover. I have used it everyday so far and, at least for me, it brings everything a smoker wants into one single package. In the entire week, I have put about 10 -12 grams through it. I have yet to notice a part that looks dirty. I understand that with either valve system once a while it requires you to disassemble it for a thorough cleaning. But by far the biggest difference so far has been that gap in between every cleaning. With glass or every other vape Ive had, I found myself at least one or twice a week taking everything apart for cleaning, with the Volcano, Ive yet to see a sign that anything needs attention. Also another giant plus but mainly for me is no glass parts. I break more glass than Id even like to count or admit to. So the ability to be able to drop something accidentally and not ruin the day is a big plus.
    And now, finally onto the volcano vapor quality, in the one week, it has yet to disappoint me. Balloons are consistent and its simplicity does not get old.
    Simply fill the chamber and pop it on there! I love it everytime. And finally...It looks really really cool just sitting there.​



Well-Known Member
My lung capacity / cardio is important to me, and while cannabis smoke doesn't seem to lead to an increased risk of cancer, I still don't like the idea of deliberately inhaling burnt particulates into my lungs. That's why I went with a vape.

This one, the Da Buddah:

I love that g'damn thing.

I route the tube into my bong so the vape passes through water, which in turn filters out any small particulates that may pass through the screen in the bowl.

Things I like....

- Initial hit flavor is FUCKING INCREDIBLE. All those textured aromas you can sense with your nose translate into FLAVOR on that first hit, and you aren't left with that tarry taste you get from combustion.

- Easy on the lungs. I exercise regularly and haven't noticed any impact on my cardio...which is fucking awesome.

Things I don't like:

- There IS a learning curve, and it's not as easy to maintain consistency with your pulls. Combustion is simple, ie, light that shit on fire and pull in what remains. These kinds of vapes rely on YOU for consistency, so different temps, and different pulls are going to result in different hits. Consistency is one of the biggest benefits I see about using a bag type of vape like a Volcano or EQ, as the vape does the work for you, so it's going to be more consistent.

- You've got to use "bowl awareness" when vaping with a whip type vape, and if you don't, you'll pull the bowl out unintentionally. Now, that's not a huge problem by any means, but I can see how some folks would find that very irritating, and in some cases, a deal breaker. Not I though.

- Consumption management can be a little more challenging with a whip vape. This is due to the lack of visual feed back that you get with a glass bong, nor do you get the same kind of physical feed back in your lungs the way you do with smoke. This is one of the reasons I use a glass bong in conjunction with my vape, as it allow me to SEE how much vape I'm actually pulling in, which is good. :)

From time to time, I dork up a pull and accidentally combust that mofo, and the difference between vaping and combustion makes itself apparent. No worries though.

Check out you tube for some vape reviews. There's quite a few folks who do some pretty good, and fair, reviews that might help you out.

Best to you regardless.


Well-Known Member
I understand it's much like the SSV I have. Really nice vaping experience. I leave mine on all day. Hit it when I feel like it... like right now!