OFFICIAL: Auto-flower Solo cup contest - Sign up here!

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Well-Known Member
lol i busted out my led's to add to my hps to try and keep up with you :)
very nice dank

Haha.. I hear that. Well then I don't guess you'd like 2 hear I will be adding a 1000 watt HPS/MH to go with what I already have going then huh.. :??: haha.. ;) can't wait bro..


Well-Known Member
Haha.. I hear that. Well then I don't guess you'd like 2 hear I will be adding a 1000 watt HPS/MH to go with what I already have going then huh.. :??: haha.. ;) can't wait bro..
lol i have a lumatek high par 400w and 270 w of mixed spec 3w leds in a 2.5' x 3.5'
im at 6875 lumens per sq ft dont know how to figure the leds
and yes im not liking the 1k watter addition :cuss:

ps glad to hear that your getting the 1k though ready for some of that good dirty girl porn your always posting


Well-Known Member
Dank already won the yield category... lol just kidding.
There is always the off chance that he somehow manages to fuck it up? lol

I need more light ASAP. gonna have to get this shit rush delivered.
I am OUT of room in the 4'x4' side of the tent i am using.
Things are going to spill into less light areas. and i don't want that...


Well-Known Member
No def. just had sunburn and a dry day. recovering nicely though. :)SUNP0002.jpg
Felt the need to pinch a bitch. :)SUNP0004.jpg


Well-Known Member
i dont believe in LSTing or supercropping these guys i think they look beautiful the way they grow. i do plenty of that stuff to my photo plants. and also popularity does not = yield.


Well-Known Member
I'm posting to officially with draw from the OUTSIDE portion only of this comp. The weather where I live won't accommodate a cup growing outside. So it's now repotted and chillin inside with 18/6 lights. My inside girl is alive and kicking. Looks as if she's about to really start growing.025.jpg


Well-Known Member
well, no huge update here so I made a time lapse of my fim for shits and grins. FIM was done on the 26th, and this a 24 hour lapse from the 27th to the 28th. Hoping when my LEDs get here I can have a decent finish. Probably not gonna see them till the 5th though cause of the holidays and I used basic shipping.



Active Member
well heres my blue cheese, its not really digging the heat out in cali but its alright. Gave it it's first feeding today, started yellowing on the bottom leaves

Afghan Kush Ryder smelling of berries and mangos. Fiyaaaa!

one of my outdoor photoperiods. Northern Border Kush


Well-Known Member
well heres my blue cheese, its not really digging the heat out in cali but its alright. Gave it it's first feeding today, started yellowing on the bottom leaves

Afghan Kush Ryder smelling of berries and mangos. Fiyaaaa!

one of my outdoor photoperiods. Northern Border Kush
*drool* that northern kush is hot
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