The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
but what u have with any overseas order is the risk of it not making, i wouldn't spend anything on there you cant and aint expecting to lose a lot off noobs are ripped.


Well-Known Member
we just hung a 250 floodlight on yoyo;s u know built in blaast n shit, lol held it fine, i had mine on relfectors too spoon, just hang it or hang the yoyos and giv em a tuf if no movemt ul be fine, i use chains with s hooks personally,,,, if u need i got 2 spare lengths for hanging lights, save u 7 qwid,

but yeh i really needa reflector with the wire for my 250 gunna stick it over the mini grow im doing, i may even pull 2o fthe blue dream over and flower em fek it,, they look big enough lol

who asked U fukface,, go bak to ya pals,,, u unsocable cunt!
No I'm jus gettin rid of the yo yo's so I get another couple of inchs height wise lol jus gonna put the hood as high as it will possibly go lol. Ill ship one out beginng of the week for ya ice.


Well-Known Member
it was a phoneshop reference, i watched it the other week and it had me in stitches.

i'll have to show you some real hash one day sambo, that imported stuff is good but the flavour of my dry sift is intense and that shit doesn't just bubble a bit, it melts and almost evaporates. it's like the bad terminator in T2.


Well-Known Member
it was a phoneshop reference, i watched it the other week and it had me in stitches.

i'll have to show you some real hash one day sambo, that imported stuff is good but the flavour of my dry sift is intense and that shit doesn't just bubble a bit, it melts and almost evaporates. it's like the bad terminator in T2.
im fully aware of the impurities in good grade imported compared to bubble etc but them impurities i dunno weather it be charas,pollen,real goldseal,paki,leb just give it a flavor of nostalgia lol


Well-Known Member
going to be veging 1 mother what light do u recommend just for the 1 plant?....just a t5?
why are you keeping a mother imc, u can jus clone yer veg plants an ull have another one in 2 weeks, saves all the bother of keepin a mother