Glenn Beck's Latest Comment

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
try again, kkkynes.

crazy draws a crowd, whats your point doofus?

"occupy protests" were more crazy than beck, less rational, and were even more of a waste of effort than the one day nut-fest of Beck-a-thon, and they have been going on for YEARS representing a much deeper commitment to CRAZY than beck could summon up.

also, arent those Obama posters in that image, and i see some black people, i think thats not the beck rally, but i got your poorly crafted point.

as the reigning king of nit picking, maybe you should double check your source for that image. you wouldnt want to lose your crown now would you?

bud nugbong

Well-Known Member
IM pro cfl...liked them since they came out. just treat them like motor oil and don't throw them out in your back yard you juckets.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
IM pro cfl...liked them since they came out. just treat them like motor oil and don't throw them out in your back yard you juckets.

i switched to CFL's while living in an apartment where incandescent light bulbs would pop from the wild fluctuations in the power system.

plus they grow better dope.

the LED light bulbs are kinda cool too, and can fit in tiny spaces, like recessed lights and track lighting.


Well-Known Member
whats your point doofus?
that thousands of people, mostly tea party, conservative, and republican types, are willing to travel thousands of miles just to see him speak.

but i guess he's not their "spokesperson" because you said so on the interweb.

seems legit.

i won't even mention his following on radio or formerly on TV, which numbered in the millions.

but he's totally not a spokesperson for these people that follow his every word.

deny reality harder, georgina.


Well-Known Member
Love it! Hey Buck, we have only been accurately recording temperatures for how long? 100 years? Maybe 125 ish? How many ice ages have we had? How many times has the earth been exponentially " warmed up"? I'm just curious because you seem to know what you are talking about.. Has anyone considered the idea that maybe since there are 7.2 billion people on earth, all of us having a temperature of a tad over 98 degrees F; could our body heat be warming the world? I think global warming is real, but I also believe there is a lot more to our climate( and yes climates change, I lived in dry ass colorado and could find fossils of sea shells 900 miles from the nearest ocean) than we know. Call me stupid, call me ignorant, but really half the "facts" you spew out of your mouth are from "documentaries" like Loose Change and An Inconvient Truth. You are a sheep Buck, you always have been and always will be. I feel bad for you watching you shout names at people over the Internet while trying to make everyone who disagrees with you look stupid so you can go to bed feeling important and knowledgable.

on a side note, glenn beck is batshit crazy and nobody in their right mind should give a shit what he says.
Human body heat raising the temperature of the earth? you ARE kidding, right?


Well-Known Member
Human body heat raising the temperature of the earth? you ARE kidding, right?
Think about it. It's called radiant heat. I'm nt saying its true I was really baked when I posted last night. I'm not refuting global warming. I'm saying that we don't even fully understand our climate and the history of the earth.


Well-Known Member
OMFG you need to get your theory out to the world.

you have singlehandedly diagnosed the situation.

god speed.
See, there ya go again trying to make yourself feel better:) Buck, it was just a idea, I'm not saying it is real or the cause. I know global warming IS real and us pumping millions of tons of CO2 and other greenhouse gases into the atmosphere is certainly speeding up a climate change. But, you have to admit its possible that there is a natural cycle to our earth, and we have no clue how it works, how drastically it changes, or how quickly it changes. Shit not too long ago Europe was in a mini ice age.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
that thousands of people, mostly tea party, conservative, and republican types, are willing to travel thousands of miles just to see him speak.

but i guess he's not their "spokesperson" because you said so on the interweb.

seems legit.

i won't even mention his following on radio or formerly on TV, which numbered in the millions.

but he's totally not a spokesperson for these people that follow his every word.

deny reality harder, georgina.
millions of people bought Vanilla Ice's records too, then they realized he was a dipshit posuer.

crazy draws a crowd, but also Beck was not the only speaker at that shindig.

when i got yo Monsters of Rock im not there for the opening comic, Metallica or Pantera, i prefer Mastodon, Yngwie Malmsteen and Megadeath.

your blind assumption that all those people were there for Beck is pretty absurd, and even if they were ALL waiting for Glenn's pronouncements, that doesnt make him their spokesman, any more than Howard Stern or Carrot Top are the charismatic cult leaders for every dumbass who ever went to hear what they had to say.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
was he singing songs or selling batshit retarded political theories?
One and the Same.

it is theatre, and both are selling their "product" to anyone dumb enough to shell out a few drachmas for a seat at the show.

Money Power and Prestige are the prime motivating factors for nearly every political "leader" in history, particularly the populist demagogues like Beck, Sharpton, Jackson or Mussolini (you thought i was gonna Godwin didnt ya?)

only a very few political leaders have done what they did because they thought it was right, and honestly MLK was among them. unfortunately his coattails were heavily laden with race baiters, assholes, opportunists and shitheels.

i happen to agree with HIS policies and goals, but i strongly disagree with the policies and goals of those who took up the banner after he fell.

i thought marx had a few good ideas too, but i have zero respect for the bolsheviks who took up his cause nor the Third Way Socialist, Fascists, Maoists, etc etc etc.

marx now has a strong stink on him, and so does the "Civil Rights Movement" which today is just a pressure group with no purpose but to provide a fig-leaf of respectability for self-aggrandizing dickheads like jackson, farrakhan and sharpton.

TLDR Version: Brother Martin is a Badass, but the guys who came after him suck, and have corrupted what he stood for.


Well-Known Member
One and the Same.

it is theatre, and both are selling their "product" to anyone dumb enough to shell out a few drachmas for a seat at the show.

Money Power and Prestige are the prime motivating factors for nearly every political "leader" in history, particularly the populist demagogues like Beck, Sharpton, Jackson or Mussolini (you thought i was gonna Godwin didnt ya?)

only a very few political leaders have done what they did because they thought it was right, and honestly MLK was among them. unfortunately his coattails were heavily laden with race baiters, assholes, opportunists and shitheels.

i happen to agree with HIS policies and goals, but i strongly disagree with the policies and goals of those who took up the banner after he fell.

i thought marx had a few good ideas too, but i have zero respect for the bolsheviks who took up his cause nor the Third Way Socialist, Fascists, Maoists, etc etc etc.

marx now has a strong stink on him, and so does the "Civil Rights Movement" which today is just a pressure group with no purpose but to provide a fig-leaf of respectability for self-aggrandizing dickheads like jackson, farrakhan and sharpton.

TLDR Version: Brother Martin is a Badass, but the guys who came after him suck, and have corrupted what he stood for.
If you are in complete denial about Obama's mom, dad, childhood mentor, and grandparents being communist, then how are we supposed to take anything you say about Karl Marx or Saul Alynski seriously?