Glenn Beck's Latest Comment


Well-Known Member
if you dumb fuck wads were really interested in power savings and cleaner energy, we would have leds and solar/wind/water gens instead of this bullshit. so stop playing like any of you even care.... fuckin retards.

Solar and wind would be really popular except the sun sets and the wind doesnt always cooperate and all you have to do is live without refrigeration cause it uses too much power... So yeah, that isnt happening...

Do you know how toxic large batteries are?


Well-Known Member
I think climate changes. It has over the millennia.

Causes though? I feel we just need more info. The planet has been around for a long ass time. We are but a blip in the timeline of Earth.

What gets me the most is when people say climate is not weather. It absolutely is. It's what the weather is like over an extended period of time.

El Tiberon

Active Member
I think climate changes. It has over the millennia.

Causes though? I feel we just need more info. The planet has been around for a long ass time. We are but a blip in the timeline of Earth.

What gets me the most is when people say climate is not weather. It absolutely is. It's what the weather is like over an extended period of time.
You have never seen a Rain Forest.

El Tiberon

Active Member
This year has the least recorded 100 degree temperatures in history... You might want to check your rhetoric at the door considering the earth hasnt seen any of this disastrous global warming for the last 15 years...

You would think liberals would be happy about that but nooooo.....
Did you notice the weather change off the coast of Colombia earlier this year? I did.

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
Pretty much yes...

I am not against clean air and water but our standards have never been higher.

I also argue your claim that we are *Harming* the environment. Change is not necessarily harm. There is global warming and cooling, most is caused by the sun, other natural effects include volcano's, forest fires, weather patterns, etc. My point is that our effect on the environment has yet to be significant.
Scientists have recently found out the Earth's core is much hotter than we though. How is freon causing core warming?


Well-Known Member
Did you notice the weather change off the coast of Colombia earlier this year? I did.
I watch the weather change every year, it is called the seasons... I watch it change from day to night as well... What would be unusual is if it did not change...


Well-Known Member

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Republican/Tea Party/ Conservative spokesman Mr. Beck recently sent an inter-office email stating that anyone using a fluorescent bulb would be fired. He stated that it was part of a "Communist and Socialist" plot to promote the false idea of global warming. Why is it that so many Republicans buy into his shit. Why?. I really don't want to be troll like, but it seems that all the "conservative" spokespeople, pick one any one,(Hannity, O'Reilly, Carlson, Kelly) live in a parallel universe that is not based on any reality at all. Then the Republicans wonder what the can do to improve their political standing. Nothing really, as they just have too many fools as their spokespeople, it seems.
glenn beck is crazy.

maybe you didnt catch the clues.

he isnt a "spokesman" for conservative, tea party activists, or republicans.

he is a spokesman for CRAZY.

your assumptions are unfounded.

if you insist on calling beck a "spokesman" for every group you hate, then i can call Louis Farrakhan, Al Sharpton and and David Icke YOUR spokesmen, and even as crazy as beck is, the lefty crazy makes him seem rational.


Well-Known Member
The democrats spokesman Chris Matthews has endorsed murdering people because of the use of chemical weapons "even Hitler didn't use chemical weapons"

democrats must all be anti-semites


Well-Known Member
Love it! Hey Buck, we have only been accurately recording temperatures for how long? 100 years? Maybe 125 ish? How many ice ages have we had? How many times has the earth been exponentially " warmed up"? I'm just curious because you seem to know what you are talking about.. Has anyone considered the idea that maybe since there are 7.2 billion people on earth, all of us having a temperature of a tad over 98 degrees F; could our body heat be warming the world? I think global warming is real, but I also believe there is a lot more to our climate( and yes climates change, I lived in dry ass colorado and could find fossils of sea shells 900 miles from the nearest ocean) than we know. Call me stupid, call me ignorant, but really half the "facts" you spew out of your mouth are from "documentaries" like Loose Change and An Inconvient Truth. You are a sheep Buck, you always have been and always will be. I feel bad for you watching you shout names at people over the Internet while trying to make everyone who disagrees with you look stupid so you can go to bed feeling important and knowledgable.

on a side note, glenn beck is batshit crazy and nobody in their right mind should give a shit what he says.