I give up


Well-Known Member
I will watch it I have it staked and the fence should block most of it was more worried about a heavy down pour


Well-Known Member
Sativas take longer to bud and flower. Feed her and put her under some sun, you might wanna tie her down so the wind won't hassle her so much.
I'm glad it's sativa I want it for sleep and anxiety plus a damn good buzz!!!
Normally people want indicas to help with sleep and sativas can cause anxiety. I agree with everyone else that said to upcan. Its still very early in flower so the extra room for the roots will help a lot more than the stress of re potting will hurt her in my opinion. good luck with which ever route you decide to take


Sector 5 Moderator
She's starved for light. Repotting in a larger container will not shock her nearly as much as the roots running out of room; it's a pay now or pay later scenario.

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
Last thing you want in flower is a root bound plant . . . .transplant or if your putting her outside . . Dig a hole put bigger size pot in it and then put plant on top... roots should grow through or has a solid base. . . .cut it off( snips are easist ). .you lose a bucket or pot but you have less stress then transplanting and less delay in fruiting


Well-Known Member
I transplanted to a five gallon bucket and she was nothing but a big root ball. So I gave here a good wet down and now she has enough room to triple her roots I'm scared it just makes it more obvious sitting outside. Plus after harvest she will be to big to revert right.


Well-Known Member
As a thought you could cut bottom of pot and place over a lossened area of soil ( can help in stressing plant, not having to remove from bucket to bucket ) and let it do it's thing, It worked for me, the only down side would be you wouldn't be able to lift pot ( container ) anymore, due to no bottom, but then again most people chop and hang,


Active Member
Probably not enough lite from your grow lite. The sunlight is so much better and stronger than any indoor light for plants as long as it's adequate. And have you put it in flower yet ? if not thats why it's not budding Lol. but if you've had it in flower and there wimpy and its 6 feet tall, it probably needs more light and might be so tall from stretching trying to find more light. Especially if you dont have enough watts/ big enough light it might not be enough for your girls. But id go with sunlight like the other said start it off in the shade for a few days or something. good luck


Active Member
yes put it in ground after that few days let its roots get some room , you didnt give alot of info but your probly pretty new but thats okay we all were

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
I transplanted to a five gallon bucket and she was nothing but a big root ball. So I gave here a good wet down and now she has enough room to triple her roots I'm scared it just makes it more obvious sitting outside. Plus after harvest she will be to big to revert right.
Some considerations:

1. Like someone mentioned, you put that plant outside and she's gonna stress out, most likely drop all her leaves. It has to be acclimated to sunlight over time. Of course I'm in Texas and we not only have high light but constant heat.....you're up north so your mileage may vary. If it was mine, I wouldn't do it. One "aw shit" and it's over, and you have a long way to go,

2. Once a plant goes into a flowering mode root production is put on the back burner. The plant is putting its energy into flower production, not roots. Root production should have happened at the beginning, not towards the end. That's how an annual "thinks", and that's what it does. You need to upcan before the flowering response for the best results,

3. If you're subject to winds and storms....good luck! Like the light, your plant is not acclimated to the stresses, pressures, that come with outdoor gardening. My outdoor gardens are beat up by constant gusty winds and storms...it's really a PITA and will bronze the leaves if the wind is bad enough, will split the crotch as shown here on this sativa that went thru a thunderstorm. In spite of a nasty split trunk (4 main colas) it did fine.


4. You have the option to top her and I would surely take out the tallest lanky stem,

5. High P foods contribute to the stretch. Stay away from them. http://www.gpnmag.com/what-really-causes-stretch

6. If you have a security issue and that includes peace-of-mind, keep it inside.

I've grown Dalat Viet. sativa indoors. Here's a photo of part of the garden where it was out of control so I put it at the perimeter of the garden and let it grow right past the lights which were raised to the max, about 6'. It was topped numerous times during flowering and it produced just fine.

You are the master of your garden and must take control. :)

Good luck,




Well-Known Member
image.jpgimage.jpgimage.jpgimage.jpgOk boys she has been outside for two weeks a blew up I'm guessing 6-10 ounces of the big one and her daughter looks the best out of all my try's.


Well-Known Member
6-10 ounces? stop talking wet, ul be lucky to pull 2-3 IF that much and thats coz m being nice,,,, i notice wen u first put ur thread up u asked for last 2 weeks LOL last 2 yrs more like.
heres mine at week 3

shes still oung but at week 3 she looks nice :),, ur othe rone looked fucked id have bnned her ersonally