MJ may be legal starting next week, wow.


Active Member
Here is a quote from yahoo article I just read.

" It's legal to light up in Colorado and Washington, and soon smoking pot could be legalized across the country following a decision Thursday by the federal government. "

Discuss your thoughts about this, what does this all entail?


Well-Known Member
I hope.but something tells me its still guna be couple years at least.they need to just make up there minds.lol hope its by next spring if they do decide. Ill have a spot rdy for plants lol


Active Member
hahahah what you mean "a spot" ? the day the feds legalize im sticking a plant in my front yard and pruning it to grow into a middle finger!


Active Member
Police Oppose legalizing it because idk about everywhere else as much but where i am so many people get caught with/or selling bud..
they'd have less shit to do and they shouldnt be worrying about people smoking weed anyway atleast 18+ i feel like there so quik to think you have weed especially the younger people and everyone based on what they 'look' like. last time i got pulled over he tried saying he smells weed, i didnt smoke shit that day yet it was like 8 in the morning it's like there job. but they should be worrying about fighting ACTUAL CRIME. I'd still try to grow some illegally still to avoid tax LOL probably wont have to worry about it soon they it will take some time to get here.
-sorry im fucked up myself. :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Here is a quote from yahoo article I just read.

" It's legal to light up in Colorado and Washington, and soon smoking pot could be legalized across the country following a decision Thursday by the federal government. "

Discuss your thoughts about this, what does this all entail?
All it means is that the federal government won't be going after states that have a regulatory system in place. That does not mean it's going to be legal across America next week.


Well-Known Member
All it means is that the federal government won't be going after states that have a regulatory system in place. That does not mean it's going to be legal across America next week.
This ^^^

Here is a key paragraph in the article:

Richard Collins, a law professor at the University of Colorado Boulder, said that the memo from the DOJ points out specifically that the federal government will only walk away from marijuana crimes in states where there is a solid regulatory system for the drug's growth and disemenation.

For other states to mimic the systems in Colorado and Washington, they will first have to get legalization laws on their ballots or in their state houses, which could post a challenge, he said.

It will remain illegal in most of the United States until states pass medical or legalization laws. Still, this is still a huge shift in the federal policy on marijuana that is bound to have a profound impact on speeding up pro-pot state laws being passed. Expect the states that have ballot initiatives to pass laws first, states that do not have ballot initiatives will take longer.


Sector 5 Moderator
I think it's just a matter of time and it will be legal or at least decriminalized. The truth will set you free. People just need to know the truth about why it came to be illegal in the first place, and the benefits of it. I just hope "stoners" don't mess it up for everyone. While I'm all for getting "high", this is real medicine, one of the most important - if not THE most important - plants in the world and it deserves the utmost respect. Paying taxes on it is like paying the mafia for "protection" or paying a ransom to a kidnapper. The state didn't give the plant, so it should not be able to tax it's use.


Well-Known Member
The UK should absolutely follow suit. At least decriminalising possession would be a massive step in the right direction. For that to happen, I feel we'll need a new generation of politicians in the country. The current lot seem to be slightly behind the times and seem to be scared to take a gamble on something that is more than likely going to be a success.


Well-Known Member
I think it's just a matter of time and it will be legal or at least decriminalized. The truth will set you free. People just need to know the truth about why it came to be illegal in the first place, and the benefits of it. I just hope "stoners" don't mess it up for everyone. While I'm all for getting "high", this is real medicine, one of the most important - if not THE most important - plants in the world and it deserves the utmost respect. Paying taxes on it is like paying the mafia for "protection" or paying a ransom to a kidnapper. The state didn't give the plant, so it should not be able to tax it's use.
That tax thing could be said of most anything, but that hasn't stopped them. As SCOTUS said, the Federal government's ability to tax is unlimited. One thing to consider that may speed things along is this: states get funding from the Feds for drug seizures. States still prosecuting will get more funds. Other states will sue because they will get less. The Feds will stop the funding altogether or stop funding for pot seizures. Either way, it will take away much of the financial reward for pot prosecutions. The additional revenue from taxing legal pot sales will look more and more attractive to the States that still prosecute. This won't take very long, either. There is a light at the end of the tunnel!