Glenn Beck's Latest Comment

El Tiberon

Active Member
you forget in these days the conservatives are split. Those who are crazy and those who are legitimately insane.

Fenian Brotherhood

Well-Known Member
I'll do my part for Global Warming.... ONE COLD BEER AT A TIME!

I like cfls... Don't have a problem saving the money as well. Although, unscented candles are pretty cool... Get enough going and it's trippy.. Hella light too

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
You waste your time blowing so much hot air. He is a self proclaimed conservative no matter what you say.
if he proclaimed himself to be an african-american civil rights leader, the leading intellect of the New Progressive Movement, a Prima Ballerina for the Bolshoi, the King of Old Siam, a 5000 year old Biblical Prophet, and the inventor of The Question Mark would that be good for you too?


Well-Known Member
It's been about 40 years of climate scare. Where's my ice age?
Oh, its coming! Has been regularly for 600 million years at least. We spent decades trying to eliminate mercury in consumer products, and now we have mandated their return. This may be a mistake.


Well-Known Member
Do you have something to refer me to that addresses why all of the shit we currently pump into the environment isn't a bad thing? I would be genuinely interested in reading it. I have had my mind changed more than once in my life, and wouldn't be averse to it happening again. I do enjoy learning new things.
Well, The most famous of the global warming alarmists, Al Gore, has 20-something cars, several of them SUVs. He owns a couple private jets. He owns several large mansions. He uses energy at 100s of times the average person. He doesn't seem too worried about it. You should pay less attention to what your leaders say and more to what they do.


Well-Known Member
Once the clean tech becomes cheaper than oil we will see a shift. That would start change globally. Governments are prob just gonna tax the hell outta oil products to force a shift. Won't change the other nations tho...
Most nations already tax over 100%. Most of this is all bullshit. Ethanol production uses over a gallon of oil to produce a gallon of ethanol, so gasohol is counter productive, but its use is mandated anyway. Turning food into fuel seems foolish, at best. Many of these measures enacted seem to be in place to profit those who can afford lobbyists and little else. Jacksonville, Florida is the headquarter of CXS. There several railways bisecting the city in every direction. Dozens died every year while languishing in ambulances trapped at rail crossings. After much hue and cry, the city doubled the fine for stopping the trains and blocking the crossings for more than 15 minute from $5,000 to $10,000. Mind you the train has to actually be stopped, if it moves just 1 inch, the clock starts all over again. There has never been a citation. The deaths continue unabated. Yes, the city cured the problem. The problem they cured, however, wasn't people dying because of CXS. The problem was the public outcry about it. Many of our laws, while supposedly for the public good, actually were created to benefit special interests that can afford to pay off public officials.


Well-Known Member
Most nations already tax over 100%. Most of this is all bullshit. Ethanol production uses over a gallon of oil to produce a gallon of ethanol, so gasohol is counter productive, but its use is mandated anyway. Turning food into fuel seems foolish, at best. Many of these measures enacted seem to be in place to profit those who can afford lobbyists and little else. Jacksonville, Florida is the headquarter of CXS. There several railways bisecting the city in every direction. Dozens died every year while languishing in ambulances trapped at rail crossings. After much hue and cry, the city doubled the fine for stopping the trains and blocking the crossings for more than 15 minute from $5,000 to $10,000. Mind you the train has to actually be stopped, if it moves just 1 inch, the clock starts all over again. There has never been a citation. The deaths continue unabated. Yes, the city cured the problem. The problem they cured, however, wasn't people dying because of CXS. The problem was the public outcry about it. Many of our laws, while supposedly for the public good, actually were created to benefit special interests that can afford to pay off public officials.
Must be a media coverup,+Florida++deaths+railroad+crossings+ambulances&ie=UTF-8&rlz=1T4GGHP_enUS495US495&q=Jacksonville,+Florida++deaths+railroad+crossings+ambulances&gs_l=hp....,+Florida++deaths+railroad+crossings+ambulances+train+stopped

Can you cite a source for dozens dying every year in Jacksonville, Florida?


Well-Known Member
The local paper there covered it. It was a few years ago, maybe 2000 or so? I don't know if you can get archives online or not. I know its not exactly what you asked for, but I'm too lazy to do more. I do remember one citation was written before they doubled the fine and the cop who wrote it got fired.

El Tiberon

Active Member
The local paper there covered it. It was a few years ago, maybe 2000 or so? I don't know if you can get archives online or not. I know its not exactly what you asked for, but I'm too lazy to do more. I do remember one citation was written before they doubled the fine and the cop who wrote it got fired.
In other words, you have no evidence and made it up.....