leaf claws...just second guessing myself. please help


Well-Known Member
they just a week into flowering, ph 6.8, using 600watt hps temp used to be just over 80, i've moved em to a cooler part of the house now and they just under 80F, humidity is 65% but sine i moved the dial its reading 80% untill it settles. I use alaskan morebloom, 2ml to every litre every otherday, i've stoped as of today doing this as im trying to figure out the problem, any help much appreicated
How close do you keep that 600 to your plants? I only use a 150 watt hps and I still have to keep it at least 10 inches or so away from my plants to keep them from sizzlin'....move your light up is my guess. It looks like it is just the top part of your plant that is affected...
This is what it looks like when you get a plant too close to a light....



Well-Known Member
thanks for all the help guys, the humiditys still on 80%, got 2 fans running now, temps on 80F. I seem to think its heat stress. i've moved them further from the light source as i dont have the option to go any higher with my lamp. The good news is they don't seem to be getting any worse and the second plant hasn't quite gone down the same road as the other so it seems as tho i might have solved it. Only time will tell.. thanks again.


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Well-Known Member
So i woke up this morning hoping that my plant would look a little happier...but nope. It looks like shit, like something is choking the life out of it. The soil is dryer but not dry..and my temps are in the 70's. I am starting to get worried. Is this situation just gonna get worse before it gets better or what? I took some more pics for you all to get a better look at whats going on. I also threw in a few pics of my other two girls :blsmoke:

and pauloution....I think you did the right thing getting those girls further from the light...keep us updated



Well-Known Member
well...my girl is still looking the same. it has been days now. There is no yellowing on her but her claws won't seem to go away. some of the leaves seem to be folding in half. they don't curl...just one side tucks up under the other. I can't find anything like this anywhere. Heat stress and over watering I guess but it just doesn't seem right to me...I am still worried. ugh


Well-Known Member
yeah.. same here, no yellowing, they just starting to fold down the middle.. i dunno what to do.. seems pointless running my lamp at the min.. im seriously considering disposeing of em and trying again.. gutted :cry:


Well-Known Member
yeah.. same here, no yellowing, they just starting to fold down the middle.. i dunno what to do.. seems pointless running my lamp at the min.. im seriously considering disposeing of em and trying again.. gutted :cry:
No!..Send it to me. lol My plants did that at an early age(11 inches). I cant quite tell what made them perk up, but i have started watering more, and put in new hps 250. they perked up after a week worth of good light.

I have my light at about 7 inches(air-cooled), and my moisture meter always reads 1-2. unless i just waterd it..then it reads 4. It kinda confuses me, so now i just water every other day. So far no probs. Been like this for a week. But i do still have a feww leaves with minimum clawing. Most straightend back out, but couple didn't. guess those will fall off eventually. Also i'm only 1 week into flowering. Hope this info mite help u...just one person to the next. later

and my humidity levels stay anywhere from 40%-80% temps from 82-70


Well-Known Member
okay guys...any more guesses on what may be goin on here? I havent watered my girl in days and she still looks like hell. Also...my other bigger girl is doing the same type of leaf folding....not really claws but folded in half downwards. I can't seem to find anything that looks like this...should I just keep waiting?


Well-Known Member
It might be worthwhile to let them get fairly dry then give them a FULL flush. From then on be careful what you give them. Often times claw leaves have something to do with water/roots. Those look like 5gal buckets so it probably isn't rootbound. Your 6.5 ph should be fine. Perhaps a salt buildup? something is annoying those roots and a flush should get rid of most of it.


Active Member
Hey Honky,

My Plant is looking exactly the same, well not so bushy because it's under CFL's. But the tips curling and droopy leaves make me think they could be sisters. Lucky you has the fat sister! :o)

My Plant is going to get plucked in a week and is currently 11 weeks into flowering.

I doubt it's heat, my humidity is also high, but I agree that this is more likley to cause rot rather than a sad plant. My PH is okay too and I've been flushing for 2 weeks now and that has made no difference. So I doubt it is over nuted.
My plant has had the droop for a few weeks and has hit a platoe and she seems to be quite content and progressing nicley. So it may not spell doom for you my friend.

2 thoughts to my cause.
-Overwatering. I think I could be guilty...
-The droopers are all drooping towards lower CFL's on the sides. Lower leaves and the very top leaves seem to be better. Do you have a reflector on top? Is there a even spread of light to all parts of the plant?



Well-Known Member
Hey Honky,

My Plant is looking exactly the same, well not so bushy because it's under CFL's. But the tips curling and droopy leaves make me think they could be sisters. Lucky you has the fat sister! :o)

My Plant is going to get plucked in a week and is currently 11 weeks into flowering.

I doubt it's heat, my humidity is also high, but I agree that this is more likley to cause rot rather than a sad plant. My PH is okay too and I've been flushing for 2 weeks now and that has made no difference. So I doubt it is over nuted.
My plant has had the droop for a few weeks and has hit a platoe and she seems to be quite content and progressing nicley. So it may not spell doom for you my friend.

2 thoughts to my cause.
-Overwatering. I think I could be guilty...
-The droopers are all drooping towards lower CFL's on the sides. Lower leaves and the very top leaves seem to be better. Do you have a reflector on top? Is there a even spread of light to all parts of the plant?

Thanks man...lemme shoot some more pics out to you so you can see my setup a little better. The lights are more than spread out....my ph was actually about mid sevens for a week or so but I got it back to around 6.8. I flushed them a few times before that so I don't think it's a salt buildup. there are no yellow spots to show any kind of nute def. that I can see. I am really just baffled. it doesnt get any hotter than 79 in the room now....I used to let it get to 82 but its hard to keep down...it was over 100 here today for instance. I am just confused. I have a plant that is gonna be ready in a few days that is doin fine...well actually I need to give her some water tonight...she is bone dry...but...yeah...I hope it is just overwatering and they are comin back slow cause they are in fives. plus I am only using a 150watt hps so its not like I am roastin them with a 4 or 6 hundred. I dunno...check some pics...in the last few you can see how my leaves have just taco'd flat on one side...it's bizarre....and I hope your plant is good to go for ya...seein as how you only have a week with that one :blsmoke:



Active Member
Yeah mine have no spots or anything like that and they are droopy all the time, not like when you watch time lapse videos and you see them up and down up and down...
I'm learning as I go, but do you have a osc fan in there causing a ot or air movement? My fan is just static and circulates the air, I think its bad to have no air movement or contant air movement on one spot...

Also your pots look very deep. Mine are about 2 thirds yours and when the top few CM's are bone dry, but towards the bottom the meter jumps to wet...

It takes faith to not water your plants, I always cave thinking they are thirsty and give in...

Good luck anyway. hopefully someone will have an answer for you.
Nice job on the Claw description... I was searching for ages but never thought of that term, saw your post adn new exactly what the pics were going to look like.


Well-Known Member
yeah I have a static box fan on them....I change the angle everyday so they get circulation and strength from different sides...but it's still static so. As far as my pots go...I have transplanted them four times and each time the roots are at the bottom as they should be...when I test my soil I test at three different depths....I know I over watered it a bit a few days ago but I have never seen anything like this....this is my first indoor grow...here it's 115 out in the summer so for an outdoor grow you really can't over water here. And thanks about the description...it's the best thing I could come up with. BTW...is your plant doing it around the bud sites mostly too? I am not that concerned about the fan leaves but if the leaves around my flowers look like that then what is actually happening inside my poor flowers.....ugh. Anyway happy growing hopefully somebody has seen this before


Active Member
Here are a couple of pics, the leaves arond the main cola are starting to curl also, and just as I was taking the photo I noticed the tips of the very top leaves are starting to go yellow and crispy.

The lower leaves have been curling for about 4-5 weeks now, she's now in week 12, and the leaves are just starting to feel very dry, almost crispy.
I'm putting it down to the plant being very near the end of it's cycle.

Like yourself this is my first indoor grow, purly for personal smoke, so I went the CFL option. Just used a single 100W, which was great for veg but about 7 weeks into flower the bottom of the plant was not getting any light and growth slowed down, I added 4x23w CFL's which have boosted her a bit, but out of my 4 2 yr old bagseed seedlings she was the only true girl and the runt of the group. Her Clones are doing very well and are better plants that their mum, so my hopes are pinned on round 2.

Keep pushing for a solution though, someone must know!
Godd Luck



Well-Known Member
hey guys, sorry to hear nothings picked up. I thought your girlys might be looking a little stronger honkey.. it seems my plants have now taken a diffrent direction they are starting to go yellow and i'm noticeing brown spots, rusty kinda patchs. I still can't determine if this is a deficency or a ph problem. :confused: As before, one plant looks alot healthier than the other. Pictures attached. :cry:



Well-Known Member
damn Pauloution...your plant on the left looks so sad. your girls are really lookin burned from lights. are you having any new growth? as for my girls...well...they are still green and I think they are looking a little better but I am still worried about them....I think I am gonna water my real sad plant today with some peroxide and see if that helps...i think I drowned the roots. fingers crossed



Well-Known Member
i got my fingers and toes crossed here for you dude. Yeah, i'm getting new growth on both... i can't suss this problem out.. your's are actually looking a little better.. they dont appear to be getting anyworse anyway. I took a photo to show the distance between the light and the plants.. surely it cant be burning them.. i havn't a clue. I was in london over the weekend and managed to pick up some 'four way special' seeds for a very reasonable price so... as soon as i thow the towl in with these.. i'll be starting again. Check these pics out, this is my mates growth using the same setup as mine, same siol, fertelizer, we did everything the same except his light is 400watts mine being 600watts, so the only thing we did diffrent was the distance between the lights and plants.



Well-Known Member
i got my fingers and toes crossed here for you dude. Yeah, i'm getting new growth on both... i can't suss this problem out.. your's are actually looking a little better.. they dont appear to be getting anyworse anyway. I took a photo to show the distance between the light and the plants.. surely it cant be burning them.. i havn't a clue. I was in london over the weekend and managed to pick up some 'four way special' seeds for a very reasonable price so... as soon as i thow the towl in with these.. i'll be starting again. Check these pics out, this is my mates growth using the same setup as mine, same siol, fertelizer, we did everything the same except his light is 400watts mine being 600watts, so the only thing we did diffrent was the distance between the lights and plants.
are you sure your temps didnt get way out of hand for a day or two? the light being the only difference tells me that has to be the problem....maybe not too close but maybe too hot. I dunno man but your buddys plants look fine...how odd. That's awesome you got some cheap seeds though. you should do em up. as for my plants they still look shitty but they aren't getting any worse so i am sure they will be fine. just kinda sad to look at....lol. BTW enjoy London...I am jealous...I miss my family there. Amazing place to party too. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
yeah its possible, temps got to around 95 one day. But since i moved them i've had a steady 80F. They will be in week 4 flowering this thursday so. I dunno what to do... shall i leave them for another four weeks or give up and start with the seeds. I really do belive yours will be fine.. they definitly not getting worse.. they do look better so.. stay positive. Yeah londons great! If you ever need anything from there i got no problems picking them and shipping them to ya. Altho with shipping cost's its prob cheeper to order online.


Well-Known Member
yeah its possible, temps got to around 95 one day. But since i moved them i've had a steady 80F. They will be in week 4 flowering this thursday so. I dunno what to do... shall i leave them for another four weeks or give up and start with the seeds. I really do belive yours will be fine.. they definitly not getting worse.. they do look better so.. stay positive. Yeah londons great! If you ever need anything from there i got no problems picking them and shipping them to ya. Altho with shipping cost's its prob cheeper to order online.
I would start with the seeds and keep those going if possible. I dunno if they are gonna make it or not though...kinda thing I gotta see in person to tell really. but I am hopeful for them. So tonight I watered the girl that has been looking so sick. I added some blooming nutes to the water and it was phd to about 5.4....so I was happy adding it. my soil ph before I watered was 7.5....higher than I like normally...so anyway I watered and the soil is at a ph of 6.8 now....I watered about an hour ago. I have yet to see much change in the plant....maybe a little more leave curl. I didnt add peroxide like I thought I was going to because my roommate used it all...damn girl. so we will see how this goes. I added 1 gallon of water to five gallon bucket. and I took some more pics of her about 45 minutes after watering. as far as shipping stuff goes I may take you up on that....just maybe seems a bit safer. we shall see. anwho...I will post more tomorrow. hopefully your plants are doin better....after hearing about the high temp I am sure that has something to do with it. and once a plant is burned by heat it just dies off....but the new growth should be fine. we just gotta be seeing new growth....:blsmoke:

