Fixing Stretching


New Member
hey all. I have about 8 plants that are all very stretched due to the fact that I can't provide proper lighting. I know the best way to fix this would be to give them more light, which I am trying, but is there any other way to fix this? I mean the stretching? Can you top them so that they grow more on bottom? They all require supports right now.


Active Member
Hey there, well first of all to stop stretching you need to lower ur lights down closer. And yes topping would be a great option for you since u stated that ur plants have stretched major, as the topping will give u a very fast boost in side growth and ur plant will be bushier. So post us sme pics

After ur first topping you could top again more topping is = to more main cola yield


Well-Known Member
graf is on here alot but he changed his avatar to a picture if his well trained whore.


Well-Known Member
dat, your gonna want to get those out of that clear pot first of all second the reason the leaves are curling is water issuse on small pots like that the tap root will go to the bottom and form a root mass so even if you let your soil dry completely out the plant will look overwaterd as soon as you water and continue to look that way because the root mass at the bottom of the pot will be wet all the time basicly ypur plant will get "wet feet" as for the clear pot , roots do not like light it can be as harmfull as overwatering. goodluck


Well-Known Member
keep your supports on but give them a reason to bulk up the stem.

one way is to bring light closer, which you said you've done.

once light is not an issue another way is to stress the stem. take the support off sometimes, let the thing deal with it's own weight, even if it slumps over. leave it that way for half an hour or so then prop it back up and let it heal. once it gets where it can stand up on it's own twist the stem like you're twisting up a j...between your thumb and finger, once a day. twist and hold then let go and reverse, i did this to one of mine just to see what would happen and the stem is almost twice the thickness of the others and much, much harder.

another thing, which i've never done but it makes sense, is give it some wind when it gets strong enough to stand up.



Well-Known Member
Delta what would you suggest with the root bowl on the bottom of the pot/bucket in my case, whats the remedy for wet feet?


Well-Known Member
transplant into a bigger container.and arrange the plant in the new pot so the root mass at the bottom is located in the middle of the new pot . water , then wait for the plant to come out of shock . if the soil from the old pot is still moist and you use most of that in new pot(directly arround roots) you wont need to water that much. and make sure you dont over water in new pot. i went from a pot tat size into a six " pot and now water once weekly mine are going outside next week. if your keeping yours inside transplant into at least a 10" pot matter of fact you might as well put it in your final pot .its gonna take 2 to 5 days (depending on how waterlogged it is) to notice improvement . hope this helps goodluck