Terrorists Killed

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Well-Known Member
here is a link of the westerner's perspective report

A group of brave mujahideen stormed the fronts and onward of a Western military instillation along a highway near Jalalabad

These three lions seeking martyrdom successfully destroyed many invader's assets.
This includes some dozen of landmine clearing vehicles, armored personnel carriers, as well as trucks containing high-tech supplies/weapons

Accompanying the material losses, the defenders were able to infiltrate the residential zone.
13 US/NATO puppets are reported as wounded or dead. (Thus far the west admin. won't release any casualty/deaths)

Local sources state the base was engulfed in flames after the fuel storage area of the base was attacked.

These brave fighters gave their sacrifice and achieved high glory under Allah's mercy.
They did not enjoy seeing their mountains raped of beauty and resources prostituted in the name of "security for a better world tomorrow" (AKA USA world power)
Allah gave them the strength and courage that was required to stand up and conduct the bettering of Afghanistan- along with embracing the after and reward of-
here is a link of the westerner's perspective report

A group of brave mujahideen stormed the fronts and onward of a Western military instillation along a highway near Jalalabad

These three lions seeking martyrdom successfully destroyed many invader's assets.
This includes some dozen of landmine clearing vehicles, armored personnel carriers, as well as trucks containing high-tech supplies/weapons

Accompanying the material losses, the defenders were able to infiltrate the residential zone.
13 US/NATO puppets are reported as wounded or dead. (Thus far the west admin. won't release any casualty/deaths)

Local sources state the base was engulfed in flames after the fuel storage area of the base was attacked.

These brave fighters gave their sacrifice and achieved high glory under Allah's mercy.
They did not enjoy seeing their mountains raped of beauty and resources prostituted in the name of "security for a better world tomorrow" (AKA USA world power)
Allah gave them the strength and courage that was required to stand up and conduct the bettering of Afghanistan- along with embracing the after and reward of-

it is only noteworthy because they attacked a MILITARY INSTALLATION instead of a preschool in france (all praise the courage of the martyrs), a couple unarmed SCHOOLGIRLS who really really really needed acid thrown in their faces (in allah's mercy) or a wheelchair bound cripple on a cruise ship.

but do carry on.
it is only noteworthy because they attacked a MILITARY INSTALLATION instead of a preschool in france (all praise the courage of the martyrs), a couple unarmed SCHOOLGIRLS who really really really needed acid thrown in their faces (in allah's mercy) or a wheelchair bound cripple on a cruise ship.

but do carry on.
Sounds to me like these brave freedom fighters were merely attacking an occupying force in their nation...

War of Independence ring any bells?

I guess it all just depends on perspective...
Sounds to me like these brave freedom fighters were merely attacking an occupying force in their nation...

War of Independence ring any bells?

I guess it all just depends on perspective...

if they ONLY attacked military installations they could have all the jihad they wanted, too bad they almost invariably prefer the easy targets like office buildings, school busses and little girls.
if they ONLY attacked military installations they could have all the jihad they wanted, too bad they almost invariably prefer the easy targets like office buildings, school busses and little girls.
Meh, if Russia attacked and occupied the US, your people would give them hell...you know this to be true.

What is the purpose of the State militias again?
if they ONLY attacked military installations they could have all the jihad they wanted, too bad they almost invariably prefer the easy targets like office buildings, school busses and little girls.

Cough cough....collateral damage....cough cough. What in the name of Hiroshima are you talking about?
Meh, if Russia attacked and occupied the US, your people would give them hell...you know this to be true.

What is the purpose of the State militias again?

however there would not be acid attacks against little girls attending a school, nor would any american partisan force machinegun a preschool in britain.

obvious difference is obvious
yeah but its not about independece.
It's about kicking the foreign invaders out...

If you can't see the parallel then my words are wasted on you.

The only way to run an insurrection is to make the cost/benefit ratio more skewed towards cost, make the territory "not worth the effort".

I don't personally support their method or their religious justification, but I can see justification in the defense of territory angle.

Let's discuss a conflict dear to me, more so and personal. I feel to join this Jihad movement more so than Syria.
I have business, Allah first though

Russian faggots are constantly keeping patrol in the Caucus mountains region.
These forced militants fresh from Russia High school most often dont want to be there but willing do their masters orders, puppets they are

And so these 19 year olds lacking moral rape Chechen women while the men are away at work. The men are constantly going through Russian check points to seek potential "terrorists"
in reality Russian militant puppets, those thugs just kidnap the military aged or abled body men and kill them off. Of course you can harm an unarmed man just on his way to the store or work- pussy....shake my head
These euro trash soldiers will have no problem toying with people as mere ragdolls for enjoyment.

These mountains are a beautiful stretch. From Dagestan to Adgyea region Muslims seek to live as they want, an independent muslim nation trying to seek it's own thing.

Russia, no. They continue to want to harass the people and claim the land for themselves. This began with the 1700's invasion of Russians. Ultimately this jihad is justified and will win insha allah
Cough cough....collateral damage....cough cough. What in the name of Hiroshima are you talking about?

cough cough... TOTAL WAR between nations... cough cough...

what in the name of the shelling of Ojia and Santa Monica are you talking about?

Fugu Balloon Bombs.

the Rape of Nanking

Pearl Harbour

Bataan Death March

Medical experiments on prisoners, civilians and dissidents

Japan EARNED those two nukes, and in the end those two nukes saved more lives than they took.

untenable analogy is untenable.

Let's discuss a conflict dear to me, more so and personal. I feel to join this Jihad movement more so than Syria.
I have business, Allah first though

Russian faggots are constantly keeping patrol in the Caucus mountains region.
These forced militants fresh from Russia High school most often dont want to be there but willing do their masters orders, puppets they are

And so these 19 year olds lacking moral rape Chechen women while the men are away at work. The men are constantly going through Russian check points to seek potential "terrorists"
in reality Russian militant puppets, those thugs just kidnap the military aged or abled body men and kill them off. Of course you can harm an unarmed man just on his way to the store or work- pussy....shake my head
These euro trash soldiers will have no problem toying with people as mere ragdolls for enjoyment.

These mountains are a beautiful stretch. From Dagestan to Adgyea region Muslims seek to live as they want, an independent muslim nation trying to seek it's own thing.

Russia, no. They continue to want to harass the people and claim the land for themselves. This began with the 1700's invasion of Russians. Ultimately this jihad is justified and will win insha allah
Sounds like Israel/Palestine...
cough cough... TOTAL WAR between nations... cough cough...

what in the name of the shelling of Ojia and Santa Monica are you talking about?

Fugu Balloon Bombs.

the Rape of Nanking

Pearl Harbour

Bataan Death March

Medical experiments on prisoners, civilians and dissidents

Japan EARNED those two nukes, and in the end those two nukes saved more lives than they took.

untenable analogy is untenable.

Nope. The people responsible should be held responsible, babies, old men and women don't start wars or rape. Killing them from either side is not able to be justified.

I'll see your Nanking and raise you a My Lai massacre and a Wounded Knee. You see how it never ends? War is stupid, killing people you don't know and that have never harmed you, makes a person a murderer, not a hero, a murderer. PEACE.
It's about kicking the foreign invaders out...

If you can't see the parallel then my words are wasted on you.

The only way to run an insurrection is to make the cost/benefit ratio more skewed towards cost, make the territory "not worth the effort".

I don't personally support their method or their religious justification, but I can see justification in the defense of territory angle.

too true, but only a fool thinks they can drive out the "invaders" by throwing acid on THEIR OWN CHILDREN.

the invasion was prompted by their own actions as well.

unlike ireland, the US didnt invade afghanistan to sort out their little country and give them the blessings of modern agriculture and depose the papists.

their ruling party was harbouring a KNOWN TERRORIST, so the talibs had to go down, then,, instead of leaving their tribal leaders to sort out their OWN problems while the marines turned their country upside down looking for osama, bush foolishly tried to Nation Build, which never works.

however, contrary to the oft repeated strawman, the US has no desire to annex afghanistan (or iraq), nor are these nations being plundered or operated as satellite states.

america has no empire.

we held the pohilippines, now they govern themselves as an indepoendant nation
we took cuba, then turned it over to their ELECTED government (later overthrown over corruption, to be replaced with even more corrupt assholes, whatcha gonna do?)
we took japan, now they are an independant nation.
we took south korea, now they are an independant nation
we took iraq, now they are an independant nation
we took puerto rico, and they keep voting to remain a protectorate.

all the various nation which have been under us military control automatically recieve the RIGHT to self determination and even if we dont particularly care for what they do with that right, as long as they dont attack the US, they remain free independent and self ruled.

even the puertorican extremeist rebels who machine gunned the US senate didnt result in pogrom,, because they were recognized to be fringe nutbars, and not an accurate measure of the puerto rican people.
the talibs, the al quaeda terrorists, the iraqi insurgents etc ARE a fairly representative sample of sand land's inhabitants, but if they kepot their bullshit in sandland the US would not be engaged in afghanistan or iraq.

maybe you forgot, but osama's stated "reason" for sept 11 2001 was US military presence in saudi arabia AT THE REQUEST OF THE SAUDI GOVERNMENT with the sole mission of DEFENDING THEM from nutbar saddam.
that was not an "invasion" Kuwait was NOT "invaded" by the US, that was again, Nutbar Saddam.

Nutbar Osama believes that NO non-moslems should be peritted to set foot in "Dar Al Islam" and THATS A PROBLEM, because "Dar Al Islam" includes spain, all of eastern europe, most of asia, indonesia, the phillippines, most of north africa, etc etc etc.

they arent trying to "drive out invaders" they are attempting to force their crazy vision of a purely islamic earth on the rest of us, one nation at a time.

even the british didnt have those kinds of mad delusions.
Nope. The people responsible should be held responsible, babies, old men and women don't start wars or rape. Killing them from either side is not able to be justified.

I'll see your Nanking and raise you a My Lai massacre and a Wounded Knee. You see how it never ends? War is stupid, killing people you don't know and that have never harmed you, makes a person a murderer, not a hero, a murderer. PEACE.

agreed, wars should be a spectacle of Mortal Kombat between the leaders of the factions, in Thunderdome, but armies exist, and those in power would prefer to not get hacked up with a chainsaw themselves.

as to my lai and wounded knee:
isolated atrocities have always occurred in EVERY conflict in history, from the Sack of Troy to abu ghraib, however those are the exception rather than the rule in civilized societies, among barbarians, those sorts of things are commonplace.

Rwanda: the US didnt make the Hutus and the Tutsis hack each other to death with machetes
Uganda: the US didnt make Idi Amin eat all those people
Sudan: the US didnt make the moslem rulers butcher all those christians, animists, atheists, jews, zoroastrians, etc etc etc
Iran: the US didnt make achmedinejhad hang all those homosexuals
Indonesia: The US didnt make the local militants hack the heads off those schoolgirls
France: the US didnt make that durkha durkha machinegun that preschool
Afghansitan: The US didnt make those savages throw acid on their own children
Philippinnes: The US didnt make the Abu Saif burn down rape and butcher all those villages
Spain: the US didnt put bombs on that commuter train
Britain: the US didnt put bombs on those busses

you can blam america for lotsa stuff, but not the madness of the moslems, they been crazy for centuries before the US was even created.
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