Terrorists Killed

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Yeah, it was killed unnecessarily so that won't be happening...

Seriously, these things come to light and yous wonder why the Sandy Towel-headed people hate America?

well thats the beauty of it all. He doesnt represent me or what I stand for. But what can I do?
You need to re-read history bro, cos the British did alot more fucked up shit than you seem to realise.

sure they did some fucked up shit early on, but once the age of free press began they toned their shit down real fast

way back when they didnt have to worry about international opinion, the brits did some fucked up shit in ALL their subjugated colonies.

meanwhile, the durkha durkhas continue to engage in the kind of actions that civilized nations have rejected for hundreds of years like:

public spectacle mutilations for minor offenses
public spectacle executions for offenses against their "morality"
public spectacle executions for being a political dissident
public spectacle executions for being a journalist
public stonings for women who fail to kill themselves after being raped
ritual "Honor Killings" of their own kids for perplexingly retarded reasons
nerve/blister attacks against their opponents in conflicts
nerve/blister agent attacks on their own people
random attacks against DEMONSTRABLY civilian targets in foreign lands with no connection to any conflict
hijackings of aircraft and vessels
piracy on the high seas
deliberate murder of wheelchair bound cripples on hijacked cruise ships
bombs in retarded kid's backpacks
bombs in schoolbusses
machete attacks of children
stabbing filmmakers
death warrants for authors of fiction novels
declarations that a particular ethnic group should be exterminated

and jubilant public displays on the streets when each of these barbaric events occurs.
sure they did some fucked up shit early on, but once the age of free press began they toned their shit down real fast

way back when they didnt have to worry about international opinion, the brits did some fucked up shit in ALL their subjugated colonies.

meanwhile, the durkha durkhas continue to engage in the kind of actions that civilized nations have rejected for hundreds of years like:

public spectacle mutilations for minor offenses
public spectacle executions for offenses against their "morality"
public spectacle executions for being a political dissident
public spectacle executions for being a journalist
public stonings for women who fail to kill themselves after being raped
ritual "Honor Killings" of their own kids for perplexingly retarded reasons
nerve/blister attacks against their opponents in conflicts
nerve/blister agent attacks on their own people
random attacks against DEMONSTRABLY civilian targets in foreign lands with no connection to any conflict
hijackings of aircraft and vessels
piracy on the high seas
deliberate murder of wheelchair bound cripples on hijacked cruise ships
bombs in retarded kid's backpacks
bombs in schoolbusses
machete attacks of children
stabbing filmmakers
death warrants for authors of fiction novels
declarations that a particular ethnic group should be exterminated

and jubilant public displays on the streets when each of these barbaric events occurs.
Meh, as long as they keep their crazy in sand land I couldn't give a fuck what they do.

Google "Black and Tans" btw, it'll be enlightening for you.

And they only did fucked up shit early on? You mean when they came here originally, 800 odd years ago?

They only left cos they were sick of their cities being blown up...
Meh, as long as they keep their crazy in sand land I couldn't give a fuck what they do.

Google "Black and Tans" btw, it'll be enlightening for you.

And they only did fucked up shit early on? You mean when they came here originally, 800 odd years ago?

They only left cos they were sick of their cities being blown up...

yes i know, ww1 doughboys sent to ireland to put down any dissent, lotsa violence, lotsa butthurt, but again, once the era of international free press began, shit calmed down real quick.
the last 75 or so years saw most of the brit's excesses curtailed, and an expansion of IRA actions with POPULAR INTERNATIONAL SUPPORT because the brits shit their own bed with their draconian attempts to subjugate the Taegs.

Meanwhile, the IRA tried their damndest to ensure that every one of their operations was targeted against british military forces, or british property, with very few (relatively speaking) incidents of "collateral damage"

Contrast this with the Haji tactics of MAXIMUM BARBARITY, with minimal exposure to opposition military forces, and INEXPLICABLE random attacks against entirely unrelated people in entirely uninvolved nations.

you may notice i do not bitch about attacks on the USS Cole, embassies, military bases anywhere in the world, political targets, etc etc etc.

the muzzies piss me off with their casual disregard for civilized behavior and their delight in murdering children, old age pensioners, pregnant women, cripples, and gays at home and abroad.

how many little irish girls did the IRA douse with acid for going to a school?
how many irish women were hacked to death for wearing clothing which was just a little too East End for a respectable paddy?
how many french preschools did the bog trotters machinegun?
how many italian cafes got blown up by furious taegs
how many german nightclubs did the Provos gas with sarin?

rebellion insurgency and war for independence is a messy business, but the muzzies make it far messier than it should ever be, BY DESIGN.

they get no sympathy from me.
Sounds to me like these brave freedom fighters were merely attacking an occupying force in their nation...

War of Independence ring any bells?

I guess it all just depends on perspective...

I'll be sure to say "Allah is great," if your family is ever sacrificed so some islamic freedom fighter gets 72 virgins. Remember, you said it just depends on perspective...
you are dumb as fuck... There is a reason the government took your farm and KARMA is among them...

yep. dumb as fuck because NOBODY gets a free pass on barbarism, no matter how special, brown or foreign they may be.

i dont adhere to the Post-Modern White Guilt philosophy that all problems are rooted in european colonialism, and therefore all the "oppressed" peoples can do as they please as compensation for the rest of eternity

standards of civilized behavior are expected from everyone.

except australians. they just cannot help themselves.
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