noobes today gone tommorow

Well i have been here a few weeks keeping my head down biting my lip reading the post threads but it seems there is some unwritten rule that seems to be the norm for discussion forums ,
And sorry lady's and girly s but the size of the post count has nothing to do with status or di@k size .
Content is the key
I have decided to go back to the shadows its not i don't like the site it kicks ass but for me the BS ,haters, trolls and just the general i am fuc%ing bored so ill post something or starting a thread for the sole purpose to start
discontent .So big fucking woops 3000 post in three months means fuck all if it all in the hate you thread
I wish people like jigfresh and others like him every good thing possible ,and the hater, trolls and,fools well they have to own at least one Mirror

see ya


Well-Known Member
I'm Sorry you feel that way. Among the crap posted there is helpful, knowledgeable information. I ask that you reconsider as you may need help someday.

Fenian Brotherhood

Well-Known Member
Seriously though...

Why get mad with someone off the Internet? It's like, if anything, if you get mad you're just telling everyone that you take things way to seriously.. And they will HUNT YOU intill you leave.

I know you can't give them the finger. You can't smack them stupid. You can't shit in their face.

But we do have an Ignore button. And we do delete posts that are BS. You just have to report them. And my personal favorite.. You can say.. FUCK YOU.

It's a forum dude.. No need to cry


Well-Known Member
ive noticed this site people rotate in and out and the vets will hide in the shadows and shake their heads on most posts.


Well-Known Member
I haven't seen much hate at all. I've asked some questions that I should have been ripped over but a few guys have really come forward and given me some good advice. Lots of really good info here. A lot of people willing to share their knowledge.


Well-Known Member
hmmmm i think his plants died on him :( u sound stressed buddy light one up!!!! :joint::joint::joint: if it makes ya feel any better my offical indoor grow has started my seedling popped today!!!!
Well i have been here a few weeks keeping my head down biting my lip reading the post threads but it seems there is some unwritten rule that seems to be the norm for discussion forums ,
And sorry lady's and girly s but the size of the post count has nothing to do with status or di@k size .
Content is the key
I have decided to go back to the shadows its not i don't like the site it kicks ass but for me the BS ,haters, trolls and just the general i am fuc%ing bored so ill post something or starting a thread for the sole purpose to start
discontent .So big fucking woops 3000 post in three months means fuck all if it all in the hate you thread
I wish people like jigfresh and others like him every good thing possible ,and the hater, trolls and,fools well they have to own at least one Mirror

see ya

I don't know how old you are but you need to seriously learn to "fuck what people think" you will probably never meet 99% of the people on the site you talk to and besides its like anything else in life there's gonna be goofballs and assholes in anything you do ... You scoop up what information is useful and don't worry about the rest !!! ... LoL MAN UP and harden the fuck up ... Life's gonna throw tougher situations them RIU ... Relax burn one and absorb what's good ;)

Cheers MJ !


Well-Known Member
ah man I know! so much bullshit to sift through, so unnecessary! but that is how it seems to be on pretty much the entire internet. I get frustrated with it sometimes, but then I remember how much I pay to be here... hard to complain when its free.

Indoor Sun King

Well-Known Member
you get what you put into this site...and yes there are a few idiots & assholes, but there are more decent people than not.

the key is to not feed these trolls with retaliations, as this is exactly what they want, to belittle and insult people to make themselves feel more important

if you ignore them, then they either go away or change their attitude

as for the OP...well I was not impressed with a few of his early posts, and this thread just confirms that he has personal issues


Well-Known Member
Not seeing any haters, trolls or fools (or assholes) in this thread :bigjoint: All I see is nice folks trying to help a troubled friend. That's how good forums act :hump: I am surprised at the rant. I see a little snobbishness and there are some posters that seem to always be pessimistic (note to increase yer meds :mrgreen: But I haven't seen much nastiness at all, not like I have seen on other forums. So I find RIU to be quite refreshing :-P

And as so eloquently typed by the previous posters...... Use your judgement and ignore the assholes and accept information and friendship from the truly helpful :weed:

Or you can take yer ball and go home :-| and miss the camaraderie and, dare I say, the FUN that most of us have and why we enjoy participating in RIU so much. Not to mention the great info and killer bud pRon :o

Good luck

R2T :peace:


Well-Known Member
"I'm an adult with a DD214, a mortgage, and a marriage. That's my rep."

Amen :clap: Thank you for your service and God bless Bro!

R2T :peace:


Active Member
Cycle through other growing forums when one gets stale or dead, they are all similar anyhow. Not much difference, tighter looser moderation, different color schemes bout it. Half the info is cross linked/sourced anyway; just different users and probably quite a few overlapping.