Free Rep for All!

Commander Strax

Well-Known Member
Rep, Rip, Repp, or Reps is a cloth made of silk, wool, or cotton. The name is said to have been adapted from the French reps, a word of unknown origin; it has also been suggested that it is a corruption of rib. It is woven in fine cords or ribs across the width of the piece. In silk it is used for dresses, neckties, and, to some extent, for ecclesiastical vestments. In wool and cotton it is used for various upholsterypurposes.

Wikipedia Muther Fucker


Staff member
she is, I will give you that ;)

its just the anime avatar really throws a guy off... those anime people are real weirdos 99% of the time.
i am a werido im a 23 year old girl who loves video games and anime:p hahahahah

Nice Ol Bud

Well-Known Member
now she's hot although she's prob. like my daughters age.

I like you Ol bud. How come I've never seen you around here before?
I've been around for awhile.. been real busy with work.. now no work 'cause the weather.. and general contractors are sitting on their asses(like usual).
Now i'm bored, got money saved, got some spare time, so came back to my peeps :)
A lot more trolling since I've been gone.. but shit man.. I knew once the word first came out like 2 years ago that it was going to be a big problem.
Anyways i'm stoned, you seem to have a good head on your shoulders as well.

joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
I'm hvac by trade, but do anything from concrete to roof work, and pretty much anything in between.

whatever pays the bills ya know.