Surprise brownies for friends


Well-Known Member
I have this friend who's really sheltered and grew up with ultra religious conservative mom in terms of drugs and everything. He's mellowed out now but he still has so many misconceptions about weed. He has never smoked, and I'm assuming is too scared to do so many simple things like take a puff of weed or really talk to girls that I introduce him to. What do you think about brownies for him and/or my friends? Any ideas for the friends that need to experience it? Brownies and other baked goods carry no negative health risks, right? Except maybe high calories and sugar content.:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
you should make cannabutter. you use it for everything that calls for butter. grilled cheese, toast, mac n cheese, cookies, muffins, brownies...the list goes on and on.
you start out eating small amounts to find out whats a good dose for you. im sure theres something here about how to make cannabutter. or just google it.


Well-Known Member
you should make cannabutter. you use it for everything that calls for butter. grilled cheese, toast, mac n cheese, cookies, muffins, brownies...the list goes on and on.
you start out eating small amounts to find out whats a good dose for you. im sure theres something here about how to make cannabutter. or just google it.
Thanks, Cannabitch! I will make cannabutter and I will name it after you! Bwahaha. It shall be called Cannabutterbitch.


Well-Known Member
Dont trick someone. It may be funny and I have thought of it too, but if they are not doing something im sure its for a good reason, let them choose. I dunno, unless you know they wont be mad. But man would be funny.. haha


Well-Known Member
I have this friend who's really sheltered and grew up with ultra religious conservative mom in terms of drugs and everything. He's mellowed out now but he still has so many misconceptions about weed. He has never smoked, and I'm assuming is too scared to do so many simple things like take a puff of weed or really talk to girls that I introduce him to. What do you think about brownies for him and/or my friends? Any ideas for the friends that need to experience it? Brownies and other baked goods carry no negative health risks, right? Except maybe high calories and sugar content.:blsmoke:
Don't trick you friend into using weed it not cool it's his personal choice. And eating weed can be a very intense experience. You might end up just giving him a lame paranoid high and make him really hate weed. Just my 2cents:peace:


Well-Known Member
some people need to get tricked!! DO IT DO IT DO IT!! AND RECORD VIDEOS! you will go down in history.


Well-Known Member
he would be to stoned to be mad. and then he'll know why all of us smoke, he'll be like the kid who finally got a good pot connect, happy as fuck and stoned as fuck!
smoke on.
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Well-Known Member
i skipped everyone elses post just to say this:

Dont be a dick..Treat your sober friends like you would treat your favorite teacher..And thats with respect..

respect his choices, change his opinion about the drug but dont change his mindset on not smoking it..

thats somthing he has to do for himself.


Well-Known Member
i skipped everyone elses post just to say this:

Dont be a dick..Treat your sober friends like you would treat your favorite teacher..And thats with respect..

respect his choices, change his opinion about the drug but dont change his mindset on not smoking it..

thats somthing he has to do for himself.
Well put!:bigjoint:


Active Member
i always wanted to surprise the innocent ones, tha'd be fucked up though. id be furious if it were a "surprise."


Well-Known Member
I gave a non smoker .6g of schwag in a cookie.

Lasted 8 hours, and they didnt like it either, they just wanted it to end. I would hate to start with something that lasted so long and have to deal with it... I guess worst thing that could happen is you just sleep it off.


Well-Known Member
who doesnt? lol

but the thing is, think about how you where before you really started smoking.. you were unsure, prob a little scared and was filled up with propaganda B.S..

I have smoked up someone for there first time, but that was after i introduced him the facts, cleared up some of the safety concerns such as the fact that the weed wasnt laced..

imagine your first high, knowing what you were getting into, you are not scared, your a nerves a little high..but you were 100% sure you wanted to hit it..


thats a everyday smoker..


Active Member
HAHAHA one of my friends ate some brownies with us; only, he hasn't toked in about a year and a half. The entire day i had to listen to him saying how he 'wanted it to end.' Yasee hes a very agile fellow; always needs to be on the move, needless to say his hand-eye coordination was alittle off! =]

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
I agree with the others that say NO SNEAKING it in. Sneaking weed in food unbeknownst to them is no different then secretly slipping alcohol into punch and giving it to someone who doesn't want to drink alcohol. I'd call it down right criminal because you are forcing your will on another and taking away their right to choose for themself.

If you do this then you are certainly not a good friend to have. Grow up and behave like an adult... not some high school kid spiking the punch at prom!


Well-Known Member
A few friends of mine who had never smoked and were mostly against it tried it this summer after seeing me and a different friend get high for a week at the beach. They saw that we were basically just normal and chilled out and that we could smoke a whole lot and not have any kind of bad side effects, still hang out with non high people and act pretty normal, have fun, not be weird, etc. It took some exposure to real situations like that for them to see the true side of cannabis and I'm really glad. They tried it this week and immediately loved it. So I guess I wanted to say is that if you want to get your friends to do it, use your actions and example to show them what herb is really about. Smoke on...:blsmoke: