The GreenSanta Grow


Well-Known Member
I love how its like half hung box fan and then.... BAAMMMM dank buds!! Keep up the good grows and I can fully understand how sometimes you try something out just to see that you cana do it, but then if there are problems you just gotta roll with the punches. That's what it sounds like you're doing.. Dude I swear I am starting to have some serious envy to you guys who can have multiple rooms. Keep it up!


Well-Known Member
I harvested chernojill yesterday, attempting to reveg her. The smell is unreal. I will post pics of the nugs when dry.

Yesterday I also transplanted 1 Cheese, my new keeper Respect, and also another Dnatural Grinspoon.

My heavy yielder Cheese (not the same as the one I just transplanted) successfully revegged and cloned, the revegged one will be flowered soon. My Dnatural Grinspoon is still looking good in room1, I think she is around week 6 of budding... she might take a little longer than expected.

I have been toking on Respect recently, nice smoke. I dont smoke a lot and it's a real nice high when u become a lightweight. I have not smoked my keeper Respect yet, that beauty will come down a few weeks to a month from now.

pics soon.


Well-Known Member


Respect (keeper pheno)

Respect, little runt in small container ... still pulling a nice yield for the size of the plant.

ChernoJill Keeper pheno (attempting to reveg...)



SpaceBomb X Medicine

Chemo from Jordan of the Island. This strain really need veg time I have a copy of her and she will be big when she goes to the flower room :eyesmoke:

Happy Growing everyone,
Green Santa :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
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Respect (keeper pheno)
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Respect, little runt in small container ... still pulling a nice yield for the size of the plant.
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ChernoJill Keeper pheno (attempting to reveg...)

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SpaceBomb X Medicine
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Chemo from Jordan of the Island. This strain really need veg time I have a copy of her and she will be big when she goes to the flower room :eyesmoke:
View attachment 2809465

Happy Growing everyone,
Green Santa :eyesmoke:

Some sexy strains man. That Chernojill looks stellar!

A few of my ladies are also 'runt-like'. The buds look absolutely amazing though. I'm definitely going to re-veg one of the God Buds.


Well-Known Member
thanks i am really excited about the winter, I got some nice keepers now... strains that yield well and are not prone to bud rot. Cheese#1 keeper will probably be my best yielder, Spacebomb x Chemo my best all around smoke, Respect my medicine for pain, ChernoJill (if she revegs!!) my let's get silly high smoke and Dnatural Grinspoon aka SpaceGrin my crazy psychedelic high.

I keep an eye open for new keepers or replacing the ones that dont make the cut the second round... I will be growing some BlueSage, a couple Revolution, .. what else, I got some ZionEeze (Rev x Cheese) and some ZionHaze (rev x skunkhaze) one more Orange Chemo and I think that s that for the current line up. Oh yeah another Medicinal strain, I got a few clones of a CBD Shark that I was growing outside at a friends house.


Well-Known Member
All dank. I so want your SB crosses. Jealous. One day I'll do my own. How do you deal with breeding and not effecting your other rooms and tents. Or does everything get pollenated?


Well-Known Member
note to myself, last night September 11th i transplanted 2 Dnatural Grinspoon in a 10gallons container with 1/3 Supersoil and a big scoope of compost. It will be interesting to see the exact flowering time of this cross as they were both mature enough... The other one in room1 doesnt seem to grow buds as big as the original plant that was revegged but the resin production is through the roof.

in the broken 7gallons smart pot that is inserted in a nursery plastic pot, i had 3 zion eaze and 1 was a male and 2 females, I pulled one female to put back in veg and pulled the male, so I have 1 zion eaze just basically showing sex. I decided to only grow 1 female in the container coze the SkunkHaze (parent mother) grew quite big 12/12 from seed so I want to make sure the plant develop to it's full potential... full 12/12 fs potential...

room2 is kind of starting over again with only the Respect, Chemo, and a few SB X Chemo that are getting close to harvest.


Well-Known Member
All dank. I so want your SB crosses. Jealous. One day I'll do my own. How do you deal with breeding and not effecting your other rooms and tents. Or does everything get pollenated?
I went through this step by step earlier in this thread or the older thread .. or actually, if u google Rollitup + SB X Chemo or spacebomb whatever u should find the old breeding thread i had started in the subcool sub section. I am still experimenting with different method I usually get the odd undesired seed in some buds.

I have a chemo going outside right now just starting to shoot pollen so i might take a few pics of the process. I am no sure on which plant i will use it but probably on SB X CHEMO and The Cheese #1


Well-Known Member
note to myself again...

I cloned the keeper respect and the keeper sbxchemo.

I transplanted a Spacebomb X Chemo into a 10 gallons container (filled 3-4 inches from the top) with about 1/6 compost at the bottom mixed with a little promix for aeration, then i put whatever soil that was in the 10 gals from the previous grow back on top.

I also transplanted a CBD SHARK into a small 5 gals smart pot, pulled and plant... then i added an inch or so compost on top. We'll see what happen.

I have a couple plants that I dont really like so I will finish them outside under the sun...

Otherwise not much is happening, room1 is coming along nicely and 2/3 of room2 are plants that are barely showing sex.

In the tent I have a spacebomb x haoma with unbelievable smell to it, nice big ass nugs too considering she spent most of her time in the tent (less light...) So I will def reveg this one. Spacebomb X Chemo might be the first keeper to go but I give it a few rounds to make sure.


Well-Known Member

Respect ( I couldnt upload the closeup picture ... I will def take pics of her before harvest. Nicest plant I have grown in a while. ) The Smell is so sweet... not to mention that's pretty much the only strain I have been smoking these days so I am really looking forward to her coming down ... 7-10 days I am guessing



SpaceGrin ....I can't wait to see more of this cut ... this one was the revegged plant. She's loaded with small buds I think the clones will grow fewer bigger buds. So far this cross is very much like the original Dr.Grinspoon but MUCH MUCH FASTER flowering time.


Well-Known Member
Room 1 ready to rock as well!!
from left to right from the back:
SB X WW (2 in the 10 gallons) SB X WW, SB X WW. SB X CHEMO, CHEESE, Dnatural Grinspoon ... and a mini Respect!!
View attachment 2753546

The light setup for this round, not sure i can keep the af600 at 80% ... depends on the weather, the room is running at night time now so i might be good.
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It will be interesting to see how this SB X CHEMO cut does because she is pretty small at this point.

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SB X MED not quite ready but i needed to make room for next round and that's that ... trichs are cloudy anyhow.
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Dnatural Grinspoon, Chemo (Jordan), Respect, and a revegged cheese~1, my heavy yielder.
View attachment 2753540

Happy Growing everyone,
Green Santa :eyesmoke:

This SB X CHEMO plant did so good, even though I flowered the clone at like 4'' tall, it ended up being like 36''-48'' tall with great big frosty buds. I would guess easily over one ounce. I will post pics soon.

In the same container I transplanted a Shark after adding about 1/4 supersoil SS2 at the bottom of the container. Third run for this container. Went into room1. My WW X SB crosses are all just about ready. So far I don't think I will reveg any of them.

That's about it!


Well-Known Member
Not much is going on besides I will upload pics of dry SB X CHEMO nugs, my keeper, once again, the buds are COATED with trichs. The buds were dry enough to go into jar for 12hours. I can't find the camera right now and my woman is sleeping...

Today I chopped a SB X WW, the first of the batch, only around 7 weeks into budding but I missed a watering and the plant was completely wilted and didnt really recover after watering... i think i killed her!!! Anyway, even though she wasnt ready, there were almost no white hair and she was SUPER frosty ... well especially the sugar trim. I don't think I will be revegging any of the SB X WW, I couldnt reveg this one even if I wanted to. Sure has a nice candy smell like the house smelled SO GOOD while trimming.

Yesterday Sept. 20th I transplanted a very small Revolution into room2. This strain is very quick to mature I believe 45-55 days.

I filled the 7gals smart pot about 2/3 or just over half, so not a lot of soil/ss in the container. At the bottom I have some SS2 (just a remainder SS2 is my supersoil recipe #2 from last SS batch recipes are somewhere early in the thread), re-used weak soil for second layer and a light compost top up. I figured since the strain is quick to flower I might get away with less of everything.


Well-Known Member
I placed a Haoma outside about 2.5 months ago, and the bitch is huge now.

Tons of Red, Blue, Green, Yellow, leaves.... beautiful plant! Buds are small, and purple - might not like the 'cold', I'm curious to see how she produces.

Worst case scenario I use all of her for hash and oil!


Well-Known Member
Yes Beef the SpaceGrin is quite special,... it's like growing resin, not buds!! The others just starting now are going to grow bigger buds, this one was the revegged one and it has more smaller buds, so branchy!!

This is note to myself, it's ok if you dont understand, i do :eyesmoke:
Today I transplanted a Cheese, 5-6 inches high. I replanted in the container from WW X SB, I added at the bottom about 1/3 to 1/4 RE-SS strong mix** cut with a little dirt from ww x sb then added the ww x sb soil back on top.

Happy Growing everyone.
Green Santa :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
You must spread.......

SpaceGrin=:o Seriously, I was just looking at those pix and I noticed my mouth was just hanging open. I love plants like that. Reason #12,052 to move to Canada.

Bravo Maestro, Bravo!