cheklist - thing to do beore harvesting.


i was wandering if there are any ideas or tricks one can do before harvest in order to increase yelid and improve its quality .
i was reading all sorts ot things:
1. to deprive of water 5 days before harvest.
2. to hold in complete dark 0\24 for 2 days before harvest.
3. to hold in complete light 24/0 for 2 days before harvest.
4. to give only water for the last 2 weeks
5. to lower humidity to 40%
6. to give molasa last watering.
7. to cut down fan leaves 1 day before
8. to cut all small lower buds 2 weeks before.
9. not to dry in oven and smoke half a plant 2 weeks before.


New Member
You should only be giving water to flush nutes out.

RH shouldn't be much over 40% to begin with.

Don't water excessively just prior to harvest.

Harvest in the morning.

Anything else is just jibber-jabber IMO. Try some things though, see if something grabs ya


New Member
when the trichs start to get cloudy,I'll start to flush.I'll pull only unhealthy leaves during flush.let it hang in the dark w/ a fan going


Well-Known Member
I have heard the 0/24 for a week or so, on certain strains. You could try to contact the breeder and see if s/he has any input. One thing I have heard is to cut off the popcorn buds on the bottom, and I think that is basically throughout the grow, check for tiny little scraps of buds on the bottoms of branches closest to the main stem. This way the plant doesn't put energy to trying to make a tiny bud bigger, and can focus on making the top buds, which are already pretty big, bigger. You definately want to flush with straight water before harvesting, and that is to get any chemical fertilizers flushed out of the plants system so it doesn't taste like shit when you smoke it. If you dry it in the oven, you will have instabud, that tastes like grass, and has a 0.5 bag appeal. But you'll get high!! lol not the way to go if you want quality


New Member
"Yes" to nine, five you should strive for all the time if you have mold, mildew, and/or bud rot issues, and "no" to all the rest, IMO.


New Member
Oh yeah, don't dry in the oven ... Or the microwave, or the food dehydrator (I've done all but the oven lol), they all pretty much ruin your life.
Ive run some fresh flower through my Volcano with some success, but there's a bit of a system to it and it's still not optimal IMO.


Well-Known Member
My friend who has been growing for 30 years told me to cut back on water for the last week, even give it no water at all.

"if you feel that's she's a week from harvest, only give her clear (pond) water..

You can also stop giving anything, no water anymore, this way she knows she's at her end, will spend all her last energy into THC production and after 2 or 3 days she already lost a lot of water out of her system. This will shorten the curing time"
No nutes for sure the last 2 weeks, only ph'd water. And yes, don't water it the last 5 days. It helps with drying and curing.

24 hours of darkness is enough, just before you start cutting. Plants use the dark periods to transfer nutrients to the buds and the rest of the plant for growth. 24 hours of it, does nothing but give the plant time to pull every last thing from the medium and the roots for bud maturation.

Dropping the humidity to 40 percent is one thing I'm doing as well. When the plant losses the moisture, it tries to produce more resin on the plant to aid dehydration. A lot of big building grows do this with commercial dehumidifiers.

Good luck man!


No nutes for sure the last 2 weeks, only ph'd water. And yes, don't water it the last 5 days. It helps with drying and curing.

24 hours of darkness is enough, just before you start cutting. Plants use the dark periods to transfer nutrients to the buds and the rest of the plant for growth. 24 hours of it, does nothing but give the plant time to pull every last thing from the medium and the roots for bud maturation.

Dropping the humidity to 40 percent is one thing I'm doing as well. When the plant losses the moisture, it tries to produce more resin on the plant to aid dehydration. A lot of big building grows do this with commercial dehumidifiers.

Good luck man!
tnx man for your reply. right now my humidity is around 50%, and i still have 4 weeks for harvest (maybe more). was thinking about geting one of those:
do you think i will be good enough? i use 1.2x1.2x1.8 tent.


I have heard the 0/24 for a week or so, on certain strains. You could try to contact the breeder and see if s/he has any input. One thing I have heard is to cut off the popcorn buds on the bottom, and I think that is basically throughout the grow, check for tiny little scraps of buds on the bottoms of branches closest to the main stem. This way the plant doesn't put energy to trying to make a tiny bud bigger, and can focus on making the top buds, which are already pretty big, bigger. You definately want to flush with straight water before harvesting, and that is to get any chemical fertilizers flushed out of the plants system so it doesn't taste like shit when you smoke it. If you dry it in the oven, you will have instabud, that tastes like grass, and has a 0.5 bag appeal. But you'll get high!! lol not the way to go if you want quality
first geting high, then quality. man i have been smoking in india and in the amazonas and all sort of places, and ppl use any object and any quality of weed to smoke and get high. once i will secure somting for myself (CUZ i am as dry as it possible to be), then i will start talking quality. right now it would be like hungry person who starts nagging about the quality of the food he is served.


Well-Known Member
I feel you on that. Man I'm STARVING. Waiter my filet mignion is not cook properly, I think its burned please send it back. Yes I will wait. impatiently lolol

I've also been harvesting parts of my crop, if a couple buds seem like they are finished (all red hairs, slight gold tint to it) I go ahead and pull that, and leave the rest. That way the plant is still alive to make more buds and crystals, and I trick it into thinking its dying (it actually is though) so she might put more effort into the remaining buds
tnx man for your reply. right now my humidity is around 50%, and i still have 4 weeks for harvest (maybe more). was thinking about geting one of those:
do you think i will be good enough? i use 1.2x1.2x1.8 tent.
That'll work, I think. I have a stand up one in my basement. It's basically a whole home dehumidifier.
They work great for resin production.
That last week is like.... BAM..... A white out... It's crazy...

Plus, it also helps out a lot with drying and curing.
For 30 bucks, you won't be disappointed!

Make sure you give it ONLY PH'd water the last week or two. I do two. The smell changes greatly after a few days and you'll know right away that it was the right thing to do.